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Sunday, September 05, 2010

One Percent Transaction Tax Is Proposed?

President Obama's finance team is recommending a transaction tax. This is a 1% tax on all transactions at any financial institution i. e. Banks, Credit Unions, etc.. Any deposit you make, or move around within your account, i. e. transfer to, will have a 1% tax charged. If your pay check or your social Security or whatever is direct deposit, 1% tax charged. If you hand carry a check in to deposit, 1% tax charged, If you take cash in to deposit, 1% tax charged.This is from the man who promised that if you make under $250,000 per year, you will not see one penny of new tax. Keep your eyes and ears open, you will be amazed at what you learn.

Some will say aw it's just 1%... remember once the tax is there they can raise it at will.


Anonymous said...

This is money needed to pay for illegal mexicans health care and for welfare people who have never and will never work.
I would like to thank obama for getting us to the brink a revolution. I just can't wait!
The socialist are out in numbers this election , if they win , it's over.99% of all the democrats are pure socialist now.

Anonymous said...

You know there is a pretty easy solution to this Joe. Pull your money out of banks and work strictly on a cash basis.

You know that 10% tax on tanning salons that was implemented? That was one that many don't know about. Anyway, it is being circumvented by people paying in cash. That's right. My daughter goes to the tanning salon and the owner now requests cash to avoid paying and charging the tax. What this also means is that they can also avoid claiming all of their income - good for them. By applying these taxes the government is assuring that they will actually recieve less revenues through taxation.

Pull your money out of the banks and pay as you go in cash.

Anonymous said...

Assuming what I've read is correct. This is a recommendation. Has the President agreed to this?

Concerned Retiree said...

Can anyone answer a question for me? Obama and his not so smart Con-Artist always wants to punish the Tax Payer with higher taxes (fees) without cutting spending responsibly. They have and are still punishing Banks, Wall Street and other finacial institutions because of their poor stewardship of the peoples money and concerned about more money in their personnal pockets. Are the Politians not Stewards of the Tax Payers money? Why are they not held accountable for Pork Barrel spending, constantly robbing SSI and not cutting all non-essential entitlements (all political vote getting exspenses)? I would like a Progressive / Liberal to answer also what is the difference in these two groups? Anybody that can explain the difference will be a Genuis and would qualify for the Nobel Peace Award.

smitty240 said...

Remember 11-2-10
This will be your once in a lifetime opportunity to make a HUGE difference in your children's future!

Vote conservative. Remember, republican does not equal conservative! Look for the candidates that support limited federal government and state's rights. These are the people in tune with the ideals of our country's founders and the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

This is the "Bank Tax". The U.S. Federal Government will tax the banks - because they have been the culprits in the financial meltdown with their over leveraging and bets at AIG on the values of stocks and home mortgage CDO's. The (shell) company the financial oligarchs set up to take the "bets" on the ridiculous bubble being created ON PURPOSE, was AIG. The Company did not have the funds to pay up on the bets once the system was deliberately crashed, and so, the Government agreed to allow the tax payers to honor those bets.
Now the "government" wants to act tough against the criminals who control our economy by imposing a "bank tax".
Once again the American Taxpayer will pay the 1% tax because the banking cartel will "in unison" pass the tax along to us.
Our government and economy have been hijacked by these financial elites. They control BOTH PARTIES with the money they print out of thin air (enter digits into a computer keyboard).
Our government has the right to print its own money! If it can issue Treasury Bonds, then it can issue Cash. Ask yourself why we are paying interest on the debt created by our own government? The bonds are being "bought" by the Federal Reserve - supposedly the People's Bank? No, it is a PRIVATE bank and they do not ever show the American People where they get the funds to buy the bonds. They cannot be audited.
They are profiting from the outrageous creation (counterfeit) of Fed Reserve Notes (debt)out of thin air. They simply print their own money.
These bankers are the terrorists. They are the culprits of the economic depression. They are wicked and evil.

Unknown said...

A quick check shows that this is in a bill proposed by a Pennsylvania democratic congressman and has no sponsors, so will go nowhere in Congress. It is not proposed by Obama.
It has no chance of passage.

Anonymous said...

It wont be between political parties, it will be between two societies.

Anonymous said...

More false info. and hysteria. Unfortunately dummies on the right will take anything they see in print for the gospel truth before they factcheck the issue.

Anonymous said...

10:59 What the names of the shareholders of the Fed? Remember years back they rented a whole island(name slips me) and they all met there under almost secretive circumstances, who are these people.

Anonymous said...

11:01 Thanks for getting this straight! See how easily bad news & untruths can spread.
So Check Out the Facts Jack!

Anonymous said...

I am a registered democrat but I can tell you I will not vote for one democrat in this election. I am sick of Obama, and all his following....especially the Democrats. Yeah I will vote conservative and I will vote for all new people cause these are a disgrass to us as a country and I'm talking Obama right on down to our local level.

Anonymous said...

Concerned Retiree has good points. How come nobody is addressing those questions? Those questions does not only apply to this recommendation from whom ever but all new taxes, fees and all spending of the Politians. I will add My2 cents by saying Politians should take a $1000 pay cut, 10% benefit cut and 75% retirement cut for every $100 that take away from me in added taxes & or fees. Then we will see who works for the people or who works for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Makes me wonder how many of you are against Obama due to his actions/policies and how many are against simply because of BS like this story. Wanna know why you always complain about gov. not working for you? Because they know they can do what they want then manipulate you with BS stories like this to vote for them again.

Anonymous said...

Leadership starts at the top, if a company does poorly, the CEO is fired and replaced, if a sport team does poorly the coach is fired and replaced, what happens when a county is doing poorly? I say impeach Barry Obama and make the right choices during the November elections. Its time to take our country back from the liberals!

Anonymous said...

Jekyl Island and they called each other by 1st name only so the wait staff would never know who they were. It is reported that the group included Rockefeller and JP Morgan - both of whom were Rothschild Cohorts. When Morgan died his estate was only worth a couple of million dollars. He secretly worked for the Rothschild Family his entire life.

It was Peter Geithner (1960's) who managed the funding of Chase bank in Indonesia on behalf of the CIA. Geithner worked closely with Ann Dunham who was also CIA in their efforts to prevent the spread of communism in Indonesia. Little Timmy and Barry used to play together while living in Indonesia.

Pretty wild huh?

smitty240 said...

But, does anyone not believe that if the progressives retain control of both branches of Congress that this bill will not either gain cosponsors this session or resurface next year with additional support?

They are floating this for two reasons:
1. To see if the mainstream media pick up on it and report it.

2. To judge public reaction if the constituency becomes aware of it.

Anonymous said...

IF something like this DOES pass, I will no longer use the bank. I will do what they did in the old days and operate solely on cash.
Sure, I'll still have to pay 1% at some point because the payroll company now demands direct deposit but after that, they'll not touch any more of my money.
Think the banks are in bad shape now? Wait till they try something like this and see how much trouble it puts the banks in!