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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Maryland Legislature Just Can't Get It Together On A Renewable Energy Policy - You Want To Know Why?

Marylanders can't get a comprehensive energy policy out of Annapolis because the entrenched career politicians are beholden to special interest. There is nothing more compelling and convincing than actually seeing it for yourself.

To search for recipients for Energy Political Action Committee go to:
select organization, and enter the word 'energy' and select the 2010 Election cycle.

Do any of you recognize any of our local boys? It's no wonder Constellation Energy got away with the highest electricity rate increase - (72%) - ever recorded in US history.

Stay tuned for Part 2 in our series on how to try and clean-up the corruption in Annapolis.


Anonymous said...

Good gosh - I had no idea that Constellation would throw so much money around.

By the look of the amount of contributions it looks as though almost all of the legislature is on the take.

Wow - where did you get this information.

Anonymous said...

I see Friends of Norm Conway and even Paige Elmore are listed as contributors to.

Mike Miller was given a horrendous amount of money by Constellation.

lmclain said...

I keep sayin', and they keep proving me right, over and over and over again. These low-life, thieving, bribe taking, campaign contribution pickpockets, lying, two-faced, stealing, cheating politicians (EVERY ONE of them, even the heroes and saviors currently running for office) keep promising to "fight for the common man", "take up for the little people", and the always popular "cut out all the wasteful spending", or they remind us that they "are NOT beholden to special interests" (while they have their hands out to ALL the special interests for "campaign contributions" --- also known as pre-election bribes) and tell us they are an "outsider" who will CERTAINLY do "whats needed" and oh yeah!! "whats right". THEN they steal us blind, lie about everything (even when we SEE them do something, they deny it (!) and tell us, with a very sincere look on their face , that they did SOMETHING OTHER THAN WHAT WE SAW !! Generally treat us as imbecilic peasants. Lets see, represent the people to whom you made all these promises to??? OR, throw them and their interests to the wolves while you scoop up as many bribes as your pockets can hold?? You ALL know the answer. I'm thinking pitchforks, torches and ropes.....

Anonymous said...

To Imclain Posting

I could not have said it any better. When I went through that list I was astounded to see some of our very own Congressional leaders are recipients of PAC money.

Why in the world would Norm Conway and Paige for that matter - accept money from a utility that isn't even in our District?

I share all of the hostilities and sentiments when I look at the vast sums of money. What a shame!!!