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Monday, September 27, 2010

Maryland Cell Phone Ban Takes Effect Friday

WASHINGTON - Come Friday, driving and talking on a cell phone in Maryland could get you a ticket, but only if you're doing something else wrong.

The law, which was passed in April, requires drivers to use a hands-free device. It's a secondary offense, meaning you can only get a ticket for using your cell phone if you've already been pulled over for another violation.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Seat belt laws were once secondary and in time that will cease with this law too. Get prepared it will be no time before they can stop you if they see you on the phone.

Anonymous said...

The average driver breaks 7 traffic laws per mile. Finding a primary violation to stop for the cell phone in use will be easy for them. How about 2-5 miles over the speed limit.

lmclain said... absolutely correct...we will soon be "served and protected" on a scale not seen before...seen the "SPEEDING is AGRESSIVE driving" signs??? Since when is 57 in a 50 zone "agressive driving"??? Ask any CITIZEN if THEY think its "agressive driving"...Just another "campaign" against the citizens, just like this cell phone thing....all done by PUBLIC MASTERS who keep finding new ways to fine, levy, confiscate, search, and sieze. Within a year, this will be a PRIMARY offense, opening up a whole new world of police activity. How long will it be before we are ticketed for not driving "with both hands on the steering wheel"? THINK of the possibilities!!!

Anonymous said...

It is revenue for the State of Maryland, that is the only reason it passed.

Dotn get me wrong, I believe we should have laws. The problem is you cant make laws for common sense. Some people should not drive period they are just STUPID! What about eating and driving, reading news paper and driving, reading anything and driving, putting make up on and driving, smoking and driving, and my all time favorite, having sex and driving. what about cops on computers and driving, firefighters on computers and driving, talking on radios and driving in public service.

You can make laws for stupidity! they are making laws to get revenue and that is all the state cares about.

If you want to ride a motorcycle with out a helmet, that is YOUR right. If you have an accident while texting, then take the license away. What about all those insane Mom's in the mini vans with entitlement to anything they do?

You want to change the world, change everyones attitude from being a ME, ME, ME one...

Courtesy and Morals people... Grow Up get common sense, you not the only one on the planet, your not the most important person out on the road.


Anonymous said...

when you're involved in a crash with someone driving and talking on their cell you won't think banning cell phones was such a bad idea.
grow up and be responsible while driving!

Anonymous said...

if im talking to a passenger - distracted driving. if im changing the radio - distracted driving. if im changing the thermostat (ac/heat) - distracted driving. if i scratch my ear - wreckless driving (one hand on wheel).
if you do one, you have to do them all, right? i mean, its only fair.

lmclain said...

9:27.... where DID that STATISTIC (7 broken laws per mile) come from??? I drive about 8 miles to work each, back & forth to work, every day, I break the law about 112 times --- each day!? Man!!! We need THOUSANDS more police!!! Or, come to the realization that the laws we supposedly break so often shouldn't ALL be law....its gonna be like the seat belt law....ANOTHER reason for the police to use (I THOUGHT it was a cell phone and even though you were just scratching your ear, I might as well check you out now that I have pulled you over) to inspect you & search you and your car. It won't be long before "appearing to use" a cell phone will be a primary offense....Orwell must have had a magic mirror to peer into the future

Anonymous said...

Just this morning I was behind a lady and she was on the phone with her right hand, had cigarette in her left hand while also steering and turning the car.
Do you people REALLY think you're capable to doing all of this at one time?
Oh yeah, that's right, you do but as a driver on the road with you watching you speed up/slow down, driving all over your lane and even crossing into the other lane, I'm here to tell you different.
You CAN'T do all of this AND drive responsibly!

Anonymous said...

Take the phone away from her ear, and cigarette out of her hand adn I bet she still drive like shit.

Oh yeah, no smoking and driving I forgot that one.

More money for the state of make rules cause people are stupid... AKA: Maryland

Anonymous said...

does speakerphone account for "hands free"?

Anonymous said...

I think it should be a "Primary" offense and the first time fine should be 500 dollars, the second 1000 dollars and the third 6 months in Jail. Maybe that would sink in the heads of the stupid nitwits driving and yapping on the phone. Being caught texting and driving should be an automatic 6 month jail sentence.

Rebel Without a Clue said...

Anonymous 11:59, if this is what you believe then I'm afraid that there will not be enough police left to arrest all of those criminals out there because they'll surely be arrested each other for the exact same violations. I ride around and it seems that every cop from every agency is on his/her cell phone while driving down the road. Are we allowed to give out citations to the police?

What about those folks who get distracted when praying in their cars while driving down the road (I don't do it but I know some who do) or those who are distracted by singing along with the radio, should we ban radios? Actually I wouldn't mind limiting decibel limits from stereo's but that's for personal reasons and a topic for a different discussion.

Either way folks start getting used to using your hands-free features on your cell phones or purchase a blue tooth headset or maybe the blue tooth unit that you can clip to your sun visor. If you have a newer vehicle then your stereo may already be equipped with blue tooth so you're set, just break out the owners manual and start reading.