I mean, take a look at what just came in, extremely important information from the Salisbury Fire Department. How we have survived this long without a PIO in the SFD is truly beyond me.
The Salisbury Fire Department has VOLUNTEERS, why doesn't a Volunteer do this job. Clearly it doesn't take anything more special than a computer and spell check. Considering the comments that come in on every SFD Post, they all get on computers and have some skill.
If the County Council can ask for Jim Fineran's job, they, (including Mayor Ireton) should cut some of the fat in the SFD and ask a Volunteer to step up to the plate instead.
Chick-Fil-A teams up with local firefighters to see who can eat the most Spicy Chicken Sandwiches in four minutes.
Activities for the kids, fire truck display, give-a- ways, and music.
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Time: 5:00pm until 8:00pm
Location: Chick-Fil-A, across from the Maryland State Police Barracks / Dagsboro Road
Competing will be a representative from each of the Wicomico County Fire Departments. Feel free to bring other dept. members, family, and friends. Please come out and support our SFD contest reps- wear an SFD t-shirt and cheer them on!!!!
The public is invited to this free, family event! For more info, call 410-251-1253.
Melissa L. Brown, B.S., FF/NREMT-P
Public Information Officer
Salisbury Fire Department
The Salisbury Fire Department has VOLUNTEERS, why doesn't a Volunteer do this job. Clearly it doesn't take anything more special than a computer and spell check. Considering the comments that come in on every SFD Post, they all get on computers and have some skill.
If the County Council can ask for Jim Fineran's job, they, (including Mayor Ireton) should cut some of the fat in the SFD and ask a Volunteer to step up to the plate instead.
Which Firefighter Can Take The Heat…
Chick-Fil-A teams up with local firefighters to see who can eat the most Spicy Chicken Sandwiches in four minutes.
Activities for the kids, fire truck display, give-a- ways, and music.
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Time: 5:00pm until 8:00pm
Location: Chick-Fil-A, across from the Maryland State Police Barracks / Dagsboro Road
Competing will be a representative from each of the Wicomico County Fire Departments. Feel free to bring other dept. members, family, and friends. Please come out and support our SFD contest reps- wear an SFD t-shirt and cheer them on!!!!
The public is invited to this free, family event! For more info, call 410-251-1253.
Melissa L. Brown, B.S., FF/NREMT-P
Public Information Officer
Salisbury Fire Department
You are so right. If every whiney fireman can post here why can't they send out Press Releases? However they would have to be all negative since that's all the SPD career guys want to hear about. Why can't this function be consolidated and have one person for all the City departments? Thats what private sector businesses have had to do.
I have a question?
Does the B.S. Stand for Bull Shit?
Just wondering Melissa
As a Volunteer I couldn't agree more. Wonder how many more qualifactions and hoops we would have to jump through to be as " qualified " to do the same job. This Dept. is a total mess right now and we are on the verge of serious morale problems both volunteer and career, so much back stabbing, lying and abuse of power by swelled heads right now that the troops are about to say screw it all and move on to other depts. If the Mayor deosen't appoint a Chief to lead us very soon the mission statement of the Dept. is going to be lost. The citizens will suffer. And the Mayor and Council will have failed the public.
11:36 Thats about the best way to describe whats going on. Right on target, coulden't have said it any better and by the way I am a career firefighter.
So how will an appointed Chief make a difference?
Some will like the new Chief and follow his lead. Some will dislike the new Chief and do all in their power to cause problems. Some will gleefuly sit back and add fuel to the fire (pun not intended) of both sides. All will gripe that Volunteers have it easier than paids and vic-versa.
One side will go on and on about the new Chief's good leadership and the other side will go on and on about how bad the leadership of the new Chief is.
Don't hang up the computer yet Joe - for within a week after a new Chief is appointed someone will fing "good" and someone will find fault" People don't change.
The fire dept. should fire her too!
Public Information Officer , you got to be kidding me. NOT a need!
Hard to fire someone when she is the live in lover of the Acting Deputy Chief Bragg. Oh but there is no conflicts in the fire department when she gets written up or complaints filed against her.
Does she still work an assigned shift? If so, she is not paid any more than someone else, and yet instead of sleeping, or in all fairness, doing chores, she is an acting PIO. This is good time and personel management, it's not a full time job. Hey, and as far as Drew banging the PIO, no differant than blo*** Hoppes, he does what he has to, to get by otherwise doing nothing.
public information officer? first i've heard of this promo at Chick-Fil-A. and it starts in about an hour. ever heard of creating a Facebook Event Melissa?
Sounds like to me that the Salisbury Fire Department has become the epitome of the "Good Ole Boy" network. Eat your heart our Somerset County Govt.
I can't criticize Melissa, but many of my friends simply hate the Salisbury Fire Department!
We hate the people in charge and the wasteful spending of our money.
I guess they need some PR work.
AN outside opinion from an inside person. It use to be a great department, one that was very hard to get a job at. The department was very picky who they hired and it was usually a volunteer with experience that the duty chiefs approved of. Sure there was fighting and backstabbing always has been, there was a paid volunteer thing. In the heat of fire, or service to public it all disappeared.
Now you have hired people who only want to suck up and move up. PIO, come on cant the deputy Chief or secretary do this. I hate to tell you guys you are NOT a big department at all.
Never will be with the salaries and city you live in, most of you would rather work DC, PG but are afraid to make the change cause in a 50 man department you feel important. In a 2,000 man department you have a lot of sucking up to do to make it.
I am sorry things have changed, I am also sorry they hired a lot of you trouble makers and you have run the department down from what it was. I miss old Jimmy Beachamp, Steve Fowler, Lee Maczis. Thankfully there are still some good people working there.
New chief, you better hope I never get it cause half of you clowns would be gone or back on the medic unit.
Wow, PIO does anybody really know this persons history or read the black book....
She robs the city of comp time. She will take off a day to come in and work several hours doing nothing and then release a stupid paragraph about something her and the pirate thought was great and everyone else knows its stupid information....So no, she does not do stuff while she is working on the shift, and if she does, she will put her ambulance out of service to push calls off on others she works with.
Melissa is sweet, and a hell of a lot prettier than Fineran!
You can’t tell me the fire chief, deputy fire chief, or two administrative assistants can’t send out public information I mean come on. If the fire chief can type for dissemination within the department he can hit send email to others. More wasteful spending continues
11:27...you are correct....that is what BS stands for. All the BS that is going on in the fire department right now and a "PIO" is pushing spicy chicken salad sandwiches....give me a break. Is that supposed to divert attention away from the problems. NOT!
The PIO has more complaints and write ups than we can count. When the boy friend became Acting Deputy they disappeared. Yes thats right. Disappeared ! According to Hoppes she is the answer to all the problems that have dominated Salisbury Fire. The PIO is the answer. Nice try Big Boy. Just more wasteful spending that causes poor morale. Got something you need to say then send it yourself. There already one ambulance O.O.S. and we dont need your PIO taking comp time and shutting another down. Nobody cares about Salisbury doin's so dont waste the time. You pissed the masses off with your transfers and BS station shuffles.
Why is everyone picking on the PIO, I have seen her on the news, she seems to be nice and knows what she is talking about. On her uniform shirt I see several robbons and medals so she must be a great firefighter and saved lives or something like that. I dont think they give out medals for paperwork or wrighting paragraphs like someone else stated above. So stop hateing and try to be like her earn your pay, whare are the rest of you guys medals, Oh wait you got to get off your asses to get em. HAHA LOSERS !!!!
SFD gives out medals for doing CPR, rescuing cats and ducks from storm drains, administrative duties and anything else you can think of...Medals day is truly a joke in the SFD!!! Heck i have several and dont know what they are even for, so i dont wear them on my shirt.
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