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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

BP E-mails Show Decisions Pre-Blast To Save ‘Lots Of Time’ And Money

The House Energy and Commerce Committee, in an effort to press BP on its cost-cutting and time-saving decisions that led to the Gulf disaster, has released a series of documents that seem to show BP cutting corners on what it knew was a “nightmare well.” We’ve put many of them in our document viewer—linked below—so you can check them out.

One e-mail, for instance, noted that BP’s chosen well design “saves lots of time ... at least 3 days.”

According to the House committee’s letter to BP CEO Tony Hayward, BP chose this more risky option despite the fact that in April a review of the plan recommended against it. Another option being considered “would have cost $7 to $10 million more and taken longer,” according to the committee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tony Hayward sold a third of his BP stock a month before the "accident". BP has spent a fortune lobbying for Cap and Trade bill (to destroy the coal industry) Brazil's oil drilling company named Petrobras was given 2 BILLION dollars last year by Obama. Petrobras is gearing up to drill baby drill in the Gulf now, the same time that drilling in the US is halted. George Soros owns Petrobras. Connect the dots.