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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The New Bill Of Rights


Anonymous said...

Got that right!

Anonymous said...

You guys make this claim but can't ever seem to really provide facts to back it up. Typical of the blind idealogue

Anonymous said...

Bush's patriot act steps all over the Bill of Rights.

Alex said...

Exactly what amendments have been taken away?
Aren't teabaggers openly calling Obama Hitler while wearing their automatic weapons?

Anonymous said...


Yeah, it is such a bad idea that like most 0f Bushs' other terror policies Obama has kept them. How is closing Gotmo within a year working out for you libs?

Anonymous said...

This is the difference between a nation led by Founding Fathers and a nation being dismantled by a foundling father.

Anonymous said...

9:47-What about the fact that Obama said he'd filibuster ANY telecom immunity bill, then turned around and voted for it?

Unknown said...

Wow people are so stupid in this country. Obama is the most liberal president, he has a communist philosophy and is using it today in this country. Even his approval ratings are below 50%, 46% was the last i saw about two months ago. How long has he been in Office like two years? It took bush almost 8 years to get that low of an approval rating LMAO! And alex they arent teabaggers they are regular americans opposing how much the gov't has taken over and going against the constitution and how out of control we are on spending money. When I saw Obama bow to the president of china I said "yeah you better bow to him because he's the only thing keeping this country afloat right now", which is true hahaha. The president hasn't done a damn thing yet except pass the stupid socialist health care bill when he should have been focusing on Jobs because isn't that what he said he was going to focus on in the state of the union address, but like a week later he was still on the health care bill trying to ram it down our throats. It's pretty funny because 58% of the american people want it repealed. Obama is killing my family business, with all the taxes in place. We've had to let 25 people go and buying products now is much higher for us. This president only wants to create jobs in the Gov't sector not the private sector! Lets see if I can list all the failures of this president so far: The economy because unemployment just rose from 9.7% to 9.9% again, closing Gitmo, Getting the Olympics here in the U.S. lol, War in Iraq and Afghanistan, stimulus bill

Anonymous said...

What a noronic graphic. Show us how the President has ignored the bill of rights, just pathetic

thomas augustus littleton said...

No President can change the constitution. No Supreme Court can change the Constitution. Only the legislature can amend the Constitution.

Protect our Bill of Rights & entire Constitution. Vote for representatives who are real Americans who will PROTECT and DEFEND the Constitution!

Yes, Bush did trash the Bill of Rights with the Patriot Act. Liberals screamed bloody murder. Now liberals control the executive and legislative branches. Did they repeal the Patriot Act? Hell no, they like the power to spy on everybody, too!

Alex said...

You still can't tell me what amendment rights have been taken away from you.

Also, if you read a little, you will be shocked to find out that a ceremonial bow in most Asian countries is the appropriate greeting. Same with W holding hands with Saudi Sheikh. Your close-minded approach just proves shallowness.

Your taxes under Obama actually went down.

BTW his ratings are climbing up.

When was the last time you have heard of US soldier die in Iraq?

If you're blaming the economy on Obama, you're simply mis-informed.

If not getting the Olympics here was somehow the President's fault, then you got me there.

BTW they are teabagger. They are a group of angry misinformed people who name themselves after a tax revolt and yet have no idea of what's happening to their taxes.

Jim Laverty said...

If you can't see the direction obama is taking us then you are blind. Wake up or don't complain when it is all over. He is now complaining about technology calling it a distraction. However it was great when it was used to add money to his campaign funds. He stated that the PA conservatives cling to tightly to their Bibles and Guns. So I see in that an attack on Freedom of Religion, Right to bare arms, and since he can't control technology an attack on freedom of speech.
Go do we draw these conclusions?

Anonymous said...

Alex 12:34- I can tell you, for a fact because I am here, There have been casualties in Iraq, and Afghanisatan, within the last week. Maybe the others are not the only ones "misinformed". Maybe you should ask the question of why you are not hearing about that from this administration? Hi pot. I'm Kettle......

Anonymous said...

Alex 12:34- I can tell you, for a fact because I am here, There have been casualties in Iraq, and Afghanisatan, within the last week. Maybe the others are not the only ones "misinformed". Maybe you should ask the question of why you are not hearing about that from this administration? Hi pot. I'm Kettle......

Anonymous said...

To Alex:

Obama Bin Laden is trying to take away the 2nd amendment... he is also taking our 1st amendments away, but have the news only cover what he tells them... Also when we speak out freely we are tarnished and called traitors or your so called tea-baggers... How about the freedom to govern ourselves? thats gone too..
Oh how about the fact we can't discipline our kids without getting in trouble or going to jail and have to explain why our children run a muck and are disrespectful since we can't discipline them... How about the new laws they want to pass that says NO distractions while driving, which from what i read include babies, passengers, radio, cell phones, oh and eating while driving...

I think thats a lot, and this is all in less than 2 years of Obama being president... How about the fact that he is trying to give Illegal immigrants free stuff over the people who become legal or even the ones born here... How about the fact that he makes more rewards for you to be dependent of the government instead of being a productive member of society and work for your stuff... That my friend is taking away the right to live, That I was given by being a legal born citizen, and was given to me by ALL MY FRIENDS WHO DIED IN THE IRAQ WAR FOR YOU TO STILL BE ABLE TO POST CRAP LIKE THAT...


Did you know Alex that the U.N. wants to put a tax on Global internet use? didn't think so..

Anonymous said...

Can anyone see what he is writing? Joe, Maybe we could zoom in and see if anything is an impeachable offense and then use that as a grounds for impeachment? Does anyone know if this is the real document (I think they keep it in DC) maybe he could be charged with defacing a publci document or something along those lines.

Alex said...

1:07 there is so much wrong with your rambling ... it's scary that people like you even exist and breed.

Anonymous said...


Please for the love of god tell me you are kidding and you dont think this is a real photo. If you think its real go google "photoshop" and what can be done with it and a skilled artist.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is photoshopped...just look at what hand he is holding the pen.

Anonymous said...

Jim, I guess you just fall hook-line-and sinker for every attack job Fox News prints. Please go back and listen to the pres.'s words on technology. He was talking about people like you who believe anything they see in print without any factchecking of the source.
As far as "bibles and guns". The whole point was that people have lost faith in the gov. to perform any of the tasks that it should be doing. They feel beat up by the rich and the corporations so of course they cling steadfastly to what they feel are the only things (and most important) that they own.

But I guess really my breath is wasted because people like you believe whatever SOUNDS like it could be true.

Jim Laverty said...

You sound like one of the ingrates that we tax payers are supporting. Your ramblings seem desperate. Your accusations sick. What is wrong with our constitution and the support of it? I have relatives in Iraq defending your ungrateful self so it you don’t know what you are talking about please don’t bother outing your comments in writing. Obama said to judge him by the company he keeps, well based on his friends and people like you that support his socialist agenda, the judgment says it all, radical, racist, socialist, anti-religion, and elitist. Oh he must be a democrat, I forgot for a moment.
You spoke about another person breading, your mother should be proud.

Jim Laverty said...

You prove my point with you accusations about Fox. Did I quote Fox, no but I disagree with you so you assume I love Fox. But to use a fraise they use, you are the cool-aid drinker not me. Your mind is made up before YOU have the facts just by what you wrote about me. So with that said anonymous, use your real name if you have the integrity God gave a horse. Other wise stay in the closet.

Anonymous said...

Alex- Castro just called and said he is proud of you, but it is time for his back rub.

Unknown said...

Hey alex...The reason you dont hear any soldiers dying is because the news media doesn't cover it! Maybe if you were actually over there you would see how many men and women actually get shot and killed. I am blaming the economy on Obama because he has tripled the national debt already, somehow his thinking of spending our way out of everything will help us in the future and the current situation were in...WOW! And the teabaggers as you call them are not angry misinformed people and they did not take the name, that name stuck because of how our society is and the media as well. And now kids cant even wear the flag on their shirts in school without having to be sent home thats how bad this country has gotten with him as president. And your wrong about his ratings they are falling lol thats how misinformed you are. And you dont live in my house and dont run a family business im sure so how would you know what my taxes are. They rose now I have to spend more on products, had to cut people from work, couldn't give all of my employees raises either. But im sure he'll be out in 2012 only 985 days left until that day!

Anonymous said...

No Jim, you didn't say Fox. You just used their talking points. Or are those the RNC talking points? The two are easy to confuse.

Anyone who took an objective look at the pres.'s latest comments on technology or on the old "guns and religion" story would see my point. Those who wish to blindly bash Obama fall for the BS. The sad thing is that so many of you fall for this that it makes it easy for the politicians who are really out there just to serve their own careers to continue to stay in power.

Oh look, I called myself Jim online. I'm such a man's man

Anonymous said...

Listen up, Folks. People like Alex are the problem. They are a very vocal minority. He fails to realize the incremental loss of freedoms even he has lost. When a government takes over Car Companies, student loans,banks and lending institutions, passing health care that adds 16500 new IRS agents let alone the shitty coverage we are sure to receive,set CEO pay, taking salt out of food, wants to give amnesty to illegals because he is going to need the votes, has a EPA that says CO2 is a pollutant even after all the evidence has come out about scientist cooking the books, CAP and Trade legistaltion that will tax every person with a light switch even those making $250,000 or less(another broken campaign Promise), Dropped a case of voter intimidation against the new black panther party after a conviction was certain, Releasing terrorist that have rejoined the fight, Won't call a terrorist a terrorist, Has yet to mention the flooding in Nashville when the Opreland hotel has 5 feet of water in it(if bush were president, Katrina 2), waits 9 days to have any federal response to oil leak in the gulf, Spent 800 billion dollars of "stimulus" money to create jobs: Where are the Jobs?, wants card check for unions to increase membership by eliminating secret ballot,sets up a debt reduction commission for political cover to raise taxes, has a jobs summit but does invite chamber of commerce but just union and academics, call the cambridge police stupid and then has a "beer summit", takes missle defense out of europe and gets nothing for it, tells Joe the plumber "it is better to spread the wealth" This guy is the least experinced,most radical president we have ever had. If alex wants to stick his head in the sand or anywhere else it sounds like his head is stuck, then fine but I am getting active and this guy and people like him have to go. November 3 2010- The day of for real Hope and Change

Anonymous said...

was that anonymous or Rush Limbaugh at 4:01. Just too much hyperbole to even try to debunk. Good job, you win. America looses.

Jim Laverty said...

Here Here. I applaud the last comments all except anonymous and anonymous Jim2 a real man.
What will it take to wake these idiots. When small businesses close, when we are financially in the toilet with Greece, when God is eliminated from the USA altogether and we are property of the state then theses idiots will wake up and tell us "well instead of Socialism we should have communism so lets get to it bros."
It is sickening to see what is happening while we sit by. Yest call me what you will but call me a patriot/American.
Oh I have a great idea, lets put Alex and anonymous on a green bus and send them to a green state with a future like California. Hummm Let Arnold deal with them..

Anonymous said...

"patriot/American" that seeks to shutdown anyone that doesn't agree with him. How about this;

Support the candidates that fall as closely in line with your view as possible and I'll do the same, go out and vote, and when it's all said and done support the winner as a free democratically elected official. Which means cut all the "evil socialist unpatriotic" crap and stick to the issues.

Jason Kaplan said...

I got a perfect republican ticked for 2012 Brewer/Palin or Palin/Brewer. These two bags will guarantee Democratic Whitehouse for another 12 years.

Anonymous said...

Where is our country now?
only wall street economy is good not main streets economy.
Now that we have a black president we must all (except the very wealthy who can pay there taxes and still survive) move to the ghetto .
As elvis said In the ghetto, in the ghetto.