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Friday, May 21, 2010

More Questions About Joe Ollinger

Five-Plank Platform Highlights
Serve as the Primary Representative and Advocate of the Wicomico County Taxpayers

Implement a County-Wide Pay-for-Performance Compensation Plan

Transform our Public Schools into the Safest and Most Disciplined in the State of Maryland

Empower the County Executive to Appoint All Members to the County’s Board of Education

Create a One County-Wide Law Enforcement Agency

For a detailed explanation of my platform, please click on "My Platform".

When you read his platform and IF you know what you're talking about, most of what Joe has presented can't be done. It seems to me he has a platform that simply sounds good. You know, what everyone wants to hear. However, he can't, (as County Executive) actually make the BOE do what he wants. Nice try Joe. Again, sounds good but impossible to do. You need to check into this more.

As for the County Wide Police Department, you neglect to mention what this will cost the taxpayers. What you don't know and or understand Joe is that each agency has a different retirement plan. You can't just shove it down their throats and demand that they all become one. Not unless you want the taxpayers to pay out hefty legal fees defending a case from the F.O.P.. Good sound bites but no real meat.

What puzzles me more than anything else I read was the name of your Treasurer.

While you claim to be a "long-time registered Republican," your campaign Staff are registered Democrats. Again, something the regular citizen wouldn't pick up on.

"By Authority of Committee to Elect Joe Ollinger, John B. Long II, Treasurer"/Registered Democrat.


Anonymous said...

Re: Joe Ollinger

I don't know him and to the best of my recall, we've never met. So I'm open to learn more about him and the ideas he puts forth.

Re: Rick Pollitt

His maladministration has been one trainwreck after another; he entered without a clue and hasn't found one across the last 3 1/2 years. His mishandling of the entire spectrum of county concerns during his watch make it easy to be strongly attracted to most anyone else with a pulse. He may be regarded as a 'nice guy' but he's been in over his head since mouthing the last syllable of his oath.

Re: Ollinger's openers:

Consolidation of Salisbury & Wicomico County makes/has made a lot of sense for a long time. The reason for any of the departments/jobs is to provide for the public good...not for income security for jobholders. Identify what will provide the best mix of services vs cost for the residents and manage/staff with that objective foremost amongst goals.

School board appointed by a County Executive - recipe for packing the board with cronies, etc. I resided in Pennsylvania with elected boards; pluses and minuses with that concept. I've been here 25 years and the Governor appointed board also has pluses/minuses. On balance, I continue to think there are more pluses to current set-up. Ability of board members to concentrate on what is 'best' for the system vs. what is popular/unpopular/controversial this year or month is an asset if the board members make good use of it. Many high quality folks who serve/have served on the school board would not have been interested in running an election campaign for a seat. On the other hand anybody can hold themselves forth as a candidate in an election....recall if you will the character who recently ran in Delmar for office. My view: school board selection in Wicomico is fine as is for the time being.

Eval system for teachers and deputies is blather; just grist for public consumption for way too many reasons to elaborate here.

Parental and community responsibility for student actions has merit; public education is a privilege as well as a right; move the bad actors out of the classroom and performance will accelerate. Bad actors can work their way back into regular classes after both behavior and grades show it is merited.

School uniforms; super idea and cheaper than fashion duds.

Revenue cap needs to stay; it has been the only management tool that has worked for the public.

My recollection, which isn't to be confused with fact, is that Data Services was an off-shoot from Shore Distributors and was later spun off or sold.

Anonymous said...

It makes it easier to party hop, when you staff different parties.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Charles Jannace was running as a write in candidate and they refused to allow him to be a part of the forums. Ollinger threw a fit whenever Jannace would show up. One of the forums, Alessi didn't even show up and they allowed ollinger to speak on Alessi's behalf, yet they wouldn't allow Jannace to take part at all. Ollinger is very short tempered and he will not get my vote.

Ron Brawl said...

"Create a One County-Wide Law Enforcement Agency"

There is no way Delmar would go along with this unless the police force also worked the Delaware side of the town.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Greater Salisbury Committee has decided to swithch horses now that Pollitt is knee deep in the big mudhole that is Wicomico County.

Anonymous said...

Ollinger wants to be the County Czar -- see the post below about his plan for the County Exec. to appoint the school board.

Anonymous said...

Pollitt will really need lots of help from Phil Tilghman and Henry Parker to get thru this election.

Anonymous said...

Did his wife ever work at the Board of Ed?

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has lived here more than 10 minutes knows that Mr. Long is a Democrat, so why the mock surprise?

doug wilkerson said...

Hes going to have to do better than that if he wants the job. Remember there is a real local news channell in town now, quess what it is?

Anonymous said...

Go Back
Case Information
Case Number: 00878645S5Tracking No:981001736271
District Code: 02Location Code:03
Document Type: CITATIONIssued Date:07/05/1998
Case Status: CLOSEDCase Disposition:TRIAL

Defendant Information
Sex: MHeight:601Weight:200DOB:05/1946

Address: 5418 CHERRY HILL LANE
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801 - 0000

Charge and Disposition Information

(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)

Charge No: 001Description:EXCEEDING POSTED 6 KNOT SPEED
Statute: Description:
Amended Date: CJIS Code:MO/PLL:Probable Cause:
Incident Date From: To: Victim Age:
Disposition Plea: OTHER PLEA
Disposition: GUILTYDisposition Date:07/08/1998
Fine:$30.00Court Costs:$20.00CICF:$0.00
Amt Suspended: Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
PBJ EndDate: Probation End Date:Restitution Amount:$0.00
Jail Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
Suspended Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
Credit Time Served:


Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)

Agency Code: NRPAgency Sub-Code:1006Officer ID:1280



Event History Information
Event Date Comment
DOCI 07/15/1998 CIT ISSUED 980705
MOTN 07/17/1998 OPEN TO ENTER PMNT OF $50.00

The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.

Anonymous said...


Case Number: 020300032831996Claim Type:CONTRACT

Complaint, Judgment, and Related Persons Information

Complaint Information
Status Date: 04/08/1997Filing Date:10/23/1996Amount$343.57Last Activity Date:05/07/2009

Judgment Information
Judgment Type: TRIAL JUDGMENT ENTEREDJudgment Date:04/04/1997
Judgment Amount: $343.57Judgment Interest:$0.00Costs:$13.00Other Amounts:$0.00
Attorney Fees: $0.00Post Interest Legal Rate:X Jointly and Severally:In Favor of Defendant:
Possession Of Property Claimed valued At: $0.00Is Awarded To The:Together With Damages Of:$0.00
Value Of Property Sued For: $0.00Plus Damages Of:$0.00Is Awarded To The:Dismissed With Prejudice:
Replevin/Detinue Amount: $0.00
Recorded Lien Date: Judgment renewed Date:

Anonymous said...

Neck deep in the big muddy.

Anonymous said...

OMG can we ever hope for a civil debate on ISSUES!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

"Create a One County-Wide Law Enforcement Agency"

What about the State Police? I had one go by me doing at least 90 on 50 West in a black unmarked Dodge Charger. No lights and there was no evidence he was doing anything more than seeing how fast the car would go. There had been a decrease in speeding troopers since the most recent accident near Vienna and it looked like they were using all marked cruisers.

The technology is there (speed cameras) to eliminate the reckless driving of police cruisers on Route 50 as well as increasing citation revenue.

Anonymous said...

I like the pay for performance thing. The county has one in place now, only they don't do the evaluations because they are scared they might have to give somebody a raise for doing a good job. In fact, the only time in the last 5 or 6 years that an evaluation was done was just before Christmas, because it was necessary for the layoffs. That's ashame, don't do appraisals to reward employees, but do them so they can lay people off. By the way, do you people really think a consulting firm was hired to pick the people for layoffs? I called it right here on this blog a year ago. (I couldn't find the post in the archives) but to paraphrase, you watch, the big dogs will stay right where they are, and they will make the cuts at the bottom of the totem pole just so they can say they laid employees off to satisfy the public. What do you know! Thats exactly what they did. Layoff the worker bees.

Anonymous said...

Ollinger is a past chairman of the elitist 'Greater Salisbury Committee'-- our regional 'shadow government'.
Follow that path in anything odd-looking like this, and you'll usually get some understanding.
They already own Pollitt, though they see now that they didn't get what they thought they would.
So, Ollinger runs as a Republican, and it's 'heads we win, tails we win'.
The Greater Salisbury Committee, with its associated organizations (Urban Salisbury, etc) is out to rule the region, and is placing its minions in positions of power. It is becoming much easier for them to get what they want these days by cashing in their political capital with the officials they have helped to elect.

Cooter Brown said...

They're infiltrating another organization also, but we're too stupid to understand

Anonymous said...

OMG he exceeded 6 knots on the river in 1998.

No way will he get my vote...What a wild and crazy guy.

Anonymous said...

does any body know joe, from working for him. I did, many moons ago, with many more years older, i found him to be very business smart. I am sure he realizes that he won't be able to touch the board of ed's budget, but when he says if the board of ed is 40% budgeted by the county he will spend 40% of time going over everything the board of ed spends and if he can't get rid of the fat, he will take it to the ppl who can get rid of the fat. Get to know him as a business person. He is a sucessful business person.

sorry about the bad spelling - could not get spell check to work.

Anonymous said...

agreed, most of his platform is out of the county executive's perview...

1. Ok, I guess... but it;s a fluff statement.

2. Research shows this is a bad idea. Now that the budget has turned sour, most incentive plans are gone.

3. Has no authority over, can not promise anything in this domain.

4. Never going to happen, is the govenor's job... doubtful that that office will give it up.

5. Once again, interesting, but will take a lot of parties agreeing to it, it's not just his call to make.

I will consider him a serious candidate when he shows better understanding of the role of the job he is seeking.

Orsonwells said...

In politics before? any history of votes? I can't find anything on Google to make a decision on. If anyone has any real history of his supports/ interests, I'd like to have a link.
Nice thing about past politicians is a way to track their past votes.
Not that not having a past experience in politics is a bad thing... we need more new people to step up, but any news is good news..

Anonymous said...

County appointed school board is no better than what we have with the governors appointed board. FAIL on this plank.

Countywide policing, I agree with but has he considered the charter of the city of Salisbury or any other jurisdiction?

If this is the best the RCC can put up we might as well stick with the devil we know. Remember the RCC gave the city Louise Smith, fully supported by John Bartkovich.

Anonymous said...

srlf posuring pompous ass

Anonymous said...

County-Wide Police dept., really? Hey Joe, the County for which you want to be County Executive is 21 million dollars in debt! Why don't you first say how you will deal with this problem? Wicomico County can barely make it's payroll, let alone try to merge the old County Insurance Retirement into the State LEOPS retirement system. Next candidate!

Anonymous said...

Combine the law enforcement would equal much better crime prevention and solving of crime. We need it. It may cost a little in the begining but it would be the worth the pay off. You have to realize if a business thinks about Salisbury then look up the stats and see how bad the crime is they would pass on us ina a second. The only thing that will ever make all the departments work is to actually work together as one. Too many egos get in the way and not enough infomation sharing. You could do it in steps. Combining the communications of 911, fire, ems, and all police would save a lot of money there and greatly help the passing of info. 1st step then next year combine something else, the end result would be a better community. You would save money in the long run.

I think that you would find the majority of the FOP would support the merge not bring a lawsuit.