The word on the street is that County Executive Rick Pollitt is proposing several hidden fees, starting with a new Dog License Fee. Can you imagine how much money the County would raise by creating such a fee!
Then we're told there is a proposal on the table to increase the Sport League Fees from $40.00 per person all the way up to $65.00 per person.
I told you Folks, tighten that belt because we've only scratched the surface. Obviously there will be more to come as we continue to dig into the proposed budget. Considering it's an election year, we better hope our County Council Members bring ALL of these items to the public attention because I get a very strong feeling the taxpayers are NOT going to be very happy.
Pollitt is also working on another zoning effort to prevent farmers from subdividing their land, but without offering any compensation.
Pollitt would have more money to spend if he just eliminated the "public information officer" position on his staff.
Joe Ollinger is running against Pollitt.
Help IS on the way!
Somebody had to replace Barrie as our worst elected official.
It was hard work but Pollitt has done it.
Fees are just taxes with another name!
You guys bitch about cuts and you bitch about raising taxes. Make up your minds. Services are not free.
Vote him out
Even at $65 the fee to play sports for the county is less than the fees Crown charges.
why is it that the politicians of salisbury seem to always pull an Obama and not listen to what the people have to say instead they seem to steamroller the people and do whatever they want anyway.. mabye its time to just do away with city government and let the county do it
the people outside of city limits done have nearly the issues we have with city politicians the city needs to do more about the slumlords that rent in the city and limit what can be rented to college students 4 to 2 isnt working and thanks to college rentals more rental properties are going so high that most families cannot afford them
Of course no one is happy with a fee and/or tax increase. However, the tax cap has hamstrung Pollitt. We have to have revenue from somewhere in order to provide necessary services. Where is it going to come from? 12:27 is right: Service are not free. Again, where is the money going to come from?
get rid of the liberal democrat... this is Republican territory.. he's just another lacky for the good ole boys around here that like to tax and spend
How are they hidden fees if they are in the budget? Can't people just read? Or better yet, ask questions? Try calling Jim Fineran and asking what new fees are being proposed. Take some personal responsibility to get answers if you are so worried.
You people want all of the services, but don't want to pay for them. All of the fees you've mentioned are good ways for people who CHOOSE to have pets (for which we all have to contribute to things like Animal Control even if we don't have a pet) or CHOOSE to play sports.
"You guys bitch about cuts and you bitch about raising taxes. Make up your minds. Services are not free."
Maybe there are some services that the taxpayers don't want or need. Have you considered that?
During the last effort to cut spending, the County was not capable of identifying, on their own, out of the ENTIRE County workforce any employee that was not really needed. They literally had to PAY a consultant to figure it out. Why would anyone believe that County management understands which services justify funding them?
12:54 ... you know not what you speak of. Rental prices are down everywhere. My family just rented a home for $300 less per month than they were asking in January 2009.
Why would you want your family to live in an area with a lot of college rentals anyway?
Forgive me if I don't want my kids growing up on Washington or Smith Street.
What a sports fee!
The bunch of guys I play football with don't pay any fees as it is a private sports organization.
We do pay the referrees but the fund is generated through our sponsors.
I say why can't the recreation and parks operate the same.
The open space money used to be available to private entities - case-in-point - Centenial Village.
Open space money should have never been allowed for Government use. It's high time this policy also changed.
4 to 2 isn't working because the cronies of the landlords made it toothless
all that anguish for nothing
city of salisbury hates families
back on the pollitt topic...he's not worse than barrie tilghman tho many things he does like her are sneakier because he's nice about
same for help is on the way - not! - ireton. nothing is changing. sure, buildings and roads have been built but they aren't changes that make a real difference to people. three of my city friends moved to the county, two county friends moved to delaware, two to somerset and three to virginia.
Sounds like the FREE WORLD as we once knew it is GONE !!!!!!
12:54 the people you speak about isn't the majority, and as it has always been in this country...The Majority Rules.
When you refuse to get rid of guys like Gary Mackes, who makes six figures, somebody is going to have to pay for it.
Sure. Raise the sports fees.
2:31 ... You mention that you don't want your children growing up around a bunch of college rentals on Smith Street and/or Washington Street. I live on a street that intersects with Smith... and I understand your concern. I too wonder/worry about some of the things that may be going on one or two streets over from me. But let's look at it for what it is... are you ACTUALLY concerned about the COLLEGE rentals? Yes, they are loud sometimes, they have parties sometimes, and they may even leave trash sometimes - NONE OF WHICH I condone or appreciate... but the shootings, drug busts, and assaults that occur are 99% of the time NOT the college students. Yes, a few "bad apples" in the college make the crowd look bad - we've all experienced a bad neighbor in our lives - but unless the college students are REALLY the reason that you wouldn't want your own children living on Smith/Washington Streets, don't blame the college students... and one day, your children too, may go to college... and may live in a college rental. I hope their community doesn't hold the fact that they are young and in college against them because they happen to be young and in college. Respect is respect - and when people don't show it, it's sad... but making it sound like your children growing up about a bunch of "college rentals" is a horrible thing also doesn't seem to capture the whole picture.
hey 2:31 the college is sprawling its kids all the way over to prmc
i pay $750 a month for a really poor home that isnt fit for a family and if i had to pay anything more we would be homeless but greedy college landlords push rents on a home on say hazel or winder they all want $900 to $1200 so how is that right if the college is gonna bring these kids into there should be housing for all of them on campus
Here's the issue. Take for instance, men's softball for the county. This year we saw a rise in the team fee, due to budget cuts. Luckily Greene Turtle spent some money to sponsor the league to help keep the cost reasonable...are they going to continue doing that for us? I don't know. Now they want to bump the player fees an additional $15 per person to bring in added revenue. What's going to happen is, sponsors aren't going to be willing to pay for the teams, some teams will continue and dig out of their own pockets and others will say "eff that" and not come back. I'm not looking to get something for nothing here, I just think it's a smarter move keeping it lower, and making your money by having more teams, than raising it and losing whatever extra money you were hoping to make. Catch 22
You guys sound like a bunch of sissies. You are just like President Oh-blah-blah. You got what you asked for. If you all think you can run the county any better step up and do it. That is what I thought. 75% of the people in this country are talkers. 15% are walkers. 7% can lead people. 3%are leaders. That is why this country fell to the likes of Oh-Blah-Blah. No spine just a bunch of bull shit cry babies.
This little sand box fight between the council and Pollitt needs to stop, but it will not it is an election year. Notice how they all point the finger now that an election nears. No honor, no integrity. Big Rick is not the sole culprit in this mess. He inherited a mess. Thats is whu I do not get Craemer and the croanie patrol being allowed to stay.
I will sum it up for you Pollitt is not a bad guy. He just has bbs for balls. He needs to step up and lead or get out of the way.
"You guys bitch about cuts and you bitch about raising taxes. Make up your minds. Services are not free."
Nobody wants your overpriced poor services!
You guys are like gangsters selling insurance against holdups and robberies from gansters.
You keep selling services no one wants and you keep charging overpriced fees for it. All just to keep you on a payroll because you could never get a real job in the private sector!
Don't VOTE for Pollitt next election.....PERIOD!
5:43 Chica brrrnt chica brrrnt.....drum roll
I do not think replacing Pollitt will change anything.
What else do you expect. Fees and taxes are raising and I haven't seen a raise in 2 years.
Obamanomics at its finest...
Thanks Rick ... douche.
Agreed with 12:33, get him out.
I would have no problem with a slight tax increase or new fees if I was assured that the county's departments were run efficiently.Through all the budget talks all we hear is how they don't have enough funding. I haven't heard a word on how they can find ways to work smarter and more efficient. The county is quick to buy land they don't need maybe its time to evaluate all property's that aren't being used and sell some of the surplus. The county hires consultants all the time maybe they should hire one to judge how efficient each dept. is maybe they should start with public works.
Ollinger & Allessi are friends for all it's worth. I think they're friends with Louise too.
Softball players!!! If Wicomico County is making the fees too high be sure to check out Ocean City's Tuesday/Thursday League. We just started the Spring/Summer League but our fall league will begin in August. Select "Recreation & Parks" under "Town Departments" on our website www.oceancitymd.gov or call 410-250-0125.
They can cut any service they think Iam getting and I would never know. Cut all the crap and lower my tax.
I coach a coed softball team and just from last fall to the summer league, it's jumped up to $25 a player when it was $20 and $325 to sponsor a team (for 10 games) compared to $280 in the fall. People play softball for an extracurricula activity, if you keep charging an arm and a leg, no one is going to want to play anymore. Half of the umpires call the games like they don't even want to be there, when they get paid $30 per game. Last time I checked $30 dollars for an hour and 15 mins worth of work, wasn't too shabby.
what i want to know is why is ted shae still getting paid by the county. i could have sworn that once pollitt waas in office that he was going to leave ($100,000). we now have an attorney and he has 4 people working for him (over $100,0000. and a public information officer 9 4?). ok there is the money that would have taken care of at least 1/2 of the money we are short. ok they got fid of how many positions, and layed off how many people, and still going to furlow county employees for the next year. now some of us havent had raises, for a couple of years, no cola for last year and for the next. our health insurance has gone up. but we are told "be greatful you have a job" guess some of us who are at the bottom of the payscale will have to sink or swim soon. but pollitt will donate money to a charity to show he will lose money like furlows. thanks ricky, we all know that your tax write off wont come close to the amount that us low income employees are feeling right now.
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