Monday has to be, (without any question) the busiest day a law enforcement leader has throughout the week. You come in Monday morning and get briefed on what transpired over the weekend and you hold your morning briefing with your Staff.
This past Monday morning, Lewis and Baker took the time to set business as usual aside for a cause in which had to be changed. Never again does law enforcement want to experience such a horrific and tragic event like the Sarah Foxwell case. Both men having young children, this hit home like none other on the Eastern Shore and that goes for the fine men and women that serve all of us working for the many law enforcement agencies throughout the Eastern Shore.
Who better to go to Annapolis to encourage our Legislators than these fine gentlemen!
From day one, December 23, 2010 these men committed themselves for 72 hours straight along with hundreds of Officers to find Sarah Foxwell, all with the hope they'd find her and return her home safely, this was not the case.
Lewis and Baker bent every ear they could on Monday to send a strong message to our leaders, no Parent should ever be subjected to this torture ever again. No sex offender should ever believe they should not DIE for such horrific crimes.
As you could see from yesterday's Press Conference Post we put up, Sheriff Lewis stated loud and clear, This Crime Screams For The Death Penalty!
To those of you who's comments I have rejected since my Post went up yesterday, THIS IS THEIR JOB! They traveled to Annapolis and returned victorious. Did it cost the taxpayers of Wicomico County, you better believe it did. However, it cost the Foxwell Family one of their own and you cannot put a price tag on a human life.
We know Jonathan Taylor is behind much hatred towards Sheriff Mike Lewis, he's been openly spewing that hatred for more than a year now. So I ask you Mr. Taylor, when have you ever gotten off your fat ass and done something for your community? Why have you never once gone to Annapolis to support the Foxwell Family?
Word on the street is that Jonathan Taylor has just filed to run for City Council in the City of Salisbury. I want leaders like Sheriff Mike Lewis and Chief Gary Baker, not some fat ass who sits behind a computer calling these fine men names like Sheriff Shorty and attacking those who go out and do what their paid to do, even if it means losing their own life while ON DUTY OR OFF!
You just continue to suck off the taxpayers on disability, free scooters, section 8 housing and the whole nine yards. If you get more than 5 to 10 votes I'd be amazed. Don't forget to bring your buddy Muir Boda along with you.
Forgive me Sheriff. I can't thank you and Chief Baker enough for working the floor and securing the Eastern Shore once again against sexual predators. Everyone should know, once Sheriff Lewis and Chief Baker were introduced, every man and woman in that room got up from their seats and applauded these fine men with respect. Without forgetting something very important, I want to also thank each and every Officer as well as their Husbands and Wives. You are the forgotten Saints who comfort these fine Law Enforcement Officers and my hat is tipped to ALL of you.
Mike Lewis is an angel that was sent here for our protection.
Mike Lewis-your heartbeat is felt in these pictures.
11:19 What the hell is up with that statement ?
Mike Lewis & Staff awesome work. I think Sheriff Lewis himself has been changed by this case for life. A man very inspired by drug enforcement had to deal with the horrific crime of a sexually motivated child murder. Lewis took command of the largest investigation in the country at the time. The nation had its eyes on us. I say Mike Lewis was guided by a stronger power and it showed. Awesome work.
Though the results made for the saddest Christmas of my 48 years here on earth. I was truly proud of the citizens of this county. All the local law enforcement officers that volunteered from here and abroad.
Mr. Albero you have given this case total coverage. The local media has fallen to back of the bus on this one. Awesome work.
Now there is one piece of business left. That is to see that Thomas Leggs is removed from this earth. I know some say life in prison would be harder on Leggs. The sad fact is people will continue to follow this piece of dung as he travels through the system. It is time to remove him from this earth period.
God bless all of you that worked so hard for justice in this case.
The Wicomican
P.S. J.T. is the result of some very bad breeding. J.R. should be at the foot of the cross. He should be in jail with Leggs. They share some common traits.
I want to know when Mike Lewis will run for governor of Maryland. That would be the only one I would vote for. HE would cut the nonsense in our government and declare a real war on drug users/sellers. Oh Maryland would be a state the king pins would bypass. Less drugs less crime. Oh the list would go on. Mike Lewis is the man.
Blah Blah Blah
Joe Albero=
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
Taylor is jealous because Mike Lewis and Gary Baker have nice butts.
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