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Monday, April 26, 2010

Ernie Cornbrooks for County Executive?

Ernie Cornbrooks Have conservatives found the person to replace Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt?  While Salisbury attorney Ernie Cornbrooks hasn’t declared for office (and I doubt he will), his Sunday op-ed in the Daily Times rings true to many who are sick and tired of hearing nothing more than “repeal the cap” and “we need more tax dollars” from the current ruling elite.

Rather than merely advocating a “slash and burn” approach to county spending, Cornbrooks demands that our county leaders begin “thinking outside the box” and showing a little innovation.  He also doesn’t shy away from tackling the 50% monster in the Wicomico County budget:

The entitlement culture of public school employees is the annual budget buster. From where did the idea come that WCBOE pay levels, benefits and jobs are immune? Why is a job in the school system more worthy than a job in the roads department? Everyone with a child in the school system has encountered employees who do not earn their pay, but stay on the payroll until eligible to retire. This fiscal year, taxpayers paid for 180 days of instruction; the WCBOE obtained a waiver for five of them. If employees had given back five days of unearned pay, some of the 17 county employees who were laid off last week might still have jobs.

How ‘bout it Supt. Fredericksen?  Can we expect a rebate on our tax dollars this year?

Like Woodward and Bernstein’s “Deep Throat”, Cornbrooks argues that we need to “follow the money”.  He’s right.  The county’s “political class” simply doesn’t want to make government more efficient, they just want to spend more.

I don’t know whether Ernie Cornbrooks is a Democrat or a Republican.  Until Sunday morning I only knew that he went to Washington & Lee (a definite point in his favor), is a nice guy, is very active in his church and has a lovely and charming wife (who is probably even more active in their church).  We’ll have to forgive the fact that he’s a lawyer.  While I seriously doubt that Mr. Cornbrooks would take the pay cut to run for Pollitt’s post, WHOEVER our county executive is next year would be wise to seek his advice – IF they are willing to stand up for the citizens of Wicomico County rather than the special interest that seem to swing the big stick right now.  If not, expect more blunt-bladed service cuts until a majority of citizens are willing to repeal the cap.

from Delmarva Dealings


Anonymous said...


So what have you to say about that DT editorial on the same page yesterday as that rant by Mr. Cornbrooks that gives you heart palpitations?

The editor really punched Ricky Pollitt around for not cutting County expenses during the past few years -- "we can do better" -- and such. Has Greg Bassett finally seen the light?

Anonymous said...


The day that Greg Bassett doesn't use the newspaper to protect his wife and spread his own political idealogy is the day I will be happily eat my hat.

Anonymous said...

Cornbrooks wouldn't be a bad idea if he weren't so closely tied to Wilber. We all know what kind of law Wilber practices.

Anonymous said...

Please consider some examples of what he would probably do or promote if elected:

Discontinue schools busing -- let parents drive their kids to school, putting more traffic on the roads that can't be maintained due to lack of funds.

School sports teams -- ancient history.

If you want your kid to do to college, find a private school you can afford -- try Haiti for starters.

Maryland's "maintenance of effort" is a commie plot - fugitaboutit.

Less deputies - more vigilantes.

The Civic Center would make a nice state prison.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that he bills some legal fees to the City on things that Wilber gets as the City attorney and his son is also on the City account at that law firm.

Anonymous said...

So, Ernie the attorney is alive and well.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cornbrooks didn't mention Pollitt's "public information officer" as a position that could be cut, so I guess he would not do that if elected.

And what about paying $300,000 per acre for land at the old Salisbury Mall site? Cornbrooks was silent on that, so he must approve.

Me thinks he is the typical grandstander who is never present when these matters come up for a vote.

Anonymous said...

If you are reading this comment you are not as smart as Mr. Cornbrooks. And his son is CRAZY HOT!!