Incident: Assault on a Deputy
Date of Incident: 27 February 2010
Location: 200 block of Newton Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Frederick S. Harris, 23, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 27 February 2010 at 8:42 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, assigned to work a joint warrant operation with the Salisbury Police Department targeting violent wanted subjects went to a residence in the 200 block of Newton Street looking for Frederick Harris. The deputy had a Violation of Probation warrant for Harris in a Handgun case. Upon arriving at the residence, the deputy and the city police officer could not located Harris, but while they were talking with the subjects there, Harris returned. The deputy on scene recognized Harris and immediately attempted to place him under arrest by placing him in handcuffs. Harris began yelling that the officer had to read Harris his rights and attempted to pull away from them. Harris then began elbowing the deputy in an attempt to get the deputy to let go of him so he could get away. Harris continued to struggle against the officers, yelling out that he was going to fight for his freedom. During the ensuing physical altercation with Harris, the deputy suffered an injury to his right knee.
The deputy and city officer managed to get Harris into custody at which time the officers discovered that Harris possessed what they recognized a marijuana. Harris was subsequently transported to Central Booking where he was processed on the warrant and also the additional criminal charges stemming from this incident. Upon being seen by the District Court Commissioner, Harris was detained in the Detention Center in lieu of $15,000.00 bond.
The deputy received treatment at PRMC and was released.
Charges: Resisting Arrest
Assault 2nd degree on Law Enforcement
Assault 2nd degree
Possession of Marijuana
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Wish you had a picture of this Azz clown !
12:39 LOL! Me too.
Newton Street, a fine neighborhood! Why does it not surprise me the sheriff found marijuana on this young man?
Hope the deputy is ok from the injury. Now judges, do your jobs!
Great job police officers!! One more scumbag off the street.
I agree with 3:50, procescutors (sp) and judges do your job.
I have a question about this. This dude was wanted for violation of parole. To me this means that he does not understand how to obey the law or at least has no respect for it. How is it they that he was given the chance to post bail. Why can these people show such disrespect for the law and then be allowed to get out of jail with a very small amount of money and their word. lol. Yeah right. If he gets out I will be willing to bet he would be a no show on his court date. I say keep this type of criminal in jail until their court date. Now someone is gonna say that the person is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Well the dude is violation of parole. he has already been found to be a criminal. Now he apparently disregards his parole rules. Why not let him out to run form the law some more?? Not. Put them in jail until their appearance.
Read him his rights on a warrant? LOL Dude should know the law by now.
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