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Monday, March 29, 2010

Wargotz Vows To Repeal Viagra For Sex Offenders

Annapolis, MD – Queen Anne's County Commissioner Eric Wargotz, candidate for U.S. Senate, expressed outrage that U.S. Congress voted to provide Viagra to sex offenders in the recently passed Health Care bill.

"Congress should be charged as a codefendant when the first of these Viagra-induced predators strike again," said Wargotz, a physician by profession.

"It is immoral, obnoxious and an insult to the American people." he stated. "When elected, I will offer legislation to immediately repeal this sexist and outrageous act. It will be my highest priority."

The Commissioner agrees with most Americans and knows firsthand as a physician that we are in need of health care reform, but not as passed by the Democrat Majority in Congress. Wargotz believes that government reforms should provide for more options like health savings accounts, portability, the ability to purchase policies across state lines and tort reform. "Competition and flexibility will reduce cost and increase participation," Wargotz said.

In addition, "The Democrat's plan is about mandates and consequences, which will be meted out by 16,000 new Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents. The IRS is not known for having a compassionate bedside manner," he noted. "And apparently correctional officers will now be part of our new health care delivery system," he added.


Anonymous said...

please run on repeal. please.

Anonymous said...

This is laughable, and this man is a physican? This Viagra amendment was a political stunt to try an embarass the Democrats on the Health Care bill. Republican Sen. Tom Colburn attached this amendment to the Health Care Bill as an act of political theater. So if you vote for the Health Care Bill you are voting for a bunch of silly amendments that we can use against you in 30 sec. political commercials. Now Dr. Wargotz wants us to vote for him because his "highest priority" will be to repeal this sexist and insulting amendment. Well it is an insult for him to think the voters are gulliable enough to be tricked by such legislative high jinks.

Anonymous said...

My Lord, can't folks read anymore. I like how smart he is. Using the buzz attractiveness of the Viagra issue to catch our attention. The way I read the post, it really isn't much about the viagra at all! It's about the the new health care law. I like Wargotz quote from facebook:
"Repeal, Replace,& Rejoice"

Arnie said...

It think you got it right anon 11:08, the article certainly got anon 9:34's attention.