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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Repeal the Revenue Cap in Wicomico County

Ed Taylor Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt wants to end the revenue cap.  His staunchest ally – councilman Bill McCain – is not seeking re-election (nor could he be re-elected without a “one shot”).  Councilowman Sheree Sample-Hughes is on record as an opponent of the cap, but lacks the intestinal fortitude to fight the popular measure.  But, things are looking up for Pollitt’s merry band of tax and spend wannabes.

Former councilman Ed Taylor has decided to come out of retirement to seek an At Large seat on the Wicomico County Council.  His platform?  REPEAL THE REVENUE CAP!

That’s right folks, you need to be taxed more:

Taylor said he felt compelled to return to office because of the problems the county has with the economy and crime. He said he would do everything in his power to help eliminate the county's revenue cap, a provision that restricts how much new property tax revenue the county can collect.

"I'm a strong advocate for the removal of the revenue cap," Taylor said.

This is typical of so many Democrats in Wicomico County.  If only we could spend more …  If only we could tax more …

While Board of Ed employees fly around the country and eat out on the taxpayers’ dime, Taylor evidently thinks the solution is to spend more.  While taxpayers are struggling to pay their bills, Taylor evidently thinks we should be taxed more.  While Wicomico citizens lose their jobs, Taylor evidently thinks county government should grow.

Thanks Ed.  It seems that the only difference between you and Bill McCain is the hair style.  I’m sure that voters will be very receptive to your message.

from Delmarva Dealings


Anonymous said...

Hair styles now thats funny.

Anonymous said...

we will have a replacement for rick p. soon....

Anonymous said...

great! the party of death wants to kill us all!
Time to move!

Anonymous said...

Bring it on! The people voted it in and the people have to vote it out. These clowns have proven time and time again they can't balance the check book. The democrat's way is to throw more money at the problems. WTF McCain needs to go and Taylor's too old to know.

Anonymous said...

The reason for the cap is so if, by mistake, a person like Rick P is elected, his ability to waste taxpayer money is limited to the trickery he has employed. If he would rein in his empire, concentrate on restoring and providing citizen services instead of increasing the size of the bureaucracy faster than the growth of the County, he'd have extra money to spend - even in a down economy.

Anonymous said...

When is the deadline to file for election in Wicomico County?

Anonymous said...

1:09 I don't believe it for a second. No democrat will challenge Rick unless it is from the Lunacy Fringe (dennis kucinich, ralph nader, et al - I refuse to capitalize their names). The only Republican that would have a chance to unseat Pollitt would be Mike Lewis and his ego will force him to run again for Sheriff so why don't you enlighten us all and tell us who YOU think could beat him.

Anonymous said...

Ed Taylor is a nice man, BUT....he will not get my vote!!

Anonymous said...

Rick doesn't stand a chance, not after the old mall debacle. Don't forget what he did people.

Anonymous said...

Ricky and Eddie will have plenty of time after the election to talk about what went so wrong. See ya fellas.

Anonymous said...

Nice, and it starts, Wicomico County and Maryland fall... As if taxes being raised to pay for health care isn't enough...

Anonymous said...

Vote Republican

Anonymous said...

Taylor is one reason we have the cap. He voted for the largest tax increase in the history of Wicomico county.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget McCain's Get rid of the Cap meeting March 31st at the civic center.

Anonymous said...

Is Ruth't Chris catering Bill McCain's meeting at the Civic Center?

Anonymous said...

Pollitt has let the tax and spenders down. He was supposed to rid the county of the evil cap by now and it hasn't happened. His method now is too cut services and drive the county to bankruptcy.

Anonymous said...

Secret closed door meeting held today at the WCBOE is this legal?

Anonymous said...

Please tell us Mr. Taylor how you plan to get rid of the revenue cap. You can talk the talk, but how are you going to walk the walk?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Taylor has always been part of the problem , we need someone to be part of the solution. I spoke with him a few months ago , he doesn't have a clue. I guess he is getting on the band wagon with the obama crew. Just a black good ole boy.

Anonymous said...

Does the name Joe Holloway mean anything? If Joe was in there not every body would be happy but everybody would be honest and up front. He has my vote

Anonymous said...

Taylor and the other buffoons who were on the Council in the 1990's -- Phil Tilghman, etc., -- are the reason why there is a tax cap. It's because of that huge tax rate increase that they did, which cause the advent of VOICE -- where's Don Coffin when we need him?

Richard Adkins tried to stop their tax & spend policy but he was in the minority on the Council.

Anonymous said...

3:57 -- is that vote for Joe's reelection to the Council or to replace Ricky boy as the County Exec.

Anonymous said...


Will you be doing a protest rally at McCain's "town hall" BS at the Civic Center a few days from now?

That should not become a "missed opportunity".

Anonymous said...

Ed Taylor won't run any better in Wicomico than Obama did in 2008, and probably much worse because we have seen his "up close and personal" and don't forget someone like him.

Anonymous said...

Mr Pollitt is blaming the cap and state cuts on our current funding problems,however his spending habits are that of a typical liberal. Until the current county council wakes up and cuts out some of the frivious spending our problems will continue.

Anonymous said...


Time for Ricky boy to go. Joe would make an excellent replacement

Anonymous said...

Before the property tax increase that spurred the revenue cap, can anyone tell me when the last tax increase was? Does anyone have suggestions on how to continue to fund core essential services, police, roads, school? Any suggestions on how to do this without simply saying "cut fat", and if you say cut fat, please outline the fat that really amounts to anything, and don't say BOE, since they are basically untouchable at the county level.(thanks to our democratic Governor). What are we going to do when the police and fire trucks won't even be able to get to our houses because of roads that are falling apart from such severe underfunding. (again thanks to our democratic friends) The only thing I heard from VOICE's latest brainstorm, was basically ideas that would cost money. Once again, as before, VOICE has shown to be all talk and no action. I don't believe most people really understood what the cap would do, except that it was explained to them that their property taxes wouldn't go up. That is short sighted. If VOICE is so great, why wasn't Don Coffin (tax messiah) elected to the council that year? So, lets hear the ideas with substance on how to fund services that the taxpayers demand.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Taylor is definitely a nice man but my goodness.....he can't even remember if he had a folder in his hand 5 minutes ago- How can he run for Council again????? And he isn't exactly the most honest about what he does with the county's money.....Ask him what he was doing as a county employee at the jail and he might tell you what the title was but he really was getting stories for another book.
Bless his heart, he is sweet but don't be fooled by him again Wicomico Residents!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely no repeal for the cap!

Anonymous said...

Hey 5:16
You got him pegged!
He's as old as dirt!

Unknown said...

The revenue cap was passed during a time of relative plenty. The time to reconsider that may be drawing near.
Warren Buffet predicts a period of inflation beginning in a couple of years and exceeding the inflation of the late 70's and early 80's, when it reached over 13%/year. The revenue cap we have may make it impossible to service our debt, or carry out core services.

Anonymous said...

I guess Bill McCain accomplished what he set out to do - making sure Bennett Middle got their new school voted through - since his wife is a teacher there & in protecting wcboe in teacher pension protection and cutbacks. I don't think we've seen the last of him - very devious man.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we just close all the schools. Kids don't need an education. So what if every expense the board of ed has is going up each year. Would that make you all happy. Only rich people deserve educations and health insurance - right?

Anonymous said...

They don't need the progressive indoctrination that they're getting your right !

Anonymous said...

POLLITT is Wicomicos Pelosi. They both think their is not bottom to the pot. If both of them aren,t voted out we are in for a he.. of a mess.

Anonymous said...

Reference to 1:32 Post

I feel the same way you do.

I'm all in favor of keeping the revenue cap as I would much rather have my tax money in my own hip pocket as opposed to our local government.

I say 'BRING IT ON'. If my memory serves me correctly it was over 70 percent of the voting electorate that decided to invoke the revenue cap. It wasn't like it was 50/50 or even 60/40. So as you said;

I say 'BRING IT ON' - brother!

Anonymous said...

I get the distinct feeling that the founders of VOICE or the so called 'dirty dozen' will be launching a major offensive to try and thwart the repeal.

Remember what Arnold Schwarzenegger said in Terminator just before he re-entered into the Police station;


G. A. Harrison said...

Anon 1535 -
Yes, it was legal; provided they restricted their discussion to the matters listed in the agenda (which was posted on the WCBOE website).

Anon 1658 and Bill -
You both make excellent points. However, there are some solutions. First of all, we need zero based budgeting. Pollitt promised this (for the LAST budget of his term). Yet, when he explained what he was doing, it was NOT zero based budgeting. Second, the WCBOE is not untouchable. It looks like counties will get an MOE waiver this year. That means that this will be the time to FORCE the BOE to get rid of waste without sacrificing the Thornton money. If the BOE wants to keep propping up the educrats at the expense of our county's children then it's time to slash away.

Anon 1816 -
It's people like you that are making the WCBOE the premier issue in this year's county elections. Look around you. Cuts are being made to Boards of Ed in all of the surrounding states, but people like you think that it's OK to waste scarce education dollars on a top heavy bureaucracy. When will you learn that the WCBOE needs to spend our tax dollars wisely if they expect community support for more funding. Right now, the public sees dollars being flushed and feel that they shouldn't have to spend more until what the WCBOE already receives is well spent.

Anonymous said...

The Local Management Board will be loosing much of its administration funding as of the new fiscal year. So tell us why Rick cannot rid of the fat layer in his office to allocate monies over there to make up the shortfall so critical services are not affected?

Anonymous said...

Zero based budgeting in government?hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

How about getting rid of the zeros.

Anonymous said...

The DT said that Taylor was 78 years old.

My God . . why in the world does an 80 year old man want to hold office again for. I can think of a million things I would rather do than to spend the remaining twilight years mourning over the Revenue Cap.

Anonymous said...

Look folks. . .the solution is rather simple the way I see it.

For all of those people on the public dole and who might be cronically complaining about revenue issues then I say start a volunteer contribution program among your own to support your initiatives.

I'm sure it could easily be arranged through the BOE and municipalities to allow you to pay more in taxes or increase your own tax rate to help offset for any of your alleged deficiencies.

Heck . . .why not try and tax yourselves into properity. We'll see how long that will last!

Anonymous said...

4:02pm You are right. Richard Adkins did try and stop the tax & spend council members. So did Stevie Prettyman. They both were in the minority when the rest of that council passed a huge tax increase.

Wish Mr. Adkins were still around & I'm glad Ms. Prettyman is here to look out for my interest as a taxpayer. We need to send her more people on the council to help her & get rid of the tax & spend councilmembers. Thank goodness for Holloway, too.

doug wilkerson said...

I think most homeowners in Wic-O-Mic-O county are tapped out, they have no more money to give. The older folks for sure.

debt enslaves even local govt said...

if you ppl remember it was russell louis molnar who was council president when the largest tax increase in wico history. and he could not even pay his own bills. owed tons of money to several local businesses and wrote a many a rubber check too. but that seems to be a liberals agenda to utterly waste taxpayers dollarsnd not pay what they owe.long live the tax cap as far as hobo joe goeshe could not manage a ant farm.

Anonymous said...

Over my cold dead body comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

8:59pm Let's not forget Rebecca Taylor-White, Phil Tilghman, and Marvin Long! Thanks to those mentioned I am paying lots of taxes here in Wicomico County, even with the Revenue Cap.

Anonymous said...

Just checked the state website. Mark Bowen and Stevie Prettyman are the only two who have filed at the election office for re-election.

Come on Mr. Taylor. Go file before you announce you are running, please.
Pay your $25.00 and just do it.

Anonymous said...

Its cool how some of you make my time here seem small, I like that. Not time on the Blogg, time here. My wife tells me tid-bits, all the way back to that lunch counter downtown. I can see it and wasnt even there. Most those people are dead, and the rest of you are gettin old. Were all gettin old.

Anonymous said...

Woolworths I think.

Anonymous said...

Secret closed door meeting held today at the WCBOE is this legal?

3:35 PM

Yep...personnel matters.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Just checked the state website. Mark Bowen and Stevie Prettyman are the only two who have filed at the election office for re-election.

Come on Mr. Taylor. Go file before you announce you are running, please.
Pay your $25.00 and just do it.

9:34 PM

This is hilarious. I remember numerous times hearing Stevie Prettyman said she believes in term limits and no one should serve more than 2 terms. Heck, her primary residence is in Florida.

Anonymous said...

What the voters want doesn't matter!

Anonymous said...


Just the same old tired argument that the government is more important than the people who pay for it.
Let me ask you a question 4:58, why does the government require larger and larger PERCENTAGES of the peoples money?
As inflation takes the value of a persons home up and the wages up then at the SAME percentage the tax revenues go up. But that isn't enough for a bloated wastefull government. They want an ever increasing percentage to pay for more waste, corruption, and Ruth's Chris.
You use the tired arguement that the fire department won't be able to save you if we don't pay more taxes, and I reply with let's keep the fire department and get rid of about 5 other departments in the government.
Why is it always the essential service that gets threatened first?
And what tax payer is "demanding" all these services that are rammed down our throats?
It is time to say "no more".
Just wait till you see how much more you will be paying for this free health care. Just announced today that you must pay an additional 10% just to get a tan.
Hidden taxes everywhere.
Enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

11:54 Mr. Democrat, Mrs. Prettyman lives in West Nithsdale with her husband Bill. They have a place in Florida that they visit 3 or 4 times yearly. Are you in a panic that Mrs. Prettyman will continue to be the voice of the people. She represents my district and has always spoken for me.

Anonymous said...

Liberals remind me of swine, no matter how much you give them to spend or eat, it never seems to be enough!

Anonymous said...

I hate that people who live in the city and other towns have to pay a full amount of taxes to the county- even though our local municipality provides us with most of our services. We absolutely should have to pay for our county schools and other county wide things that we actually use. But the county doesn't pave my road, plow my snow, etc... Y

et I pay them the same amount as those who get benefit of those things while also paying my local municipality. I, and many others, are double taxed for single service.

Anonymous said...


Please check with your pal McCain -- wanna bet he spends more time away on trips than Stevie Prettyman does?

Anonymous said...

If Prettyman's resident is in Florida then she is not eligible to run for any office in Wicomico County. Grow up and get a grip and stop spreading these lies.

Anonymous said...


Like I said, where is the waste. You only mentioned BOE. Thats not very creative, and thanks to the governor, cant do anything about it. You mentioned cutting out other departments, well, what departments. You make the same old tired argument with no substance. I don't believe the govt should get more of a percentage of our pay, but i am not so stupid to realize that they aren't going to be able to provide standard services with less money.