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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Those of you that have nothing better to do than send in comments pertaining to the death of the president and then turn around and want to report Joe to the Secret Service, you really need to get a life. Go ahead and turn him in to the Secret Service because once Google gives them the IP address from your computer it will be YOU that has to deal with them, NOT JOE.

And you wonder why people refer to you as idiots.


Anonymous said...

All I've seen are comments wanting Obama to die ! I haven't seen a comment saying that an individual was threatening to do it themselves !But when you go against the will of the people and use underhanded tactics to force people into slavery what do you expect.

Concerned said...

You haven't seen them because they aren't being published.

Anonymous said...

Stupid people make me laugh!

Anonymous said...

Force people into slavery? Give us a break.

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong this tyrant deserves to be held accountable !

Anonymous said...

I hope that Joe will turn over these comments. There is no sense in people acting this way! You had it right Ghanima, they are IDIOTS!

Concerned said...

10:53 Don't get me wrong, I firmly believe they should all be held accountable but to make threats to the President of the United States is treason, no matter who occupies the office.

10:55 if the anonymous idiot that threatened to turn the comments over to the Secret Service, Joe won't have any say in the matter, it will be Google. I doubt Google is going to deny the Secret Service the information. It's one way to rid ourselves of these people, let them do it to themselves.

Anonymous said...

anon 10:50 p.m. what else do you call it when your freedom is taken? when your forced to pay for something you don't want or even have the funds for? and yes its a form of slavery and yes were being forced to do it, hence them saying "IF YOU DON'T HAVE INSURANCE" you will be fined 100 dollars a month i believe is what they said...

your a moron go read something before you put others down, specially when they DO know what their talking about...

Anonymous said...

The Secret Service probably agree with removing him too ! For those of you ignorant Obama supporters what happens when he tells you what car to drive or where to live ? This bill has trampled rights you haven't even realized yet!

Concerned said...

I am not now nor have I ever been an Obama supporter. I am smart enough to know that all threats on the life of the President are taken seriously and it is treason. I'm sure the Secret Service have not supported every president they are charged to keep safe. No matter their political stand they swore an oath to protect him and that is exactly what they will do. There are still some people left that know what it is to swear and oath and stand by it.

Anonymous said...

11:01 I heard, as of yesterday, that an individual that wishes not to get insurance will have to pay $50/year (probably through tax return) at first. The maximum penalty will be $700/year several years down the road.

If you don't have the funds for insurance, then maybe you're one of the 32 million Americans this bill is designed to help. What if you have a life-threatening illness? Without insurance, you'll definitely be using government help in one way or another.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you are right--it is just like slavery! I saw where the bill takes away your right to vote, to own property, to get married, to protect yourself, to live where you choose to. The bill takes your children away from you and sells them. The bill considers you 3/5 of a person and prevents you from getting an education. The bill means you will work for free from now on, on a job that isn't your choice. The bill prevents you from testifying in court. It is just like slavery.

It is extraordinarily offensive to even compare the two things. get a grip.

Anonymous said...

Well when the President swears to defend and uphold the Constitution and then shreds it who's job is it to rid the Progressive from our house ?

Anonymous said...

11:01, talk about hyperbole.
If you don't want insurance how about you carry a bracelet that says "in the event that I have an accident, let me die because I cannot pay for care"

Anonymous said...

11:12 You are right some people do stand by the oath they have taken,
it saddens me the President is not one of them.

Anonymous said...


I don't know what the crime is called when someone threatens the President but it is not treason. There has been a lot of treason commited in this country over the last few years and nothing has been done to Pelosi Reid or some others that have commited it.
I'm sure that the secret service takes any and all threats to the president very serious, and I'm also sure that they have there hands full right about now as it is rampant around the blogosphere and not just on this site.

Anonymous said...

TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 41 > § 871
Prev | Next § 871. Threats against President and successors to the Presidency

(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
(b) The terms “President-elect” and “Vice President-elect” as used in this section shall mean such persons as are the apparent successful candidates for the offices of President and Vice President, respectively, as ascertained from the results of the general elections held to determine the electors of President and Vice President in accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 1 and 2. The phrase “other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President” as used in this section shall mean the person next in the order of succession to act as President in accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 19 and 20.

Concerned said...

@12:01 You are probably right, I'm not so sure it is treason either but I do know it is illegal. Seems rather treasonous of anyone to make a threat against this country or it's president, even if he has violated every article of the constitution. That is why we have courts and impeachment.

Chimera said...

Everytime theres a post like this one that stirs emotion in so many readers,the nutjobs come out in full force.I despise Obama and think he is a flaming bunghole,and a lying undercover Muslim but I dont wish him any harm and certainly do not think that making threats against him is very constructive.If we are lucky,he will be impeached eventually and exiled to some offshore territory like the French did to Napoleon.But instead of sending him barrels of cognac we can send him cartons of Kools......

Anonymous said...

as we type, the secret service checking out all the people that tweeted that they thought the president should be killed. so make your threats dummys you will be investigated next. like the man said, its treason to threaten the president and i for one would not take any chances to find out what the punishment will be.

xcbvsfb said...

the interesting part is that when you have a forum like this, when you allow comments to go through you are jut as guilty as the person who said it..

Anonymous said...

What about when you leave an innocent comment and get blasted because nobody agrees with it? That's not right either.

Anonymous said...

You democrats can dish it out but can't take it !

Anonymous said...

3:42, I made the 3:25 comment. If you're referring to me, I was talking about this site in general. I am not a Democrat. Maybe I shouldn't have got off the subject. I made a comment on here once and a reply came back to me with several cuss words in it. I was horrified. I don't visit this site as often anymore.

Anonymous said...

Totmom, why Kools? Sounds a little racist to me.

Anonymous said...

I am sick and tired if ignorant, hateful, disrespectful, stupid, fat rich republicans who think poor people don't deserve to live. You can all suck it because we finally got the bill past and there is nothing you can do about it. Have a problem? Move to another country!

Anonymous said...

Treason only occurs during war.

Anonymous said...

5:23 I don't care if you live, I just don't want to pay for your health care. And I'm not fat or rich.

Anonymous said...

hey 5: 23

It ain't over till the fat lady sings , and I ain't heard a note yet.

Anonymous said...

5:23 It will be repealed anyway if it's not shot down by all the state law suits against . To bad you lazy minorities can't get off your fat azz's and provide for yourselves and your family ! Hispanics not included most I know have a strong sense of family and honor .

Anonymous said...

That was intelligent.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should just go along with Obama he's going to get rid of the dead weight anyway .

Anonymous said...

baby killer stupaks phone number 1-202-225-4735. fax # 1-202-225-4744

Anonymous said...

Obama has devided this country like no other president ever has. If you still like Obama you probably also like O'Malley, Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc. I feel sorry for you, get help.

Anonymous said...

6:22, I want you to know just how racist and ignorant you really sound. I happen to be white and I have a PhD in Psychology making more in a year than you probably make in a decade. That doesn't mean I am a bitter and selfish bastard like you. I came from proverty and without help from federal aid and grants I would still be there today. I see people every day struggling to provide for their families and unable to go to the doctor because their company doesn't offer health insurance, or because they are self employed and unable to afford it. These people are the hardest working Americans I have ever met. And 6:06, what do you plan to do if you loose your job like the 10% currently unemployed and find yourself in need of a doctor? Or worse yet, and God forbid, have a family member diagnosed with cancer who has no insurance. Do you really have enough money saved up if something like that occurs? Or do you just think everyone should just let that person die because no one else should help carry the burden?

Anonymous said...


you are so full of crap your eyes are brown ! you brought race into it so I baited you haha caught by your own racists trap .Quit standing around with your hand out and your pants down Walmart is hiring !

doug wilkerson said...

You said that well with lots of passion.

doug wilkerson said...

Hey Doc, can I get some free advise? My Gosh...(just kidding).

Anonymous said...

There's more suicide by Psychologist's than any other profession !

Anonymous said...

7:29- Your comment makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

It's not the government job to take from me and give to anybody it's also not their job to force a service I already have on me . But this is just the beginning it's incremental small steps piece by piece taking our liberty . It must be nice to look down on the mass's and think you know whats best for them because they're to dumb to figure it out ! Don't be shocked when true Patriots do something extremely RASH !

Anonymous said...

7:29 and Doug, maybe the two of you can get some mental help with the insurance that you will soon be mandated to have. It sure sounds like you can use it!

doug wilkerson said...

You have no idea, which side of the table am I on again?

doug wilkerson said...

I was reffering to the Doc in my comments.

Chimera said...

5:15 it isn't racist,according to various magazine interviews,Kools are the POTUS personal choice when he smokes....
Since when are Kool cigarettes exclusive to one race?
Anyhow,heres what I am curious many of those opposed to Obamacare are insured and how?

Anonymous said...

749 Is that RASH as in itchy bumps? ewwwwww

Anonymous said...

That will make a man out of you.

Anonymous said...

Your back huh.

Anonymous said...

With bells on

Anonymous said...

The 12 million that are uninsured, not 32 million, could be covered with a small amount from left over stimulus money.
This bill is about CONTROL not providing health care insurance.
The main reason to oppose this bill is COST. A COST this country can not affored- 2 TRILLION.

Anonymous said...

8:40 Good luck with your herpes under herd care .

Anonymous said...

The big difference between healthcare then and now is , is was affordable for most but those who couldn't dropped it . Now it will be un affordable for all without the option of dropping it !

Anonymous said...

7:49 You are not the sharpest tack in the box . explains why your for herd care .