I was glad that he was elected last year, but never took seriously his promise of competent governance and change in the administration of the City. That slogan “help is on the way” seems a sophomoric sing-song to me, and I am not disappointed in those regards. But I did believe that his oath of office was genuine and would be honored without fail. In that regard I’m disappointed, despite his dealings with the police chief from hell, because of his failure to address an apparent violation of the Charter, which expressly prohibits City personnel from making a contract if sufficient funds for the particular purpose have not been duly appropriated by the Council.
On October 27, 2009 – the day after the Council approved a bid for a new dump truck -- Councilwoman Cohen realized that a budget amendment was needed and sent an e-mail message to that effect to the City Administrator, John Pick, with copies to the City’s purchasing officer (Pamela Oland) and also to the Mayor. Without first obtaining an amendment, Ms Oland proceeded with the purchase documentation, and on November 6 that contract was submitted to the vendor, after first being signed by Louise Smith, the Council’s president, and also by Ms. Oland and by the City Attorney, Paul Wilber, who signified that the contract was proper both as to its form and its “legality”. Ten days later, on November 16, Pick sent a message to Ms. Cohen stating that a budget amendment was required in order to purchase the truck.
Almost two more months passed until a budget amendment was presented to the Council at its meeting on January 11, 2010. On that date, when asked if the truck had been ordered, Ms. Oland said that she didn’t know, and neither Wilber nor Pick said anything in response to that question. Ms. Cohen and Ms. Campbell felt that information should be presented before voting on the budget amendment, which requires a 4-vote approval, and it failed. Another month passed before the truck was delivered to and accepted by the City in mid-February, but the budget has not been amended at this late date.
Ireton and others are clearly incompetent in this episode, but their behavior may go well beyond that. Both he and Oland should have realized at the outset that a budget amendment was needed and submitted an ordinance in a timely manner. Upon receiving Ms. Cohen’s warning, they should have promptly proceeded with an ordinance but failed to do so.
But the more serious aspect of this saga is the execution of the contract and submission thereof to the vendor despite the warning and failure to first obtain a budget amendment. The Charter provision mentioned above makes such action a “misdemeanor” and states that upon conviction a person “shall cease to hold his office or employment.” The mayor, unless he actively pressed for the contract to be signed and delivered, probably could not be prosecuted or discharged, but that may not be so in the case of other City officials.
Ms Oland, one of the officials that Ms. Cohen warned, was thereafter involved in the contractual process and signed the contract – despite being warned by the e-mail message. Mr. Wilber was not an addressee of the e-mail, but had an obligation to perform due diligence before approving its “legality”, but exactly what action he took is unknown. And John Pick’s role as the “chief of staff” is of interest. Louise Smith, unless she believed that the contract was not “legal” when she signed it, appears not to be culpable – she simply signified that it had been “approved” by the Council.
Having become cognizant of the facts, if he were not previously, Mr. Ireton has a duty of office to address any violation of the Charter or state law that has occurred. It can’t be dismissed as an innocent misunderstanding or inadvertent error. There are public policy reasons to require proper budgetary appropriation of public funds, and this episode follows a similar one, involving these same City officials and “the Bricks” property, that occurred very shortly after Ireton took office.
So far – taking Mr. Ireton’s pledge of transparency at face value – it seems that he has done nothing. If he decides, or has already decided, not to refer this situation to the State’s Attorney, the residents of Salisbury deserve an explanation.
Is he getting and following advice from Barrie Tilghman these days???
That "help" never got here.
I never understood or followed politic's .Then a friend told about your site (mainly because of the police beat LOL) . I read the posts and truthfully most go over my head. Anyway my point is I hope you talk about this post on your show . I understand better when it is explained to me . Thank you
Ireton has failed to clean house in City Hall and now must live with the consequences. Things will continue to spiral down unless he cans the crowd that became entrenched under Barrie Tilghman.
Why is Ruark dragging his feet on this?
Ireton's staff knows that he won't stand up to them and who really runs things in Salisbury.
Excellent post. I wasn't aware that Oland had been cc'd on Pick's email which agreed with Cohen that a budget amendment was necessary.
That being the case, the ball is now in Ireton's court. If he allows Oland to keep her job then he is governing no better than Barrie Tilghman did. Also, by allowing Oland to stay he is assuming the responsibility for her actions.
As to Wilber, I have to disagree. As much as I would love to tag him, Wilber has to depend on city hall for certain things. It's simply not practical to say that Wilber should personally verify that there is money in the budget for every expenditure. That's what Oland is supposed to be there for.
Until we know what Wilber knew and when he knew it, the jury's out as to him.
It amazes me how slow the long arm of the law reacts when it's white collar crime involving government employees.
Didn't you know, Wilber works for Barrie. Why in the heck he is still there I do not know, I hope Jim can do something about that!
The Mayors newest idea is to make the firemen do code inspections. He wants the firemen to write citations for tall grass, peeling paint and abandonned cars. Thats the Code Compliance divisions job. These guys have enough work load already with calls and station duties. Im not impressed with his leadership skills.
Go back and read your postings before the election and a bit after Ireton won, than you can determine if your first paragraph is stated correctly.
I realize what a busy, busy fellow you are, so just give me the word and I will send you a copy of the dates and quotes on what a happy, happy day it would be to have Jim as Mayor, how he would bring change, how he would get rid of all the problems (meaning anyone you didn't like). Of course all the giddyness and hoopla was before you found out you could not control the Mayor.
No free pass for the attoreny or Smith.
Both sat silent in that meeting I watched on TV when the question was asked if the trucks were ordered.
If Cohen thought to ask if an amending was needed, the attorney who gets paid to know that should of spoke up. The council president wanted her position as leader so bad so how come she didn't lead?
I get held responsible for contracts I sign no matter what. Mr. G.A. I don't get why you think it's okay for any of them to sign just because soeone hands them a pen? I'd of got fired.
Government is a very good sociology study when it comes to white collar crime. Do as I say, not as I do and then show me respect for it. hahahahaha
Go fly a kite in a lightning storm.
Ireton has to tread carefully. The minefield has long been laid, and one misstep will be disabling; two may be fatal. So many of the things that have sprung up since (and just before) his taking office were planted by Barrie and her advisors. I count the Mr. Doofus Opinion Wilber among them, as well as a few others whose names I'll withhold for now, but you know who they are. Yes, the three stooges have a part in it, too. Give Ireton time. It's a complicated thing, even though some don't see it that way.
What about the laws that says they can not do that? What about the laws that states if they continue without an amendment, the person or persons' will be held accountable and be terminated?
If nothing happens, then you can clearly see that NO ONE in any form of govmt gives a crap... EVER
Ireton is not going to get rid of Wilber, Oland, Smith Pick or anyone else. He would get rid of Cohen and Campbell if he could before getting rid of any of those that openly work against him.
Lack of Balls Ireton
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