Demonstrators punch an effigy representing Immigration and Customs Enforcement during a Sunday rally for immigration reform on the Mall. Marchers called for the legalization of all illegal immigrants and said they will vote against anyone who doesn't support them. (Associated Press)
Source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/photos/2010/mar/22/73110/
Source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/photos/2010/mar/22/73110/
How about rounding up all the illegals and kicking them out of this country? Sounds like a plan to me. No more anchor babies either.
Now the sworn in citizens of the U. S. want to hold the government hostage with their vote. Personally, the government need to round up ALL illegal immigrants in this country and send them to their on country. The U. S. born American citizens need to ban together for their vote, Protect your right to vote. And fight back against these illegal immigrants politically. This is our home. Illegals go home.
And, take those Anchor Babies with you; for real. Stop using them to hold U. S. born citizens hostage.
How are the illegals going to vote for anyone?
cant vote if you are here illegally.
When you think of a melting pot never thought the actual pot would be melting.
hey we got the illegals, the communists, the kenyans, the islamist jehadists, true americans are becoming the minority. maybe we can claim government set asides for being a true citizen of this once great country
Where was the INS during this rally. My guess if they made a presence that the rally would disperse quickly.
How can they vote if they are illegal?
i would like to see them demonstrate in mexico against something and see how they make out. if they are illegals get them out of here. thanks sjd.
lol like anyone's worried.. illegals can't vote!!!
Give them a break. Life must be hard when everywhere you look you see a lawn that needs mowing
I second that 10:58. I don't have any problem with immigration, but let them come into the country legally and apply for citizenship and be productive, tax-paying citizens. They want all the benefits from our country without paying the cost.
We also need to repeal the whole born here=citizen concept. If one is born to an illegal, then the child is illegal. We've set up laws so that criminals cannot profit from their crimes, isn't this technically the same (or at least close in theory)?
It's not that they can vote, but each illegal is probably connected to a legal in some way. Don't you think the legals will vote to have all their illegal brethren protected? Not only that, but the illegals have so many future voters in their numerous anchor babies, that eventually they'll be able to swing the vote.
how in the hell can they vote?
If they don't like it tell them to Go Home.
anonymous 11:39, You don't get it. According to thye wet pants liberals, they are home.
I just love how the same Bozo's that claim they are strict constitutional constructionalist want the constitution changed to fit their bigotry with regard to the "anchor baby" issue. Can you say hypocrites.
What's funny is the fact that these anchor babies can grow up to be President (especially with all the funding that is thrown their way). If we allow this, then why don't we repeal the law stating the President has to be natural-born citizen and modify it to state that the President has to only be a productive tax-paying citizen for X-number of years. Look at Arnold Schwarzenegger. While he has his own flaws, one thing remains that he has been a productive citizen, has held a high-ranking public office, but can never become President due to his birth status.
This country was founded by immigrants, who at the beginning were all "illegal". However they did not cross borders with their hands out.
They do vote, with acorns help....
Lets face it they come from countries where the average household income is ten grand a year. Our freaking goverement gives them that per child. Cheap housing, free medical, foodstamps, migrant loans, demand our schools to become bi-lingual, march on OUR captitol while here illegally, drive unregistered vehicles with no insurance, and none of them can reach shit on the top shelf at the grocery store. Enough said
Whats even funnier is African Americans are pissed because Latinos are stealing their thunder.
America home of the illegals and the opressed. BS!
I'm sure that there will be some Democrat appointed Federal judge that will rule that citizenship is not a requirement to vote.
Only in America can a group of illegal immigrants, which are not supposed to be here, rally for legalization for their "right" to become citizen. Try that in another country and see what happens.
You still have rights back where you came from so if you want rights go throught the same exact process all of us "legal" citizens had to go through to be granted that right. When you come to a country that was an English country you should learn english. I know for a fact if i plan on living in mexico i will most likely be learning their dominate language so i can adapt there. These people feel as if us legal citizens should adjust our culture to fit their needs. It is rediculous. I say kick them all out if they are not legal in the first place and stop charging my taxes for them to be here.
Well they SHOULD be venting. They should be venting through holes in their upper torso's caused by .50 cal. BMG's on tops of towers located along the border every so often just behind the fence with constantine wire. They are foriegn invaders and should be treated as such.
With Obama's universal registration plan not only will illegals be able to vote so will felons in prison !
It just baffels me as to why ANYONE would want to give these people amnesty. They are a detriment to America yet we have those that want to accept this kind of behavior and even make them legal. Where does this foolishness stop? What is to prevent the whole world from coming to America illegally and then be given amnesty?
It's all about expanding their voting block democrats don't care about American individual rights and quality of life .
They can vote when Obama grants them amnesty.
Do you oppose AMNESTY?
Numbersusa.com is an organization dedicated to opposing amnesty and supporting rights of legal Americans.
They offer free and easy to sent informational faxes to Congress. Your involvement can be as active as you choose.
How does the illegals vote. Ask Acorn and the families that are sworn into the U. S. who house illegal immigrants. They vote for illegals immigrants.
How about rounding all those bastards up and sending them back to where ever the hell they came from.
Well with the way things are going and with the voter fraud and these electronic voting machines we cannot be assured of the majority being reflected at the voting booth and I really believe that there will be a civil war of sorts .
I Can See Why They Are All Worked Up . Ha Ha Ha
where's the doj? why aren't they being arrested, deported?
All my brothers and sisters will soon be Ameicans, thank you Obama.
I won't support any business that employs illegals.
Why don't we just take over Mexico they're to stupid to get control over their country so America will fix it for them !
It is time for citizens to go to Annapolis on a bus to take action! We the people need to stand up for our own rights! This country and our system has gotten way out of hand! Soon we will have no rights! What the hell is the purpose of calling them "illegals" if we aren't going to do anything about it? And many of them are driving around drunk causing accidents w/no insurance! It's time to take a stand. What exactly the hell does the Immigrations office do anyway? Obviously nothing! There has to be a way we can band together to put a stop to businesses employing them. That in itself should be illegal.
I used to think it was crazy to hear about people in the militias who were stock piling weapons in case they ever had to fight the government. Now I'm thinking they may be prophets who have known or seen something the rest of us normal people never saw coming. It's sad, scary, pathetic, disgraceful what this county is coming to. We can't take care of our own Veterans, elderly, children, homeless, etc. but we can help every other country in the world, run up debt, try to take law abiding citizens guns away, have gov. take over our healthcare and let in illegals and give them rights. I agree w/the blogger who said those of us Americans are now the minority and are being held hostage. So true! I wish I had the answers to fix it. Does anyone else have answers? Someone has run a muck and we are in real trouble. I'm surprised we don't have another civil war in the making. Something needs to be done about the judges slapping wrists and the prisons letting murderers, rapists, and pedophiles out early. We have completely lost control over our own country. God help us all.
That would have been a good place for a bomb to go off. Why is it you cant find a good jihadist when you need one?
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