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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Art Rears Its Better Side?

UPDATE: Salisbury News has been in contact with the Restaurant and we have been able to obtain the exact image hanging in the restaurant. This may help others to understand that this is art? GO HERE to view the image.

I'd like to add, to the individual who called the restaurant claiming to be me, they do have caller ID and we will follow up on that individual who impersonated me. Mr. McGuire better get a good lawyer because he also impersonated Sean Johnson of Delmar recently when he called O.C. Taxi. Lawyer up McGuire because we've got enough on you to have you criminally charged now. O.C. Taxi does not allow restricted calls and McGuire made the mistake of calling on his personal phone. Mr. Johnson is considering pressing charges as well.


Last weekend my family (my husband, myself and my 10 yr old son) went on a trip to Outer Banks, NC with another couple and their 1 yr old. We had a great time but there is one experience I would like to share as I am curious as to how others would've reacted in this situation.

Saturday night we all went out to dinner at a place called the Black Pelican. This was a very nice restaurant and the food was delicious. At the end of our meal my son had to use the restroom and my husband went with him. As they returned, my son had a peculiar look on his face as he began telling me what he had just seen in the bathroom. My husband pulls out his cell phone and shows me the picture he took of what was hanging on the wall above the urinals. To my surprise it was of a naked woman laying on her stomach with her backside available for all to see. Keep in mind my 10 yr old was the first to see this! Well I was beside myself. I couldn't believe someone would put a picture like that on the wall where males of all ages can view it.

I said something to our waiter about the picture and he was very apologetic and explained that he had nothing to do with it being there and he was sorry my son had to see it. It just so happened that the manager of the store stopped by our table and asked how everything was going. Of course I had to talk to him about it. His initial reaction to me was, "The owner put it in there and that's where he wants it." He said that a few times and not once did he apologize or say he was sorry that it was offensive to me. The other mom we were vacationing with totally agreed with me saying kids do not need to be subjected to that.

My main concerns are: (1)it is a family restaurant and there were lots of other kids in the restaurant, (2) kids see that in there and think it is ok to look at stuff like that, (3) I think the manager could've handled it much more professionally than that. He was very rude and frankly didn't seem like he even cared that the picture offended me.

I am very curious as to what others think and how they would've reacted. I have heard 2 sides: some think it is very inappropriate and others simply say, "It's art!".

A concerned mother


Orsonwells said...

Isn't making porn available to children illegal?

Anonymous said...

Personal opinion is that it's just something else for "over" protective mothers to complain about. If it only showed the rear end, they see more than that every day on TV and I bet you don't turn the TV off all the time. Unfortunately, in today's society, modesty is out the window. And, kids see it all the time when they watch TV and kids will watch TV for hours unsupervised.

Anonymous said...

The reaction of that manager tells me that he's heard it many times before, and that there is absolutely nothing he can do about it. I've used that phrasing before when I had an unreasonable boss - I was afraid of consequences if I said anything negative about the boss, so I couldn't empathize with the customers.

Anonymous said...

Did it show more or less than a bikini or thong bathing suit you subject your 10yr old to when he goes to the beach or pool?

Anonymous said...

I have a similar piece of art in my bedroom. It is beautiful. My kids see it all the time and don't think twice about it. It is not a dirty picture.

We go to Europe, you would totally freak out! It really is art, whether you appreciate it or not. I am very conservative.

It is how it is presented to your children, in how they will perceive it. Sorry total over reaction on your part.

Anonymous said...

Guess what he would have seen if you were in Rehoboth Beach?

Anonymous said...

it is a private business. just like they have the right to refuse service, you have the right not to go back.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It is a painting. Relax. Kids are tougher than anyone thinks. If this is the worst thing you kid ever sees or hears, then he is luckier than any child ever.

Anonymous said...

That type of "Art" would be better displayed in a strip club not a family restaurant. Speaks volumes about the owners character.

Anonymous said...

Statistics show that 95% of men that are in jail were influenced by porn - the basis where it all starts. So yes, let's destroy our civilization as quickly as possible and hook them younger and younger! Any doubters? Do your own research.

joealbero said...

anonymous 10:21, you're full of crap. Provide the link to your findings.

Anonymous said...

Not saying this is the case with this parent, but some people will make a fuss in public and then let the child play adult appropriate video games when they get home. It is not porn if there is no graphic frontal nudity or sex act portrayed. There may be good art or bad art, but it is not porn. Instead of reacting the way she did, the subject presented a wonderful teaching moment for discussion. At age 10, this child is long pass protecting and needs to be gradually educated.

Anonymous said...

perhaps i wouldn't go back to the restaurant but i don't see where it is a huge deal. i've seen people take their kids to hooters, which is worse?

Unknown said...

Don't turn the TV on during the Sunday talk shows. The kids might get the impression that it's ok to lie. On the other hand, you could explain to them why that politician did lie and maybe take them to an art museum where there is ancient Greek and Italian art.

Anonymous said...

It is their restaurant and they decorate and operate it as they wish. You were the guest in their store. Tell the manager you don't like it there and let him know that you feel strongly enough to not return for another visit with your money. Their store, your money. You decide if you need to be there again. Explain your thoughts to your 10 yr. old son and vote with your dollars! Simple!!

Anonymous said...

It all depends on the portrait. Was it a painting of a woman from the backview or was it of a penthouse portrait with a woman bent over holding her lips apart? I have a beautiful painting over my fireplace of a woman having a cup of tea in the nude with her breasts in full view and her pubic hair showing. Everyone that comes to my house compliments the painting. But then again, I do not tend to hang out with people who have hang ups with their bodies. God made breasts to feed babies and all the boys in our family understand that and breastfeeding is no big deal. Thank god for the La Leche League. Pornagraphy and art are two different things. The way you react to it as a mother will have more influence over your son than just seeing the painting and drawing his own conclusions. When you give the perception that a rearend is a dirty little secret than it adds the thats a no-no effect to the theme which can be a turn on for many as the dirty little secret syndrome and make wanting to look all the more enticing. You can teach your sons to have an appreciation for a woman's body while still respecting her as a woman. Rapes, assaults, and other types of abuse have little to do with sex, its all about BULLYING and CONTROL. 1021-you need to do your research.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 12:03, it depends on whether it was more like porn or art! However I am also completely surprised and thrown off by many of the other comments. At 10 years old kids do not need to be seeing naked pictures! I cant even believe how free some people are with their children and cant help but think that parents like that are the reason why society is inappropriate now a days. And yes, it can be very inappropriate!

When I watch TV with my kids I always turn the channel if two people are getting intimate or if someone is exposed. My children do not play vulgar video games or read vulgar books. I have discussed with them the view of violence and sex from the Bibles stand point. I would say do the same with your children if it offends you because you cant always protect your children, so they need to be able to make a stand for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Don't like it , don't care , so I'll eat some other place .

Anonymous said...

Joe i called the resaraunt they are forwarding the pic/pics to you there is one in the womans room to. The pics were shot by a renouned photag greg norman.The pic were put the and locals dont have a prblm with them. There is NO genitalia or body hair on these at all.Just art

Anonymous said...

Dear Mom, get over it.

Anonymous said...

Black Pelican is a high end restaurant. If you want kid friendly go to Dairy Queen or Outback or one of the numerous chains in OBX. Whiny.

Unknown said...

At a cost of $119.99, that's is not porn. Porn is much cheaper.

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh when I saw the pic..a butt that big and round when the back is bent that way??
Looks like a man's knees were placed in the pic in just the right place.

Orsonwells said...

WOW, I just saw the pic! It IS art! And good, too! I'm fine with that.

Mom, Dad, go get a life.

Mardela said...

Art. If we taught our children the difference between art and porn, our kids would understand, they are smarter than we think.

Anonymous said...

It's a butt. I've seen more at the beach in OC- women in thongs with more than that showing. As a pp said, it was a teachable moment that you missed.

Oh- and you being offended is about YOU, not about the manager. Must we apologize for offending others now?? Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

Joe, regarding your 10:23 post, I'm reminded that, statistically, 64% of numbers that cite a particular source are made up on the spot - or is it 83%?

Anonymous said...

absolutely it's Art, get over it

Anonymous said...

Your kid saw the picture. You were offended. You complained to the waiter. When he was taking your order? You shouldn't have ordered. You should have gone to another restaurant.

Anonymous said...

You're husband must not have been too offended....he took a picture instead of just telling you about it.

Now, the $1,000,000 question - is the pic still on his phone

Anonymous said...

...just a really tacky pic me a break!

Anonymous said...

I'll put one more in the art column. Plus, I really believe it is appropriately placed. What could possibly be a conversation starter between a boy and his father.

Society today has become way too prudish, resulting in some of the problems we see today.

Besides, as many have said, much more is visible out on the beach.

Don said...

Been to the Black Pelican quite a few times - I'd hardly call it a "family" restaurant. More of a great bar (inside and deck) with great food. Broke their hearts to ban smoking in the bar area. I can totally understand the manager's position. There are commercials on TV far racier than the poster.

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed by most of the comments from viewers. As a mom, I'd have to agree w/this mom. It is not appropriate to display this in a restaurant. It would be expected at a night club or strip club. I found it offensive. I think it's degrading to women. If people enjoy this type of "art" (porn) they should do so in the privacy of their own home. It is sad that in our society our boys are growing up to view girls as sex objects. And we wonder why kids are having sex younger or sexting, sexually assaulting women who they view as objects, etc. Look where all the sex in the media and movies and magazines has gotten us: teenage pregnancy, promiscuous girls, innappropriate clothing on teens, etc. I'm ashamed at how our society is evolving and would like that to change.

Anonymous said...

I think it's distasteful. It may be art, but that photo should not be on a public wall. If the Boss likes it so much, he can put it in his office or home. He should respect his customers.

Anonymous said...

every body has one, two butt cheeks on a poster. If you don't like it don't go back. You are the ones seeing it as porn. Others don't.

Anonymous said...

This is why fundies should not be allowed into museums or better restaurants with art on the walls. Eat at the clown's palace next time mommy, and supersize it!

Anonymous said...

How do you know that the person in the picture is female?

Ron Brawl said...

I'm a parent and am continually amazed at how other parents react to things. This picture showed much less than the statue of David, which is considered art. It is a tasteful shot. However, I as a parent were offended by it, here is what I would do:

1. Politely get the waiter's attention and tell him why I was leaving.

2. Leave.

3. When we got to the car I would use this as a "teachable moment" and explain the value system of our family to the kid(s).

4. Tell others in the area that shared my values so they could avoid the situation.

Parents need to use things like this to instruct their children- turn it into a positive.

Ron Brawl said...

1:04 wrote, "I think it's distasteful. It may be art, but that photo should not be on a public wall."

It's not a PUBLIC wall. It is in a PRIVATE restaurant! The state/government does not own this restaurant a private citizen does and is allowed to hang pictures like this. You might find it distasteful- I might also, but this picture is not on a PUBLIC wall.

Anonymous said...

It's art. She must do yoga to get that much arch in her back. It hurts me just to look at the arch of the back.

Unknown said...

One can view the decor and venue of the Black Pelican by going to

I think the poster may of Michael Jackson and, if true, I need to agree with those that say it is not art.

Anonymous said...

louboo......I betcha 80% of his customer's love it.

Anonymous said...

If anything about this picture makes it degrading to women, it's that it was hung above a man's urinal. A bathroom lounge area I could see, but above a urinal while a guy's got his hand on his ...

Otherwise it's a neat photograph. I was a photo buff in my youth and I like the b&w shadowing in it.

As for the 10-year-old boy, I'd take the opportunity to show him the Venus de Milo, the statue of David, paintings by Reubens.

Put it in a strip club? Really? How old are you lady? The picture's just a picture. Put it above a urinal, it might look trashy. Put it in a museum and people will admire its lighting.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon 9:13. The ONLY thing I have a problem is that this was placed above a Urinal. Porn this is not - however why place a beautiful photo like this above a Urinal - knocks it down several notches to nothing but a naked rear for men to to whatever with...and that is a shame.