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Sunday, January 10, 2010


Democrats have a political death wish. At least that's how it looks. There's no other explanation for their feverish push to take over the health care system when a huge majority of Americans are opposed to the plan. But facing an angry public, Democrats are scheming to find ways to manipulate the electoral process so they can cling to power even when voters want to kick the bums out.

Sen. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, and Rep. Barney Frank, Massachusetts Democrat, have plans to ram through legislation that will produce universal voter registration. No matter what they claim, the rule changes will make it possible for illegal aliens to register to vote and for others to register multiple times.

The proposal is to register everyone on every welfare list, everyone getting unemployment insurance, everyone with a driver's license, everyone who has had run-ins with the legal system, everyone owning any property - basically everyone on every list the government keeps. People will be registered to vote whether or not they want to be registered. If individuals are on any public record, they will be automatically registered.

Obviously a lot of illegal aliens have driver's licenses, and many get other government benefits. Quite a few have rap sheets. People's names and other identification information are frequently recorded differently across these different lists, which means that one could be registered a separate time for every slight variation in how their personal information is kept on file.

The legislation is also expected to give felons the right to vote. Why Democrats insist on letting someone who has raped multiple women vote on social policy is beyond us. According to Democrats, robbers who have preyed on helpless victims - and even murderers - have the judgment to tell us how law enforcement should be run in this country.

In May 2005, Public Opinion Strategies surveyed felons who had their voting rights restored and nonfelons who voted in Washington state. Even after accounting for the voters' race, gender, education level, religious habits, employment, age and county of residence, the book Freedomnomics found that "felons were 36 percent more likely than nonfelons with the same characteristics to have voted for [John] Kerry [a Democrat] over [George W.] Bush [a Republican] and 37 percent more likely to be registered Democratic."

For years, Democrats have fought against requiring photo IDs at polling places. The practice, which is simply a way to make sure voters are who they say they are, is used in about 100 other countries. Mexico, for example, has cracked down on voter fraud and is strict about requiring photo identification to vote. If Democrats have their way, it will be easier for Mexicans to vote in America than in their own country.

It speaks volumes about Democratic unpopularity that they have to look to criminals and illegal aliens to try to shore up their voting base.


debeachgirl said...

I live in DE and I've always had to show a photo ID to vote. While I agree that illegal immigrants (since when did the word illegal start to mean different things) and inmates should not be allowed to vote, those that are out of jail and off probation and parole should have their right to vote restored. The illegals should be the ones we are most worried about. Illegal is illegal. If I smoke crack its illegal but a person here illegally can get welfare, food stamps, drive, and go to school. All without bothering to learn the language or even trying to get citizenship. Now they want us to allow their illegal kids, who can apply for citazenship, to send them to college. The illegals would know nothing about who they are voting for and would all vote for who the whole herd votes for. They liked Bush bc he was religious and they liked Obama bc he was black. And that's not my prejudice that's out of the horses mouth.

Anonymous said...

This just shows what the democrats are all about AND who their supporters are. I have been saying all along that now that they are in power, they will do anything to cheat and change the rules so they can stay there. It should be going the other way-only taxpayers should be allowed to vote. If you don't pay taxes, you should have no say in how the money is spent. It will never happen though, because if it did, the democrat party would be a thing of the past.

Anonymous said...

Are you surprised that's who they relate to !

Anonymous said...

That's funny, the words "terrorists" or "terroists" don't appear anywhere in this crappy editorial.

Anonymous said...

How are the dems going to pull this one off? Registering voters is totally in the hands of the states according to the Constitution.

Oh yeah. They don't care about the constitution. Just look at Obamacare.

Anonymous said...

I guess, since ACORN has been outted, this is the dems end-run.
They don't even try to look legit anymore-- this bunch is as fascist as any in history.

Anonymous said...

You guys voted for change , enjoy it , at least for the short term.
The next thing you will be changing will be your shorts and dressings.