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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ehrlich urges 'major' turnout for Annapolis march on 1-13

Former Maryland governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) used his Saturday morning radio program to promote a defiant march on Annapolis on Wednesday, the opening day of the 2010 legislative session. (Wednesday 1-13-2010)

"This is your night," Ehrlich, who is contemplating a rematch with Gov. Martin O'Malley (D), told his listeners on WBAL radio in Baltimore. "I want to encourage a major, major presence. I want to encourage the largest crowd ever in Annapolis, Maryland."

On its Web site, the Maryland chapter of Americans for Prosperity, the organizers of the march, encourage people to "come to Annapolis and send a message to your elected officials: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" The group claims that O'Malley's "fiscal mismanagement is astounding."

A representative of Americans for Prosperity who appeared on the radio show, which Ehrlich co-hosts weekly with his wife, Kendel, said organizers are expecting 500 to 1,000 people.

"That's not good enough," Ehrlich said, suggesting he would like to see "a couple of thousand, minimum."

"If you're frustrated, show up," said Kendel Ehrlich.

Both Bob Ehrlich and event organizers said Wednesday's march is a nonpartisan event. No elected officials from either party are scheduled to speak, which Ehrlich said "is a good call."

Ehrlich has said he is weighing another bid for governor but given no timetable for announcing a decision. In recent fundraising letters, O'Malley has treated Ehrlich as though he is running.

The Washington Post


Anonymous said...

Lets not forget that ehrlich forced a septic system tax on every home in MD,$35 p/yr millions to clean up the Bay...yet NONE of its been spent on the Bay! Just another tax n spend in a different coat!

joealbero said...

anonymous 10:45, $35.00 per year, BIG DEAL! Have you conveniently forgotten about O'Malley raising the sales tax from 5% to 6%????

Let's see, but a $40,000.00 car and that's $2,400.00 in Sales Tax! Every day groceries for an entire year! Use your head. O'Malley has boned taxpayers so bad it isn't funny.

Anonymous said...

Ehrlich will clean up many issues. he has my vote. Has anyone talked to maryland's Finest. They are disgusted with what O'Malley has done for them.

I will cross party lines on this one. He has my vote and any support I can give him.

Anonymous said...

No ones forgotten how omally has trashed this state and robbed its citizens. And Ehrlich isnt THAT bad YET!!! Are these the only 2 thieves to chose from? I want to vote for the GOOD... not the bad and the ugly!