Hi Joe,
Just wanted to give you a heads up and let you know that this Friday and Saturday all Southern Boys Concepts restaurants will be participating in the Salvation Army Red kettle Campaign. This includes Sobo's Wine Beerstro, Specific Gravity, and Boonies. All 3 will have the red kettles at their front entrances. Thanks again and I hope you have a very happy holiday season and a great new year.
Jeff Trivits
Sobo's Wine Beerstro
Editors Note: You Guys Rock!
Way to GO, Mr. Trivits!!!
If you can't bring Mohammed to the mountain, you bring the mountain to Mohammed.
Translate: If you cant get out to ring the bell and fill the kettle, bring the bell and the kettle to you.
You just got my weekend business. Thank you for stepping up to the plate.
do you guys need volunteers for those stations??
Southern Boys rock! It is great to see businesses helping the Salvation Army in creative ways.
Joe's blog is a wonderful source to find out about these special events!
Yes, Mr. Trivits rocks. He has the dearest wife and wonderful kids. I'm sure he'll always make them proud.
Lewis is helping out. Wheres Webster?
That is awesome. We will be going to Sobos tonight.
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