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Thursday, December 03, 2009


The meeting will be held Tuesday, December 8, 2009 at 12:30 in room 306

First item on the agenda will be job training for newly released criminals. Now that's what I call taking a bite out of crime...NOT.


Anonymous said...

Will cheif Webster be attending?

Anonymous said...

No, he never does.

Anonymous said...

Please add "Firing Webster" to that agenda!

Anonymous said...

The newly released criminals are doing just fine making a living on the streets of Salisbury, I'm sure they are down with job training.

Anonymous said...

He needs to pick a tree on church st. and set his climbing stand up! maybe stay all nite now that would be hunting!!!

Anonymous said...

Some agenda items have been long planned, like the job training. And it is important.

Anonymous said...

Actually, job training for newly released criminals does make a difference. It's one of the very few things that we can actually call corrective or rehabilitative in the corrections system or in the post-release system. OPTIMALLY, that is, if it works out well, a guy trained for and with a job and income has somewhere to go for eight hours five or six days a week, becomes a taxpayer and a contributor to society. A guy not trained for work of some kind and not having a job that provides a liveable income is more likely to fall back on recidivist (the illegal stuff he was jailed for) behaviors to make ends meet, which may include violence. It would probably also include hanging with a criminal crowd, and in numbers there is more criminal activity and criminal information sharing.

Jobs change people. Good jobs change people even more. It's one of the biggest problems we have in Salisbury: too few good jobs available, leading to a raft of other problems, including crime, predatory lending, predatory landlords, a depressing outlook on the future and a town that can't attract big, good employers because it's been turned into a screwed up mess first by the carpetbaggers buzzing in and around the Tilghman administration and second, by the dismal economic outlook of the country and, especially, the area.

Anonymous said...

What jobs?

Anonymous said...

I think that before complaining about the Goodwill's training program, we should hear what they have to say.

Anonymous said...

How to rob a bank, car jacking 101,and for those thant want to work nights we have drug dealing or how to be a pimp.Thanks Jim

Anonymous said...

rehabilitation keeps convicted criminals off the streets and working...not dealing and the what not...

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with work force training. That training should be provided to those that have lost jobs due to business closures or business relocation FIRST.

Criminals have the opportunity in prison to learn a trade or skill other than criminal activity. They were sent to prison to be punished and rehabilitated. Don't throw them out on the streets of my city and expect me to support further rehabilitaion and job training. Especially while I am sitting here not knowing how much longer I will have a job. If they were'nt rehabilitated in prison what makes you think they will be rehabilitated out of prison. There are some people you can't save.

Phil/K said...

We all know where these criminals are coming from the WESTSIDE,joe call the chief on this area, we need to give these scum a taste of there own medicine,tax these scumlord landlords out and clean up the area......end of problem.

Anonymous said...

Have all the meetings you want and spend all the $$ you want. The black males with hoodies will still be out there.

Anonymous said...

these are the assholes that ECI IS RELEASING INTO SAlIS??

Anonymous said...

Not sure why you need a GIS system to track crime in Salisbury. You need only to listen for the gun shots to figure out where the latest crime is coming down. The WHOOOOSHHHH sound following the gunshots will be the Chief running the other way.

Anonymous said...

4:00 Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

why aren't criminals released from ECI returned to their original jurisdiction. I agree we should take back our own criminals and try to train them for jobs, but criminals from all over the State? It makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

If we are rehabilitating everyone's releasees, who is footing the bill, and why do they have to wait to come out of prison to be job trained, what do they do all day while in prison, play solitaire?

Anonymous said...

Since there seems to be plenty of oppinions here, does anyone have any idea on where the problems are stemming and if so any idea as to how to target the problem from a police perspective?

Anonymous said...

Oh great, that is just what we need more incentive to use Salisbury as a homeless and prisoner dumping ground. Any wonder why our crime rate is so high?

Anonymous said...

if it was my city i would have a dusk curfew. anyone outside after dark wouldnt be arrested but would give up some rights. For instance police could pull over anyone that looks under 21 for any reason if they are driving after dark. Anyone on the street walking around after dark would have to consent to being searched for no reason. law abiding citizens would be happy to be pulled over after dark because the police would be doing something proactive. Just to make sure the minorities wouldnt be singled out. at least half of the people targeted would have to be white. im sure the constitution might not allow that, but if cities can have curfews and arrest people why cant they have curfews and instead of arresting them, search them.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:22 pm

Salisbury P.D. knows were the crimes are being committed. When and what day they are most likely to happen and the probility of who is committing them. It is called crime analysis and the City has been doing that for years.

The problem and the only problem with the SPD is a HUGE lack of leadership. The troops have the ability and the desire to hit the streets but they have no direction.

That agency needs a significant shake up from the Chief down through the chain of command. There is too much incompetance or un-caring in the higher ranks, to many working retired.

No amount of meetings are whining will fix the problem until webster is replaced by a competent new chief from outside of the agency.

Anonymous said...


I think you just asked "What is the purpose of a Police Chief?"

Maybe not but, in any case, you are suggesting that the citizens (not the Chief) should lead the effort in combating Salisbury's run away crime epidemic. If you are right, the town could save some money by not paying for the local Kojak.

Anonymous said...

why should we have a curfew and give up our right sbecause of a few bad guys, and the other poster is right, just what we need more incentives to bring the bad guys to our city. how about you just walk around your neighborhood armed and wait for them to rob you! then you can take one down, and just walk away, lord knows the spd will never figure it out or catch you!

Tim Chaney said...

They got their job training in prison, how to be a better criminal 101.

Tim Chaney said...

There is a fungus there in the office that collects a paycheck. As I understand it, we don't have a police chief, we just pay one.

doug wilkerson said...

Its very rare I have nothing to say.

Anonymous said...

still plenty of oppinions but not any solutions. Come on people give us some ideas as to how the problems should actually be handled. WE ARE LISTENING

Anonymous said...

Smash the drugs.

Anonymous said...

You do that and alot of things will just fall into place. That means pills to.

Tim Chaney said...

It's always been about poor leadership. Gotta start there. More officers and working vehicles, better pay.

Incentives for officers to live in the city would be a thought too. Like waiver of water/sewer/trash bill.

The years of denile by the three stooges has caught up.

Anonymous said...

Herion has made a come back in a bad way, and if we dont get a grip on that crystals next. That will make this look like the ice capades.

Anonymous said...

We need federal dollars and federal help.

racemom said...

TO: 4:06

These are not criminals released from ECI. Most are home grown. They are a product of the mentality they are raised in. We have 4 generations of criminals either in jail or committing crimes all at the same time. We have Jr.'s and Sr.'s in the court system, serving in the same jails, committing the same crimes. We have gang members having kids who are automatically borned into a gang.

Some of the ECI releasees do stay in this area and commit crimes but more have so called families who are already here. And I say so called, because for the most part, the parents haven't been there in the child's life until they get into the court system and then it is the system that has failed these children. Get off of their hind ends, get a job, raise your own children and be a role model for such children. I see more and more these days that the children are a paycheck, more food stamps, more WIC, more State health insurance, free or reduced housing, and that all to well known Welfare check. There is work out there, might be at McDonalds or working the line at Perdue, but it is easier for the working person to pay their taxes to take care of these career lazy, baby making criminals.

This is not a black/white issue. Crimes are committed by all races. Salisbury's serious crimes have been allowed to esculate to this magnitude due to poor management. Salisbury has an opportunity to get back on track, but it is going to take a community to do so. The City Council needs to rethink its' way of thinking and work for the ones who put them in their positions, the voters, not the past administration and certainly not the current so called Police Chief. He is entitled to his vacations, but he is also obligated to do his job and protect those who pay his salary.

Anonymous said...

Some of you (land-lords) have some responsibilities to fess up to as well. You all know it, you got rich, now do it more responsibly.

Anonymous said...

Put the National Guard on the streets during the holidays. Take our city back. Call it military state or what ever you want, we need to take our city back in a bad way, and now.

doug wilkerson said...

7:31 thats Gen-Pop huh?

Anonymous said...

I know I must be lame, but what is Gen-Pop? Please explain!!

Anonymous said...

Who Wrote Comegys Letter people????

racemom said...

Barrie Tilghman??

Anonymous said...

Smash the drugs.