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Sunday, November 01, 2009

Steele Casts Elections As Vote On His Leadership

In wake of gaffes, RNC chairman predicts a GOP comeback on Tuesday

As they campaigned together across Virginia on Thursday and Friday, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael S. Steele praised Robert F. McDonnell, the state's GOP gubernatorial candidate, as an innovative leader.

McDonnell was just as enthusiastic.

"Thank you to my largest donor, Michael Steele," he told a crowd outside a train depot in Culpeper on Friday, referring to the millions that the RNC has poured into the contest. And seeming to realize the potential double meaning of his words as Steele's 6-foot-4 frame towered over everyone, McDonnell joked, "And also my tallest."

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Steele for president !

Anonymous said...

Too freaking bad the RNC gave Dede Scozzofava nearly a MILLION dollars from the Republican Party Donors only to have her endorse the Democrat upon her dropping out. Guess she really was a liberal Democrat deep down wasn't she? Typical leftist liberal hypocritical lying immoral Anti-American.

Anonymous said...

Steele is in way over his head

Anonymous said...

droppers out should have to return the least what's left...course, there's never any left over. Spending it is too necessary.

Anonymous said...

Michael Steele is part of the problem. Republicans had control, but lost it because they forgot principals. Steele promises to repeat the same mistakes. Winning has no meaning if all that is accomplished is replacing one group of thieves with another.