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Sunday, November 01, 2009

Fox News, Sunday Night 9:00 PM: Fox To Go After Obama


Maybe this is why the White House has been discounting FOX

Sounds like this could be History in the making - - I feel someone is going to go down - - either Obama or Fox News

It may be that Fox has been holding this information back due to the sensitivity of it and out of courtesy. But, Obama has taken on Fox and it appears they are ready to spill the ugly beans of truth about the background of this individual who has had an extremely radical past.

I'm not going to miss it and I hope you won't either. This should prove interesting!!

Subject: This Sunday at 8:00 pm central 9:00 pm eastern

This Sunday Fox news, is going to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday night at 9 P M Eastern.

The report will go back to Obama's earlier days, showing even then his close ties to radical Marxist professors, friends, spiritual advisers, etc. It will also reveal details about his ties to Rev. Wright for +20 years i.e. how he was participating with this man, and not for the reasons he states!

The report has uncovered more of Obama's radical past and we will see things that no one in the media is willing to put out there. It will be a segment to remember.
Mark your calendar and pass this on to everyone you know: Sunday night, 8 P M . CT ; 9 P M ET. Democrat or Republican, this report will open your eyes to how YOUR country is being sold down the road to Totalitarian Socialism. If you care about the direction of our country, pass this notice on to everyone you know...


Anonymous said...

OH NO! Not a special that's going to have 5 second sound-bytes that take everything out of context! Maybe Beck is hosting it.....

Pure damage control from the right.

joealbero said...

Uh Oh, looks like the little democrat soldiers are the ones in damage control mode. Can't wait till 9:00 pm myself.

Anonymous said...

I'll be watching, Obama has finally met an organization that will not be intimidated by him. Fox news is the only thing saving us from being totally taken over by this tyrant "Obama". I cannot understand why any American would support or vote for Obama knowing his past and his radical views.

Anonymous said...

I hope you will keep this post toward the top for maximum exposure (and to keep it in the face of lard-butt id**ts like 8:36 who make it their life's calling to be a perpetual pain in the tail)

Anonymous said...


I dont know what will be on the show, but do us all a favor please. Watch it and if you find anything to be a lie, just wrong or taken out of context please keep a record and report back to us the truth.

I will be patiently waiting as I have been ever since Beck started his show and he has yet to get a call. You libs think it is the old days where if you yell loud enough and long enough it will just go away. Well sorry for your luck, but this time we, the conservatives, are not going to just let go.

I want the truth. If it proves Obama to be right so be it, However if it proves, as I believe that this man is dangerous to our once great country I also want to know that.

Anonymous said...

America was so blinded, and caught up in the romance and excitement of electing a black (half) president, that they turned a blind eye to the point of total ignorance, as to who and what this man truly is. A socialist.

doug wilkerson said...

I dont think you can have happiness if you have politics in your life. It just doesnt work.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone will finally deal the fact he wasn't born here and must step down or be imprisoned !

Anonymous said...

I will be watching this for sure! I think 836AM is in la la land and has no clue what is going on. As I mentioned before, a business here in Salisbury that I support 100 percent has FOX news going all day long.
The DEMOS and Liberals are running scared and will never admit they made a HUGE mistake electing the great one! Boy, did he snow job em!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for you because you are one of many who has never made a decision. You will go through life letting people run your life and make decisions for you. It is obvious that you have never had to work or EARN your wages. Your check is in the mail on the first ,

Anonymous said...

What 8:36 doesn't realize is that you don't need soundbites, everything they say is counter-American.

Anonymous said...


I've been working ever since I was a teenager. I've been at my current job for over 11 years now. I've never been unemployed. I've never asked for a handout from anyone. Thanks for making such a broad generalization, though.

It's people like you that are making rational people leave the Republican party.

Anonymous said...


You obviously didnt see the recent poll that show 40% of Americans see themselves as conservative, 36% as moderate and a whopping 20% as liberal. You please give me everything free people are the ones loosing support. Sorry about your luck

Anonymous said...

Get over it. He won because a lot of smart Americans voted for him. We voted for him because he is intelligent and has a heart.

Anonymous said...

with football and the world series on who do you think will actually be watching this?

Anonymous said...

you may have a job , but the most important thing you missed . To EARN your wages is different than working for your wage.

Anonymous said...

Americans have said, we would rather a Barack O. than a George B.

...Just like residents in Wicomico County have said we want a Revenue Cap and a County Ex. form of Government.

The majority have spoken, now let's do our role to make it work.

Anonymous said...


Actually, it seems the exact opposite is true:

joealbero said...

Yeah, like everything you read in the Daily Times is unbias and true. Especially on political issues.

Anonymous said...

What is @11:34 and @12:23? Why the @?

Anonymous said...

I wish someone would explain why Obama got elected if 40% of the people are conservative and only 20% liberal. Obama was the most liberal candidate of either party so why did conservatives vote for him, were they brain dead or what?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


I've been working ever since I was a teenager. I've been at my current job for over 11 years now. I've never been unemployed. I've never asked for a handout from anyone. Thanks for making such a broad generalization, though.

It's people like you that are making rational people leave the Republican party.

12:18 PM

There is a difference in being a Republican and a Conservative. I have a feeling you are neither!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Get over it. He won because a lot of smart Americans voted for him. We voted for him because he is intelligent and has a heart.

12:32 PM

LMAO, another Kool Aid drinking idiot who can't think for himself!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Actually, it seems the exact opposite is true:

1:42 PM

Uh, where did you see a commenter at 12:23 PM?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:18 PM I think 12:32 PM was referring to a recent poll and not the election. As a matter fact it didn't say if the poll had anything to do with voters who voted in your rigged election.

Anonymous said...

It appears as though tonight's show is a rerun of one Hannity did some time ago. Unfortunately, it wasn't very good or compelling. I would be better to watch a rerun of a Beck show documenting the people BHO has chosen as his "advisors".

Anonymous said...


Rigged election. Are you talking about 2001 with Florida? Do you cry when you lose at board games too?

Anonymous said...

Nobody new Obama because he never had a job or a record Now we know partially who he is and he is being rejected !

Anonymous said...

yeah cmon you right wing nutjobs,lets see if we can bring down this elected president like you tried and FAILED to bring down bill clinton,the best president of my lifetime,and i'm 55 years old.maybe if you FAIL at every other attempt to bring him down you can uncover some sexual indiscretion and trick him into lying about it under oath.

Anonymous said...

documentary about barack obama? you must have the time and date wrong or something?

Anonymous said...

No show on Fox News, did the Obamacrats force it to be pulled just like the pettioners where denied access to the House and Senate? Keep thinking no revolution is coming!

Orsonwells said...

Nothing on like that. Regular Hannity show. Wrong time?

Anonymous said...

What happened? Gag order in the name of "national security"?

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Does anyone know if a bus is leaving from Salisbury on Thursday to go to DC? I saw the Congresswoman from CA say she will be waiting at Noon Thursday to personally escort people around the Senate chambers. I would love to see Nancy Pelosi, but she will be hiding in the closet for sure.

Anonymous said...


So the president of the United States came out of nowhere and won the election. You sound smart!

Anonymous said...

No show on Obama just a repeat of Hannity's Friday show with N.J. voters and Frank Luntz.

Anonymous said...

8:36pm if the best president you can recall in your 55 years is Clinton you better get to the doctor; I am pretty sure you are suffering from dementia and/or Alzheimers!!!

Anonymous said...

Come on What's going on. Can't get the right day and time correct ----
just like everything else.

Anonymous said...

what a surprise. Wingnut conserves drum up anti-Obama passions with a false report. Nevermind that there was no show, they've already stirred the pot

Anonymous said...

Did find this new Wright video.
It is long.

Truths of our world All communist good. Talks about the communist vs Christian war. Solidly on the side of Communist.

This man really hates America claims we never apologized for slavery. Where has he been for 45 years? Or 100 years.

BTW Black Theology calls for the eradication of "white" people.

Anonymous said...

Why was this not on last night?? All I saw was rerun of Hannity

Earth2Tim said...

Obama is an arogant ass. He defines narcissism.

marge said...

We've been fooled TWICE that this event was going to run........My concern is that you haven't given a DATE in the announcement. Which Sunday is this going to run???

Anonymous said...

This is so typically FAUX News, hype hype hype, by not giving a date I guess this will never expire, therefor it will always be relevant and apparently, truth, at least as FOX sees it. Since Limbough is allowed to make anti Obama statements and not have to correct them, I see no reason FOX news should worry about telling the truth....No wonder they are tops in the ratings, it's just another reality TV show, nothing to do with facts at all......pretty sad...

Anonymous said...

OK, I am an independent. I have lost all faith in ALL politicians. They are ALL USING US. GET IT? WE,the people are waking up. The argument is not Republican vs. Democrat!
WAKE UP Folks! There is no question that Obama and his friends (thugs) have a view of America that I DO NOT SHARE! These folks live in a theoretical reality.
Look at what the left and the unions did (in power for years) in Detroit and Flint MI. Look at the slums that the left has created in order to "help the poor". The left is using the victim mentality to get votes. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU! They are using you and playing you for the fools and useful idiots. Open your eyes. It is so funny now. The liberals are the ones who now stick their heads in the sand and will not look at the whole picture. They see what they want to see. They believe the empty words read from the teleprompter. They now defend their own egos and pride. Fox shines a light where the cattle in the herd media does not want to go. Look behind the words of this man Obama. Look at the views he has gathered from his friends and associations over his life time. He holds the America that we love and that our founding fathers created in contempt. Just listen to his "friends" own words. He is bankrupting this nation. He and his thugs are engineering problems that will sick this great nation. The Government does not create jobs! He and his thugs ONLY want power and that is all. Now, don't get me wrong. The right and the Republicans are no much different. But WE, the people are mad as hell and we are sick of the politics. GET REAL! GOT HONEST! OR GET OUT!

Anonymous said...

Well why don't we just wait and see what's in the report before we start fighting. We can pretty much assume that whatever they report on will reinforce the rights beliefs and it wouldn't really matter to the left if Obama's hair fell off and exposed his horns, (hypothetically of course), it still wouldn't change their minds. They've bought it hook, line, and sinker. After all the noise they made while Bush was in office, who believe me, I still hate that dude. The left can't politically or mentally afford to admit that the guy they support is as big a fraud as Bush was. So i short, no one is going to change their mind about Obie.

KS said...

Barack Osama is plain stupid and useless. But you have the stupid and useless who voted for this ignorant baffoon in the first place. Everytime he opens his mouth you know he is getting ready to spew nonsense and shit....