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Sunday, November 01, 2009

She Shows She's True Blue..

The Republican establishment was behind her 100%.

Even Newt Gingrich endorsed her.

But after dropping out of the Congressional race yesterday for New York's 23rd District, Republican Dede Scozzafava has since endorsed the Democrat in the race for the upstate New York seat.

In the fight over Republican support for her candidacy over Conservative candidate Doug Hoffman, who also sought the Republican nomination, there was speculation that Scozzafava could end up switching parties after being elected as a Republican.Nevertheless, the Republican establishment ignored Hoffman and insisted on Scozzafava as their candidate.

Now we see where she really stands.

The big boys have now voiced their support for Hoffman, but only after their girl left them in the lurch.

Will they ever get it??

Here's more on this story..


Anonymous said...

Unless you support the most radical right of the republican party, you are out.
The party that is shrinking throws more people out, sounds like a plan.

Anonymous said...

It's just a party of conservative values and principals. The dumocrat party is the one for all the fringe groups. That is the party that looks at skin color before voting. They want to change the Constitution to what THEY think the founding fathers should have meant. If you want less government intrusion in your life, pay less taxes to give to the deadbeats, and want preserve life that is the Republican party. Please tell me where in these principals are the radical ideas. I guess you never listen to moderate Obama.

Anonymous said...

As far as I'm concerned if the conservatives never get in power or are properly represented in government makes no difference to me---and I'm a conservative. I'm sick and tired of the RNC supporting these RINOs who don't stand for any of the conservative principals. First it was John McCain (didn't he do well) and second it is Scuzzy. To hell with the GOP and this party. I am and will stay conservative 100%.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't think Newt gets it yet either, he seems to be another John McCain. True Conservatism/Capitalism is going to be the only way to save the great country.
God Bless America

Anonymous said...

2:47 Less government in your life.
Then get out of every ones bedroom and stop telling women what they can do with their bodies.

Anonymous said...

Win, Lose or Draw, standing for one's principals is all that matters. This is particularly vital when the opposition has NO principals.

Anonymous said...

This women was a liberal and needed to step out America want s conservatives !

Anonymous said...

applause for 6:59. The far right conserves only stick to small government when it is convenient for them.

2:47: "pay less taxes to give to the deadbeats"

The vast majority of our "welfare" expenditures go toward social security, medicade, and medicare. I don't see anyone on your side with the balls to take down these programs. Maybe because they realize that yes, there is a need for government to provide some services to those in need.

Anonymous said...

Tell you what...Why don't you guy's run Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh in 2012, and tell me how much America wants conservatives after they get trounced.

Anonymous said...

6:59 If you leave whatever you want in the bedroom and do not try to kill any living thing what exactly does the government do?

Alex said...

Thank you 6:59.
I would like to see one of you Hannity lovers raise a child as a single parent. How would you feel about abortion after that?
Using your own logic; having government rule on abortion and gay rights would be socialism, wouldn't it? Guess it's ok to have the government involved in that.

Anonymous said...

How is banning gay marriage, restricting abortion, insisting on the teaching of intelligent design, less government? Many many people who list themselves as conservative mean on money issues and see conservative as LESS interferance in peoples private live.

jefferson said...

Guess the republcians are even more upset that they spent like a million on her before she dropped out and endorsed her opponent. Whatever happened to the Republican Party???????

Anonymous said...

I’m a Pro-Lifer but I don’t see any candidates actually running on the platform that they want to change RoeVWade, so why do I care about the legislation on abortion? Why would I care about gay marriage? It’s simple and let’s see if any liberals understand. 1st, you guys aren’t happy with the current legislation, you’re now trying to get it funded by the taxpayer. As a conservative, I say not just NO, but HELL NO. I have the same sentiment for embryonic stem cell research-keep it privately funded and you won’t get much issue out of me. 2nd, you guys aren’t happy with churches who will marry you, you want to get employers to give you all benefits and what next separate gay bathrooms? This is where it starts, just like abortions, one foot in the door soon the in-laws are complaining that there’s no toilet paper-it’s my slippery slope scenario. The cost of insurance is going up for everyone, not just for homosexuals and getting in on someone else’s plan is not cheaper for the both of you. As if the court system wasn’t full enough with heterosexuals with no regards for the sanctity of marriage and custody issues, you want to add in all the gay couples who break up into the legal system-like high school all over again. So don’t tell me “Stay out of the bedroom,” Stop putting your bedroom issues on a national spotlight. Not funding abortions is definitely something a smaller gov’t could accomplish as well as staying out of the marriage business. Legislation issues on both of these things means you invited the public into your personal business and not the other way around.