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Monday, November 30, 2009

Dead Rank High As Fraudulent Medicare Recipients

Medicare fraud is a multibillion-dollar business preying on an ever-increasing number of retiring baby boomers who often are being charged for medical treatments and products they don't need and for services they don't receive.

The health care reform legislation pending in Congress -- and under debate in the Senate -- relies on reining in these fraudulent schemes to help finance coverage for the uninsured. But analysts in and out of government question whether those savings will ever be found.

Despite bolstered efforts by federal, state and local law enforcement, abuse continues to grow.

Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer, who heads the Justice Department's criminal division, told the Senate Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on crime and drugs in May that 3 percent to 10 percent of the $800 billion spent on Medicare and Medicaid each year "is lost to waste, fraud and abuse."

"As government spending on health care for the elderly, disabled and poor increases, so does the opportunity for fraud. Criminals are devising more sophisticated ways of stealing billions of dollars from federally administered health care programs, and they are stealing it faster now than ever before," he told The Washington Times.

Mr. Breuer said the theft of taxpayer money from these programs drives up health care costs and ultimately damages the economy. "We have to fight health care fraud in any way we can," he said. "We are working hard to meet these challenges."

Much of the dishonesty is in regions deemed "high risk for Medicare fraud," such as Miami, Los Angeles, Detroit and Houston. But Inspector General Daniel R. Levinson of the Department of Health and Human Services said his office finds fraud "everywhere it looks."

Even dead people are receiving benefits.

Malcolm Sparrow, a faculty member at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government and a specialist on health care fraud, told the same Senate panel that heard Mr. Breuer's testimony that the inspector general's office at HHS reported in 2000 that $20.6 million in claims had been made for medical services performed after the Medicare recipient had died. In 2006, he said, the office said states made $27.3 million in Medicaid payments for services after the patient was dead.

Mr. Sparrow said the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations reported in July 2008 that "between $60 million to $92 million was paid for medical services or equipment that had been ordered or prescribed by dead doctors."

He told The Times in an interview that the government has to increase its spending on fighting health care fraud by as much as 10 times to reduce fraud in a meaningful way.

But he warned: "There is not a lot of political will for massive beefing-up."

Medicare is a government-paid insurance, providing health care to about 40 million people age 65 and older and another 7 million younger recipients who have some type of permanent disability. The programs, which pay for hospital visits, physician services and prescription drugs, accounted for 13 percent of the total federal budget and 19 percent of national health care expenditures in 2008.

Americans spend in excess of $2 trillion on health care annually, and more than $60 billion is lost to schemes that rely on falsified records, elaborate business structures and the cooperation of health care providers, suppliers and even beneficiaries, according to HHS officials and the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association, a partnership of more than 100 private health insurers and federal and state government officials.

More from the Washington Times here.
For more on the topic, including tips on discovering and reporting Medicare fraud, go here,
here, and here. The problem in a nutshell here.


Anonymous said...

Please put the government in charge of everyones health care. Please, please, please. I know they will get it right this time and everything will be wonderful...

Anonymous said...

So will somebody please tell me who the bad guys are.Is it the medical proffesionals? Or who.

Anonymous said...

If majority of doctors are dead, who is filing these claims?

Anonymous said...

Check out the links to find out who the perps are. You'll be surprised how organized it is.

Anonymous said...

I just got a bill in the mail for my dead relative. LifeStar Ambulance charged his medicare this past September and he has been dead for 3 years. Who do I contact about this?