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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Swine Flu

Obama believes he is being proactive with Swine Flu--what a joke!

The White House¹s conclusion that Obama's approach to the swine flu is "proactive" is simply absurd. A proactive approach would have entailed quarantining the few individuals who had the disease in the beginning and placing in charge of the swine flu problem someone with a medical background, perhaps someone from the CDC. Instead, our teleprompter-dependent, indecisive, habitually-lying, now non-church going, communist, smiling president placed in charge of the problem Janet Ann
Napolitano, a career lawyer and politician, someone who had absolutely no medical background whatsoever. Napolitano is Secretary of Homeland Security.

Why did Obama put her in charge of the swine flu? Please recall that, at the time, there were many calls for her resignation from her position as Secretary of Homeland Security. She had recently labeled our heroic veterans returning from war as being among those at risk for committing domestic terrorism. Obama saved her position by convincing the American public she ad an important role: to prevent an epidemic of swine flu in the United States. It had just surfaced in Mexico.

Did Napolitano succeed? Well, Obama gave her this endeavor in the Spring of this year. It is now autumn. My liberal and democrat friends, I ask you now, "How successful was your president and your Secretary of Homeland Security? Now, when formulating your answer, try very hard to be objective. Try very hard to pay attention to what she has achieved, not how well she smiles or how promptly she answers questions in front of friendly reporters. Also, try very hard to take into account the timing of events that have led us to this point. I apologize if I sound rude, but before I die must someone get you liberals and democrats to start thinking

Now, I will answer the question for you: she has failed miserably. No one in Obama's communist, politically correct, spineless administration had the strength to quarantine anybody. No one in his administration could have stomached such a logical, proactive approach.

It is far too late to call Obama's approach proactive. The horse it out of the barn. Hopefully, the medical professionals will handle this debacle better than Obama's political team.

To the Obama White House Staff: Once again, you have made complete fool of yourselves and our rooky, ever-smiling president.


Anonymous said...

Two notes: 1. Who wrote this?, because this is definitely not your own work, and 2. whoever wrote it needs to be told that the word is spelled "rookie."

jefferson said...

Are you suggesting forced quarentines of large numbers of people?

Anonymous said...

If you think that this was an isolated US phenomenon, you are ridiculous. You want to blame the government for everything. There was absolutely no way to "quarantine" the "few indviduals," as there were more than a few, it originated in Mexico, spread to Europe, Asia, Australia, and the USA within a week and continues to spread.
Now we have conservatives (like on this blog) deciding that the folks at the CDC aren't capable of producing a vaccine that is safe and are spreading fear via propoganda. As a result, parents arent vaccinating their children and kids are dying. We keep hearing that it is no big deal and seasonal influenza kills 30K and this has only killed 1K. Well here are som of the differences, one is that this kills our kids, also we haven't even started the peak of flu season, so trust me we will see many more fatalities. To make this an issue of a failure of Obama's is like blaming him becuase it rained (which I am sure you can find some reason to)

Anonymous said...

3:45 PM. I never said this was an isolated US phenomenon. You can go ahead and argue that point if you wish but then you'll be arguing with yourself--round and round and round.

I was simply responding to the Obama administration's declaration that they were "proactive."

Let me ask you two simple questions: If you were president, would you have placed in charge of the swine flu problem a career politician, lawyer? Or, would you have chosen someone with a medical background? Would you have chosen someone who's office is responsible for preventing TERRORIST ATTACKS? Or, wold you have chosen someone who's office is responsible for dealing with MEDICAL ISSUES?

Anonymous said...

Can you snoop around and check about the H1N1 in Wicomico Co.?
I heard that Pittsville
Elem. is at 20% with their absenses. I believe when it reaches 30% they have to close the school. Of course, the Board of Ed. doesn't want it to get out in public that there might be a problem in schools. Keep it hush, hush and hope it goes away.

Thanks for checking!

Concerned Parent in Pittsville

dogg said...

This is all Bush's fault!!!

Anonymous said...

Dogg is correct, this is all before Obama and he's being proactive before the problem started even though it started before him. LOL! I love it, it's not Obama's fault, but he has no clue on how to handle anything except maybe forcing/blackmailing people to do what he wants via Alinsky's playbook. The reason so many kids are absent is because they all have allergies or colds to the changes in the weather or are catching colds from each other, because unless their case is extreme-doctor's offices are not testing every kid they see for swine flu, so it can't be called that. The letter I got from Mardela M&H S says stay home if you have a cough/sore throat and/or a fever of over 100 degrees, well not exactly a swine flu case, while it's a slight chance that it is the flu but no one knows. Magically, doctor's offices are now full of kids with the sniffles because they're told they're part of the epidemic...see how this works.