Each and every one of us has a Mom we all love and adore. I'd like to share with you some of the reasons why we loved and adored my Mom so much.
Unfortunately Mom and Dad got a divorce in the early 1970's and we lived in California at the time. All of our Family was back East in New York and Maryland, yet we had no money to pack up what little we had and return back to the East Coast.
Without hesitation, Aunt's and Uncle's stepped in and put up whatever it took to get us back home. For the longest time we lived with an Aunt and Uncle in up state New York, crammed into wherever we could fit. We had the best of meals and a roof over our head while we collected ourselves financially, (or I should say, while Mom did so).
The job market wasn't so great in New York, so we packed our bags and used a borrowed family vehicle to make the trip down to Maryland where Mom landed a job with Volkswagen of America. Surprisingly, it was a really good paying job with the opportunity for advancement, so Mom went back to School for Bookkeeping and moved up the ladder pretty quickly. She worked every minute she could collecting overtime on weekends and staying late during the week.
Eventually we were able to rent a home in Bowie with some help from another Uncle and a brand new used car. Man, it was a beautiful Cutlass Supreme and it was the bomb! We all started working very young. We worked the school system so we could get work permits younger than usual because of our financial situation. My eldest brother not only went to school full time, he also worked in the evenings full time and always came home with straight A's. Frank was always there to balance things out for all of us and we depended on him quite a bit. The poor guy grew up so fast, he had no chance at anything close to a regular childhood. No baseball, football, you know the drill.
There came a time when a letter came in the mail that would shock us to no end. Frank was accepted into the United States Coast Guard Academy. Man were we ever proud! However, in Frank's mind there was absolutely no way he was leaving his Family, yet this was a FREE education. After promising we'd never argue again, we'd work really hard to make things work. After much coaxing by Aunt's and Uncle's, Frank reluctantly went to the Coast Guard Academy and finished in the top of his class. His Wife Joanne was the first woman in history to be accepted into the USCGA where the two met and married immediately after their graduation.
Both served the Coast Guard as Officers until just recently where they both retired. I could be wrong with my numbers but I think the Coast Guard actually paid them like $14.00 a week while in the Academy and let me tell you, 100% of his paycheck went directly home to Mom. Heck, when we were kids, every one of us old enough to hold a job gave Mom 100% of our paychecks. I can recall being in Jr. High School and always leaving really early in the morning to head off to school so I could take my lunch money and buy candy bars. I'd then sell them for more money in school to the more fortunate kids with money and little by little I'd raise enough money to buy a new pair of sneakers. We didn't have to steal from people, we'd find ways to earn it.
Because we grew up the way we did, each and every one of the men in my Family became the absolute best providers you'll ever see. Jennifer often wonders why I'm so tight with money. You know, live a little. We do that but I'm sure its tempting to go out and blow some of it on things we may not "need." However, I'd guess that most of you truly don't know what the meaning of the word "need" really is.
A trip to McDonald's for the Albero Family was Christmas to us. We were a Family far too proud to go on welfare, yet we probably needed it more than any other Family I ever knew. We were fortunate to have neighbors that would take out their Boats and go fishing on the Bay and stop by the Albero house and drop off fresh fish so we had something special and different to eat. Blue Fish was a luxury in the Albero household when we were kids.
Man, I could go on and on with so many cool stories about how much we appreciated just about anything along the way but by now I'm sure you can appreciate where I'm going. We simply appreciated anything that came our way and when someone believed in us we gave back even more.
Fortunately over time each and every one of us were able to find good jobs, create businesses and ultimately became very successful. Once we were secure, Mom knew she could retire and give back to God the way God gave to us, unconditionally. Yesterday the phones started ringing off the hook. Old friends who had heard the news through the grapevine were instantly calling. Mom was so well respected by so many of these friends because as we all grew older, all of a sudden my Mom was the best Mom they had ever known. Once we all started seeing how difficult it was to provide for our own new Families, (without depending on our parents) they all had a new respect for what Mary Albero had done for her children.
When Mom retired she got involved with Mary's Pro Life Center. She wanted to encourage as many young ladies as she could to keep their child and show them how it can be done, no matter how difficult. I can't tell you how many children there are here on this earth because of my Mom.
So why don't I throw away my old clothes that don't fit any more? Why do I have 15 cars in my driveway and I never get rid of them? Why do I buy a store brand product at times? Why do I live well below my means? Because one day, God Forbid, times get tough on any one of my Family Members, I'm going to be there for them, no questions asked. Granted, it's going to be for necessities but they'll never wait in a line for food stamps. They'll never collect welfare. They'll never be without a car and if you ask my Ex Wife, they'll never wait at the mailbox in the beginning of the month waiting for a child support check.
Mom drove a brand new car each and every year for the past 25 years. Mom traveled to see the Pope and her yearly vacations were spent on retreats with the Church because that's what she chose to do. Mom gave everything she had to provide for her children and one thing I can assure you of is that Mom never had to worry about anything, yet she never asked for anything outside what she "needed."
No more brand new used cars. Mom had transportation to get anywhere she wanted without ever having to worry about being stranded. When Mom passed away she knew that her work had been done. She shared her wisdom with her children and made sure she never had to worry about any one of us. Mom left us knowing that if any one of us fell upon hard times, one, (or more) of us would always be there for the other. That's what Family is supposed to be all about.
The thing I loved and appreciated the most about my Mother was what she gave back to others. The priceless smile on her face when all the Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren came to her side only a few days ago to say goodbye.
When Mom passed away on Tuesday, after a while I went outside her home to just kind of be alone. My Brother John was standing outside, pointed to the sky and said, "Look at that Joe." There was a Bald Eagle circling above her home. We watched as she went higher and higher, almost to a height you could barely see her. No cancer, just as free as can be. Mom was free. No more wondering where she'd get the cash to pay the tolls and gas to drive to New York to see Family. No more cancer.
Mom left this earth with a peace most other Families in our old Bowie neighborhood would have ever imagined. While some old neighbor looked down on us, many also saw one heck of a Family. Many called us when it snowed so much they needed their driveway shoveled and they knew the Albero kids would be there right away to clear them out. When some knew we were falling on tough times, the phone would ring and a neighbor would say, can you come over and mow my lawn.
So for those of you who stated Joe Albero inherited his fortunes, you were exactly right. I inherited riches from my Mother money just can't buy, God, Love, Family, Responsibility, being there for others. No one in my Family reached into their pockets and gave Joe Albero the money to own a manufacturing company or all of the other business I have owned. Joe Albero proudly worked for everything I have ever owned. Joe Albero paid off everything I have ever owned to make 100% sure it couldn't be taken away. Joe Albero secured it all so if Mom, my Brothers, my Sister or any one of those Aunt's and Uncle's that believed in us EVER needed anything, I'd be there to deliver.
Yeah, I could drive a Bentley. Heck, I could have a full time driver if I wanted to. What's it worth Folks! If ANY one of you are impressed with what I own, you just don't know Joe Albero very well then. If you are fortunate enough to truly know who Joe Albero is, well, that's worth far more than any money could ever buy. My Mother lives on in each and every one of her children and especially within ALL of those pregnant Mothers who came to Mary's Center in need of advice, counseling, diapers, you name it.
On Saturday, Sacred Heart Church celebrated my Mother's life in a Text Book Catholic Church Mass. Sadly, (in my personal opinion) they missed the mark in many ways. While I can understand why they delivered the information they did about my Mother, three Catholic Priests shared their experiences with Mary Albero, all based around the Church. It was about an hour long Mass, so I could see why they didn't expand any further but there was so much more to Mary Albero than her religious beliefs.
Mary Albero was a very funny and humbled woman. Mary Albero loved her children and adored her Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren like there was no tomorrow. But mostly she was the best Mother I could have ever asked for. May she rest in peace.
Thats Mirror of Life stuff right there Joe.
You're a fortunate man, Joe. Rest in Peace, Mary Albero. Ya done good.
Craig Theobald
Joe~And the struggle is what builds traits of such marvelous character. It's the times of struggle that brings you closest to the man and to your family. Where there is god's will, there is a way. Your mother was the epitomy of proverbs 31:10. Your wife is a very lucky woman to be included in such a family. I will print this out to show my mother.
Sounds like heaven needed another angel and they picked a good one. May she rest in peace.
One can only hope their children will say the same about them when they are gone.
Rest in peace Mary Albero.
Thanks for sharing your personal story Joe, it sounds a lot like my family only my dad never left; he became disabled early in my childhood.
Seems the people that have never lived with the silver spoon understand life, money, and true happiness more than those who have.
Wow what a story of struggle and triumph, Joe.
Our sympathies and condolences.
Indeed, you are blessed, then and now.
bob pinto
What beautiful memories but better yet, a great respect that most children do not have for their parents. You are an amazing person and now the story comes out why. Keep up the great work you do and do keep being the person you are. You have made an impact on so many people already and will continue to do so.
Thank You,
Everyones MOM is a saint and yours is too. That's the old fashion Mom
that I remember.God Bless!
Your estteemed mother and her legacy lives on, with you Joe. May her beautiful spirit rest eternally in God's peace.
After reading this I now know why you stand up for what you believe in.you were lucky to have such a Great Mom,it made the man that you are today! Your friend Bruce.
That was a BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE TO YOUR MOTHER Joe!!! I am still teary eyed over the love & gratitude you showed for her in your writing. It brought back memories of what our Mother sacraficed for her family, for which I will forever be greatful.
You have many wonderfull memories stored in your heart to pass on to your children----and that is a true blessing!! You've learned & understand the real value of what a family is & should mean to one another.
Your Mothers "Life Lessons" will continue on through you & the rest of her family---May they never end!
Again, A GREAT TRIBUTE TO YOUR MOTHER! Thanks for sharing.
E. Walls
What a moving tribute to your mother this is.You were very lucky to have her.I also had a single divorced mother and they have to make alot of sacrifices when they are raising a family with no outside help.
Good post and one that was necessary for you.
Life moves on as it always has.
She has blessed this world, and us, and will from now on. We are all lucky to have had her in out midst.
Joe, I can not articulate the feelings any better than the above 16 comments; but I can say as a Mom, "thank you for the truly heartfelt story and God bless you and all your family."
Thanks for sharing Joe. God Bless
That was a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing it with us. Keep her legacy alive and continue to do what you do. She is smiling down on you and the rest of her/your family. Make her proud!
Awwww Joe that was A great story u shared with us. I thank you for that. Im very sorry for your loss but yet very happy for all u gained in life.. all the love and lessons...my god bless
Joe, what a wonderful tribute to your Mother. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us. Barb.
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