The following is an essay regarding the failings of a system and a culture.
Please note that he elegantly describes the mood of many Americans and he does so without prejudice.
Slavery Reparations ..........by Fred Reed!
On the Web I find that Henry Louis Gates Jr., the chairman of Afro-American Studies at Harvard, is demanding that whites pay reparations to blacks. It's because of
slavery, see. He is joined in this endeavor by a gaggle of other professional blacks. I guess he'll send me a bill, huh?
I feel like saying, "Let me get this straight, Hank. I'm slow. Be patient.
You want free money because of slavery, right? I don't blame you." I'd like free money too. Tell you what. I believe in justice.
I'll give you a million dollars for every slave I own, and another million for every year you were a slave.
Fair enough?
But tell me, how many slaves do you suppose I have?
In round numbers, I mean...say to the nearest dozen. And how long were you a slave?
Oh. In other words, I owe you reparations for something that I didn't do and didn't happen to you.
That makes sense.
Like lug nuts on a birthday cake.
Personally, I think you owe me reparations for things you didn't do and never
happened to me.
I've never been coated in Dutch chocolate and thrown from the Eiffel Tower . I'll bet you've never done it to anyone. I want reparations. Kind of silly, isn't it?
But if we're going to talk about reparations, that's a street that runs in two directions. You want money from me for what some other whites did to some other blacks in another century?
How about you guys paying whites reparations for current expenses caused by blacks? Not long ago blacks burned down half of Los Angeles , a city in my country.
Cities are expensive, Hank. Build one sometime and you'll see what I mean. Whites had to pay taxes to repair Los Angeles for you. You can send me a check.
Now, yes, I know you burned LA because you didn't like the verdict in the trial of those police officers.
Well, I didn't like the verdict in the Simpson trial.
But I didn't burn my house and loot Korean grocers, or burn down a city.
Over the years blacks have burned a lot of American cities: Newark, Detroit, Watts, on and on. Now add in the fantastic cost over the years of welfare in all its forms,
the cost of all of those police calls people had to make, for cells and jails and security systems in department stores.
I can't live in the capital city of my own country because of crime committed by blacks. Toss in the cultural cost of lowering standards in everything for the benefit of blacks. See what I mean?
Now, I'd view things differently if you said to me, "Fred, blacks can't get anywhere in a modern country without education. We know that. We need better schools, smarter teachers, harder courses, books with smaller pictures and bigger words. Can you help us?"
I'd say, "Hallelujah! Hoo-ahh! Not just yes, but hell yes. Let's sell an aircraft carrier and get these folks some real schools and get them into the economic main-stream.' I'd say It partly because it would be the right thing to do, and partly because I'd like to add you guys to the tax base.
The current custodial state is expensive. I'd just love for blacks to study and learn to compete and stop burning places. But is it going to happen? You may not believe it, but I, and most whites, don't like seeing blacks as miserable and screwed up as they are.
I spend a fair amount of time in the projects. Those places are ugly. It's no fun watching perfectly good kids turn into semi-literate dope dealers who barely speak English. It just plain ain't right. But, Hank, what am I supposed to do about it? I can't do your children's homework. At some point, people have to do things for themselves, or they don't get done. Maybe it's time.
I'll tell you what I see out in the world, Hank... I think blacks are too accustomed to getting anything they want by just demanding it. True, it has worked for over half a century. Get a few hundred people in the street, implicitly threaten to loot and burn, holler about slavery, and sadly the Great White Cash Spigot turns
Thing is, whites don't much buy it any longer. Most recognize that what once was a civil-rights movement has become a shakedown game. Few people still feel responsible for the failings and inadequacies of blacks. Political correctness keeps the lid on -- but everyone knows the score. Whichscares me, Hank.
On one hand, blacks hate whites and incline toward looting and burning. (The whites you hate are the ones who marched in the civil-rights movement. Ever think about that?)
On the other hand, whites quietly grow wearier and wearier of it. Not good, Hank.
On the third hand (allow me three hands, for rhetorical convenience), blacks keep demanding things. As I write, you demand reparations for slavery. Blacks in Oklahoma (I think it was) want money for some ancient race riot.
Other blacks reject the Declaration of Independence. Blacks in New York hint broadly at burning and looting over a trial, yet more demand the elimination of the Confederate flag, and the federal equal opportunity apparatus, which means blacks want to sue Silicon Valley for not hiring nonexistent black engineers.
That's a lot of demanding for one month,Hank.
What happens if whites ever say, "No"?
Now, how about you?
You've got a cushy job up there at Harvard, and you can hoot and holler about what swine and bandits whites are. I guess it's lots of fun, and you get a salary for it to boot.
But don't you think you might do blacks more good if you told them to complain less
and study more?
For example, if you want blacks to work in Silicon Gulch, the best approach might be to find some really smart black guys, and get them to study digital design ~ not Black Studies (as you teach). That's how everybody else does it. It works. Then blacks wouldn't feel left out, and racial tensions would decline. Sound like a plan?
Just out of curiosity, how many hours a week do professors of Afro-American Studies spend in the projects, encouraging poor black kids to study real-life sho-nuf subjects?
Editors Note: As you will recall, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is the Harvard professor who got arrested by Cambridge Police a month or so ago.
Fred Reed was a police reporter for one of the large Washington newspapers.
He now writes a column which can be googled ~ "Fred on Everything."
Fred published a weekly online column in which he got to say the things his editors
would never, ever have let him write in the paper. His stuff is iconoclastic and various articles have probably offended everyone . . .
Regardless of political orientation. So, with the warning that "This is definitely not politically correct," here comes Fred.
Never ever sell the air-craft carriesrs, build more.
how about this solution? The blacks who demand reparations about the slavery of their ancestors from Africa be given a one way ticket back there.
Enough of the free handouts.
My feelings exactly! I love this
Why do you (and others) insist on trying to tell those of us who are informed about the evils of this government to leave? Why do you tell us to leave?
If you aren't happy well then, just go ahead and die. Effff offff.
How about the government work FOR the people. How about we act like the Kings we are. Each one of us is a sovereign. We own our bodies. We own our space. The government is to work for us. Not the other way around.
Thank you Fred, for saying what most rational people think. The white race owes blacks NOTHING! I got where I am by working hard and applying myself. They should do the same. I didn't get a handout, and I came from a broken home, and my mother worked two jobs so I didn't have to. Now, I am older, working, responsible, and take care of those that really need it. I give to charity and I try to do the right thing. I should not be made to pay because some black crackhead can't stop selling dope long enough to get an education.
AMEN! My family came from another country. Does that mean I won't have to pay my taxes to support a black woman with 10 kids on welfare?
Is this professor donating any money to the American White College Fund?
And they say there is predjudice.
Anyone who wants reparations is a lazy uppity piece of crap .
My grandparents immigrated from Ireland, where the Irish were oppressed for hundreds of years by the English "Twilight Lords." I wonder at times what they would think of the English paying reparations. The English caused the Great Potato Famine by their agricultural policies, thus forcing the Irish influx into America.
English reparations sound great right now, especially as the Euro is very strong against the dollar.
Here we go again on the white man keeping the Black people down. The Indians are receiving reparations for the land that was stolen from them. We, Black people, were up-rooted from our African families and country and forced into slavery. The lives of our ancestors were ruined. They were treated as laboring animals and forbidden to get an education. The Black race has made great strides for the lucky ones. Our people are honored with a black president but many of our brothers and sisters are still too poor to take advantage of the opportunities that can enrich their lives. Reparation money will open the door to the down-trodden blacks to give all people a chance for a piece of the American dream. Our cries will be heard and president Obama will not rest until the prophesy is fulfilled. God bless Barrack Obama.
The good Reverend should stick to religion
"We, Black people, were up-rooted from our African families and country and forced into slavery."
Yes you were. Who sold you???????
"The Black race has made great strides for the lucky ones."
I beg to differ with You... not lucky ones but ones who attempted to improve themselves, not selling dope, hustling on the corners, dropping out of school, seeing how many women they could knock up and ways to desert the results. Granted this is not just a black problems, whites have the same shortcomings in many cases but you dont hear them piss and moan about their being held back from success. Do as your Brother, Bill Cosby instructs... Clean up your own mess.
"Our cries will be heard and president Obama will not rest until the prophesy is fulfilled. God bless Barrack Obama."
He best start hustling because unless there is a big change, he only has around 3 years to accomplish this prophesy. The reverend can send me a bill anytime he wishes.
What a crock of Sh*t, really get real. I think we must be poisoning the blacks, or they all are on CRACK.
What a bunch of babies, they have stolen jobs from me. We lower the standards in colleges, schools, jobs for them. Thats why other countries are smarter. We lower our standards so they can seem smart. Some are, some are not.
When are you going to get off this crap, when can we just keep standards fair for ALL, I see it if you qualify for a job, promotion then you get it forget race, sex.
We are destroying ourselves and quick. The only prophecy Osama Obama will set is end of the US. Then he will take his money, kids move back to Africa and become a king, hopefully leading HIS people with him. How far will HIS people follow him Bailey?
If you really were a Preacher, Pastor you would not include race and would worry about salvation for your people who are more prejudice than white people ever were. The hate you have created through out the years is unreal.
Oh, give you more money to do what, blow it on crack, cars and white chicks.
Funny stuff.
Rev. James Bailey said...
Here we go again on the white man keeping the Black people down. The Indians are receiving reparations for the land that was stolen from them. We, Black people, were up-rooted from our African families and country and forced into slavery. The lives of our ancestors were ruined. They were treated as laboring animals and forbidden to get an education. The Black race has made great strides for the lucky ones. Our people are honored with a black president but many of our brothers and sisters are still too poor to take advantage of the opportunities that can enrich their lives. Reparation money will open the door to the down-trodden blacks to give all people a chance for a piece of the American dream. Our cries will be heard and president Obama will not rest until the prophesy is fulfilled. God bless Barrack Obama.
11:52 PM
I find it funny that the good Reverend can't even spell the Anointed One's name. It's Barack Obama.
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