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Campbell letter
cohen letter 1
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cohen letter 3
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cohen letter 5
Tilghman Email
Guthrie Letter
Tyler Letter
Campbell Letter to Ireton
In today's Daily Times Article about Debbie Campbell's recent Press Release, does anyone else wonder WHY they refused to add a link to the exact Press Release, yet they added all the other links to try to bash Debbie once again?
Come on Daily Times, if you claim you're not like a Blog, opinionated, then why didn't you play fair and let your readers see "everything" Debbie said. Instead, you pulled bits and pieces once again and twisted your story.
This is why Salisbury News provides every inch of every Press Release, word for word. We allow our readers to make an honest judgment call on each and every one of them and this is why Salisbury News is blowing the Daily Times away each and every day.
Comment away Folks!
It doesn't do any good to comment, if it doesn't support your views it doesn't get posted.
If you say differant, you are a liar.
Just look at their opening: "Mayor Jim Ireton plans to look into an investigation he already deemed closed after receiving a letter from Councilwoman Debbie Campbell telling him to do so." A Council person does not tell the Mayor what to do. Campbell basically asked for the same information the Mayor previously asked for. Either there's evidence that ANY surveillance tapes ever existed or there isn't. Webster and DT keep this going trying to smear Campbell's reputation, to which she figuratively replies - put up or shut up. This is basically what Webster was supposed to do when he tried to claim whistleblower status. He couldn't provide ANY documentation to the Mayor to back up his claims and now Campbell's asking for the same thing. If there is NO evidence that any tapes ever existed, it will be strong evidence for Campbell that Webster and DT are deliberately trying to slander her.
Note how the DT says this investigation was brought forward in April, but conveniently leaves out it was the day before the election. Nothing political to this made up investigation now is there?
anonymous 12:48, GOOD, maybe she'll consider suing all of them, just as baldy would do.
Gary Comegys is using this to start his campaign. What a dumba$$. This is going to come right back and bite him hard next election. If he thinks he lost to Ireton in a big way, just wait until he seeks reelection for council.
Adios MoFo.
Right you are, Joe! After reading her press release, Mrs. Campbell has tons on which to sue. The chief has nothing.
I had to dig for the press release and letter post. Can you bump them up right behind this one?
Everyone should read this. Mrs. Campbell is right to stick up for herself!
Gary Comegys has made an a$$ of himself and joined the merry Tilghman-Webster band. He should not be re-elected!
Maybe Louise Smith should think about whether Webster is worth losing an election over!
anonymous 1:10, there's a link right in the article to her Press release under PRESS RELEASE. No need to bump the article up.
Louise Smith shouldn't even consider running for reelection, she is not reelectable. She can't carry the votes. She rode in on the shirt tails of Cohen and Spies with a Debbie Campbell endorsement. It's not going to happen this time around. She should leave gracefully because no one is going to reelect Lyin Louise.
Check out her campaign contribution list. Compare it to Spies and Cohens. Now remove all those that supported Spies and Cohen. Ron Alessi won't be able to buy the election for her this go round.
the bigger story would be what have they got over the DT or what is the DT getting in return for all this
I used the link for the press release and looked again. You're right, Joe. It didn't look like a press release at first glance because it didn't have the usual "For Immediate Release" stuff at the top. It is worth reading.
comegys shouldva been prosecuted for fraud with him padding his paychecks while still working for the state and attending city meetings.ASK HIM.
If there was a legitimate investigation the mayor would not have ended it. He gave Webster time to produce evidence or close the Barrie Tilghman initiated investigation. Webster could not produce any evidence, therefore it should have been ended. Instead, Webster continued and "someone" continued to leak documents to the Daily Times and his blogger.
Ireton has not supported Campbell in this, truth is he has been supporting Webster and Tilghman. Fact is he berated Campbell in such a loud tone at the end of the council meeting it was heard by anyone left on the third floor.
Barrie Tilghman should have been asked these questions. She handed the city to the slumlords with her blessings. She continues to run the council, Louise, Shanie and Gary are not smart enough to come up with some of the things they have presented.
Comegys asks what would be accomplished by releasing what she wants? I'd like to know what do they have to hide by not releasing it?
"Comegys also questions why Campbell -- technically nothing more than a citizen of the city -- can ask for the release of Salisbury Police Department property."
Now who is making this statement? The Daily Rag or Bubba Comagees?
I beg to differ, Mrs. Campbell like many others is an elected official and not just "nothing more than a citizen." Bubba is not even a citizen because you have to have a brain which he lacks.
They do what they are told to do which is why I only read the obits.
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