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Monday, August 17, 2009

'Politburo' Controlling U.S. Policy

Sources say White House cadre bypassing agencies, jeopardizing security

JERUSALEM – A small group of officials working mostly from the White House are tightly controlling U.S. foreign policy, bypassing other government agencies and making decisions without employing the expertise of those agencies, according to diplomatic sources...
A senior U.S. official referred to the group as a "politburo," using the term for the executive committee of communist political parties.

A senior Middle East diplomatic source said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently apologized to a Mideast leader, explaining to him U.S. policy regarding his country is being dictated by the White House and not her agency.

The diplomatic sources all confirmed Clinton has been largely cut out from the decision-making process, as have U.S. National Security Adviser James Jones and other top figures.Read more here..

(This is how leftist governments bypass the checks and balances and centralize their control-- this is what's happening when the White House appoints a "czar"..)


Anonymous said...

The report comes from Jerusalem. The control also comes from Israel.
Complete and total.

Anonymous said...

Absurd, 3:11.
This is the White House, occupied (illegally) by one who has not only stated he will stand with the muslims in a crunch, but is adamantly pro-Palestinian and noticeably anti-Israel.
There's no doubt Israel has some influence in some quarters, but not there.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like more conspiracy theory crap to me. Or maybe the Isrealis are mad because finally we have a president who isn't going to sit back and let a foreign lobby dictate everything we do.

Anonymous said...

Don't believe everything you hear on the television news about Obama's "anti-Israeli" views. Look at WHO are the cabinet members, and WHO are the Czars. You will see his cabinet is chock full of Zionists who want to establish a World Government.