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Friday, August 14, 2009

New Democratic Spoils System Launched: $175 Million In "Free" Money Handed Out In Harlem


Democratic power broker and billionaire George Soros kicked in $35 million and the Democrat geniuses in Albany kicked in another $120 million in Federal "stimulus" money for "back to school" expenditures for the Harlem community. The money was disbursed through bank cards enabling recipients to withdraw $200 cash per child. This is the newest Democratic spoils system, "street money" for a core Democratic constituency, black voters in Harlem.

In the grand Jacksonian tradition, "To the victor goes the spoils". Obama and the Democrats won the last national election, and promptly enacted a trillion dollar "stimulus" package to reward themselves and their allies with taxpayer money. Everyone knows the "stimulus" money is funding for the latest Democratic spoils system, courtesy of taxpayers everywhere.

People in Harlem are describing the stimulus money as "free". They understand that "Obama's taking care of" them as loyal Democratic voters. This is their share of the "spoils". Of course, the "stimulus" money will run out in 18 months, and then the cupboard is bare.

In a larger sense, Democrats are repeating their ancient tactic of buying off the minority community in Harlem with "free" goodies. Those of us who have watched New York Democrats for the past fifty years understand this game well. There's a lot of stimulus money left with which to buy voters. This is likely a dry run, the first step in spreading around enough of the "stimulus" to buy Democrats an overwhelming victory in the next election, paid for with taxpayer money.

What's new? The U.S. Treasury is being treated as personal piggy bank of the Democratic Party to a degree unprecedented in U.S. history.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From what I just saw on FOX the last real news outlet they spent some of the money on cigarettes this outrageous. Can we say reparations ???

Anonymous said...

VOTE THEM OUT in 2010 while we still have a country to salvage.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong in buying power and prestige is there?

Anonymous said...

Look, wingnuts go crazy when there is money for education.
Just because you aren't educated, does not mean the rest of the world has to be.
Pehaps money should be given to you to purchase a new shotgun.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Joe, I'm afraid I have to disagree with some of what you said. The cupboard will not run dry. The liberals will tax the hell out of the hard working successful "rich" to keep the cupboard full for the next 3 1/2 years to keep buying the "poor" vote. Count on it! Unfortunately some of the Presidents buddies are these "rich" and they will only tax themselves so much before they pass the rest of this burden on to - you guessed it, the middle class. Count on it - next year.

Anonymous said...

Votes are not going to work people. You all know what that means!!!

Henry said...

Nowhere in your story does it say what the money was supposed to be used for. The money is for underprivileged families to buy school supplies for their children. It's a decent idea, but I do think they should have gone about it differently.

Moon Willow said...

Can anybody say Katrina? People uprooted by the hurricane were also given bank cards to get things they needed, if I remember correctly, and the money wasn't well spent. Hello!!!! If you want to help provide school supplies, them give people the school supplies, not bank cards to use as they wish with no oversight.

I just can't believe that after the abuse of the bank cards given out to hurricane victims, they're doing it again. No, wait---yes I can.

Anonymous said...

If the money is going for school supplies for the poor it should come from the state not the stimulus. And there should be some over site it's reported that the money is going to buy cigarettes instead of paper and pencils.

Anonymous said...

Come on granny then they might become smart and see that the democrats are keeping them poor and ignorant.

Anonymous said...

11:12 I have an education and a shotgun there buying cigarettes what educational purpose do they have and why use stimulus money for this. It's the fleecing of the nation and it needs to be stopped.

Anonymous said...

It's a good idea that has been very badly implemented. They should have simply bought the school supplies for the children to pick up on their first day of school. It's rather foolish to allow the parents to use the money for whatever they so desire.

Part of the funds could have gone out in the form of gift cards to clothing/department stores. I'm sure many people used the money for what it was intended for just as I'm sure many did not.

Chimera said...

Thats outrageous! So a "babys momma" with 5 or 6 kids can expect up to a thousand tax free dollars with no strings attached?Then why not use on cigarettes,booze,whatever and just get school supplies at one of the many supply drives?Because that is what is happening.
11:12-you need to get a clue.Do you honestly think any of these children are going to benefit from the "free cards".Its better to donate supplies directly.All they are doing is buying votes from the underclasses so they can say "SEE?We told you we would take care of you if you voted Obama".Outrageous.

Anonymous said...

This is not what the stimulus money is for the Obama administration is a disaster.

Anonymous said...

The expenditure of Federal tax money in this manner should be un- constitutional and/or at least illegal! What a disgrace!

America please wake up and see this Administration as nothing more than an extension of Democratic National Party...using tax monies to buy votes and spread its philosphy. If not illegal, it definiely is unethical and immoral, and does not represent American citizens as a whole.

Anonymous said...

Prior to now I do not believe I was a racist. The Chicago community organizer is rapidly turning me into one. Prior to now I considered myself a voter that voted for the man and not the party. I now would rather have a Republican sex maniac in office than a Democrat. At least the Republican is not screwing me.

Anonymous said...

It is criminal. All it is is paying the Democrats for getting Obama elected. Acorn and all the dead peole voting. Yes Acorn got lots of stimulus money for getting Obama elected. Looks like he stole that election and now the payoff comes at taxpayers expense.