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Friday, August 14, 2009

Cardin to Constituents – Listen to Me, Not to the Facts

Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) has stones, I’ll give him that.  To Cardin, and most other elected Democrats in the Not So Free State, voters are like cattle to be herded to fiscal slaughter.  When faced with voters who have actually bothered to read HR 3200 (the leading ObamaCare bill), or who read newspapers, or who watch TV news we’re “misinformed”.

Is there misinformation out there?  Of course there is.  It’s coming from both the left and the right.  However, it’s Democrat officials who are calling their own constituents “misinformed” or just plain stupid because we won’t allow a government takeover of another 17% of our nation’s economy.  That’s essentially the message from Cardin at yesterday’s meeting in Salisbury.  If you’re against ObamaCare, you’re “misinformed”. 



Anonymous said...

That wasn't the message he gave at all. That's the message you want to push for your own political purposes. Please provide examples of misinformation from the left on health care reform.

Anonymous said...

So the facts are your mis-information? Most of the facts we are hearing are being driven and paid for by the republican party. They lied to us for 8 years about wars and government mis spending and on and on. We voted them out. Why would we listen to them now?

Anonymous said...

Democrats = Sheeple baa baa baa

Anonymous said...

Democrats = Sheeple baa baa baa

Think much?

G. A. Harrison said...

Let's start with Anon 1422 -

Don't be ignorant. The RNC under Michael Steele couldn't organize a riot.

Yes, there are grassroots groups such as AFP that are opposing ObamaCare. There are also business groups promoting opposition. There are groups on the left promoting ObamaCare.

Therefore, what is your point?

As for Anon 1410 =
This sounds like the same commenter I just responded to on Delmarva Dealings. Therefore, I'll give you the same answer:

You’re kidding right? Simply watch Obama’s town hall meeting in Portsmouth, NH.

Doctors receive $30,000 – $40,000 to amputate a diabetic’s foot. …. No they don’t. The Medicare allowed is something under $1,000.

Pediatricians decide to do tonsillectomies instead of treating the kid after multiple sore throats. …. Wrong again. ENT’s do tonsillectomies, not pediatricians.

AARP supports the proposal. …. That’s not what AARP is saying now. (In all fairness, I’ll give Obama that one. AARP is backing out because too many seniors are threatening a revolt)

Pelosi and Hoyer (along with others) calling ObamaCare opponents Nazis and un-American. Thugs. … Yet, it is the SEIU and ACORN who have been beating people up over this.

Opponents are orchestrated … Why are SEIU and ACORN busing people in to these meetings. Why are front groups paying people to organize people to get to these meetings.

Like I said – You’re kidding, right?

Orsonwells said...

If he thinks he will be re- elected after having that attitude, he is "Misinformed".

Anonymous said...

DONT YOU DARE say that Obama cant pay for this plan. YES he CAN!

All he has to do is the same thing Bush did. Order the federal reserve to fire up the presses and hit problem solved. You Redumblicans need to crawl OUT of your trailers and get a clue. As long as our Presidents can fire up those presses there is no reason for any of US to have to work.

Stupid Republicans!

Anonymous said...

A gov't program the size of the Health Care Program that is being touted by the Democracts, simply put, will erode and supplant individual freedom and flexibility.

I will never understand why free people, whether Democrat, Republican or Independent would be willing give up their individual freedom on the false promise that gov't will take better care of us, than the plans, programs and organizations controlled in the private sector.

All one has to do is look at VA hospitals, post office and congress itself to realize that very little flexibilty,
accountablilty and freedom emanates from these institutions! Why in God's name would anybody of sound mind want to establish another one?

Anonymous said...

Proven fact that much of this grass roots movement is brought to you by the republican party and FUELED BY FOX.

Anonymous said...

939, and what was Obama's election fueled by? GE and George Soros, don't talk trash libtard, and don't discount what REAL grassroots is, because the only grassroots you lefty socialists know about is the grass that grows up out of your former lesbian crunchy granola eating wives.

Anonymous said...

Yea What was George Bush fueled by? Haliburon? Stop your third grade name calling and give us a solution. I keep asking and all I hear is that we are grass roots. Where is the solution and it can not possibly be do nothing wih 40 million Americans without health insurance Try thinking for yourself once, just once. drop the rhetoric and the name calling and make a point. Waiting.......

Anonymous said...

1:26 AM Isn't it great people without origional thought and those that can not really contribute to an intelligent converdation must reduce themselves to name calling. Oh yea, name calling is a step up for you

Anonymous said...

As a former Bush hater I have realised that the MSM shaped most of my thinking, I confess i was duped by the press. Just like the moment you realise your boyfriend is cheating on you, it hits you in the gut that you have been completely misled and that perhaps the information you thought was absolutely true is instead manufactured spin. Just look at the evidence people, Obama just spouted off in Mexico that he wants amnesty for illegals and that he backs Chavez sponsored Zeleya in Honduras. THAT MEANS HE SUPPORTS DICTATORS and IILLEGALs. How much more does this despicable excuse for POTUS have to do right in front of you before you GET IT????

Anonymous said...

How many ways does he or she have to say it?

There are market solutions to this. I am NOT willing to hand over more of my life to the Federal government.

Increased competition is the answer, when industry regulations and corporate cronyism is reduced consumers win. I may as well just out myself because I have been saying this over and over, but look at the airlines. We can institute similiar market friendly policies. Since deregulation, flying has only gotten cheaper in adjusted dollars.

The same thing COULD happen with the mega insurance companies and the banks but it won't because CARDIN and the vast majority of the dems are bought and paid for by the insurance/health and banking industries.

Those lobbying cartels are trying to game the system so they come out on top.

The information is out there.

The only problem is you libs are blinded by your leftist religion.

BTW- I'm NOT a republican..exactly, so the first person that says "look at the republicans" can have a shut the f up sandwich.

and the proper movie line was

"have fun storming the castle!"

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, there are others on this blog that follow the money on as well.

We get it, Cardin and Kratovil, like most politicians are bought and paid for.

So who do we vote for that's not owned by lobbyists?