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Friday, August 21, 2009



On Friday, September 11th, 2009, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States. Every individual should make it their duty to display an American flag on this eighth anniversary of one of our country's worst tragedies. We do this to honor those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families, friends and loved ones who continue to endure the pain, and those who today are fighting at home and abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms.


Anonymous said...

There will be one at my house!

Anonymous said...

I second that!

Anonymous said...

I all ways fly the flag for 9/11

Reconciled1 said...

My American flag flies everyday, not just holidays or anniversaries.

Anonymous said...

Our flag flies EVERY day.

Anonymous said...

Amen,our American flag will always fly I won't let Obama take it away
I love my country regardless of the of the President we now have

Anonymous said...

9:35, if you love your country, then show some love (respect) for the freely elected leader of your country instead of sly remarks about "Obama take [your flag] away". If you are so loyal and loving of the US, prove it by sticking tight to the principle that despite differences in how we believe the nation should be ran, we are still UNITED in our mutual love for our home.

Anonymous said...

When will it be time to raise it upside down?

Anonymous said...

How about we begin a discussion of the events and facts of the 911 event?

Investigate 911.

Truth does not fear investigation.

Anonymous said...

9:46 Obama is losing respect everyday for his irresponsible actions if wants respect he now has to earn it back I am not sure if the Chicago gangster is capable of earning our trust and respect,
the libs might they don't respect anybody anyway

Anonymous said...

Well said 9:46

Anonymous said...

"Chicago gangster is capable of earning our trust and respect,
the libs might they don't respect anybody anyway"

Your words show that he never had your respect and he likely can't earn your respect because you are only loyal to your ideaology. People like you don't listen to sound reasoning; you can be shown the facts to back up any position but you'll simply scream conspiracy theories of "socialist, foreign, muslim, terrorist"


Anonymous said...

I display the flag 24-7. Go for it!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:41

How can you expect people to abandon their ideology when it has been tested and proven time and time before? It is our capitalism that created the wealth that we have now. Where poor people have food, shelter, cell phones, and health facilities (that legally can not turn them away citizen or not). When is the last time you heard of anyone in this country fighting tooth and nail to relocate to another because of social injustices? We all have heard about people rushing to the USA for help. It is no wonder that our health care is expensive; it is the BEST in the world. You get what you pay for. Indian doctors rush to this country to practice because of the benefits we offer. I do not wish the president any harm and would love to support his policy, but I will only support the fundamental ideology that has gotten the United States to where it is. It was never socialism!

Donna said...

My flag flies 24/7/365. On Sept 11 my flag flies at half mast.

Anonymous said...

1:09, I don't fault anyone for having an particular ideaology. I fault someone who can look at a specific situation, see that facts, but take a stance that runs contrary to the facts because of their ideaology. America is great, but reading your comment would make one think that the Rep. party (or conservative ideaology) is what made this country great. Thats not true; the history of this country has been based on the practices/ideas from both Rep. and Dem.Great ideas come out of both camps. Crappy ideas also come out of both camps.

My biggest problem is that too often the idealogues choose to smear those that disagree with them and paint the opposing group as traitors or as evil. Thats not the strategy that allows for spirited debate that filters out the crappy ideas and leaves us with the good.

Anonymous said...


Just change the name Obama to Bush and it describes you libs perfectly. Remember what goes around comes around

Anonymous said...

2:00, you're not talking to some far left guy here; folks on the far left AND far right are to blame for the destruction of productive political discourse in America.

Also, your logic sound like that of a 4-year old.

Doc Hook said...

Please fly it at half mast.
I carried a full size National Ensign in my flak jacket throughout Afghanistan. That is the flag I will fly on 9/11, although it has been washed since then.

Anonymous said...

My Nephew will be participating in the "Tour de Force" which is a 280 mile bike ride from Boston to Ground Zero in N.Y. This is done every year in honor of those lost on 9/11. All monies raised will benefit NYPD and NYFD killed in the line of duty.We will be meeting the team when they arrive in N.Y. If anyone is ineresting in donating please go to: (Rider name Dennis Remski)

Anonymous said...

anyone who's gullible enough to believe the "official" story on 9/11 is probably just as easily duped into thinking that waving a flag when somone prompts you is synonymous with "patriotism."