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Thursday, July 09, 2009

USA Today Poll Vote Yes

Our new Attorney General has already said this is one of his major issues. (He doesn't want gun rights for citizens)This takes literally 2 clicks to complete.

Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a few seconds of your time. Then pass the link on to all the pro gun folks you know. Hopefully these results will be published later this month.. This upcoming year will become critical for gun owners with the Supreme Court accepting the District of Columbia case against the right for individuals to bear arms.

First - vote on this one. Second - launch it to other folks and have THEM vote - then we will see if the results get published. Vote in the USA Today poll - click on the link below. The Question is: Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms? Vote here: Yes!!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry Joe,
But they are going to have to reign in our gun ownership rights. There is no way they can implement all of the agenda in the next couple of years, along with the complete destruction of our economy, unless they at least know WHO has the guns, and prevent many of us from obtaining guns.
You must understand, the American people would never go along with their plans, and may attempt to grow some ba**s, so, for thier protection, they must stop gun ownership.
Gun ownership doesn't work in a Facist Dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

We wanted out of the Iraq war, we voted, but we didn't get what we wanted.

We wanted to fair elections but we got electronic voting machines and a President who is inelligible for the office.

We wanted no bailout of GM, but GM got one anyway.

They don't care what we want. Of course we want to protect ourselves, but they aren't going to allow it. No matter how much you vote or write, they are going to take your guns.

Anonymous said...

The time for gun ownership is long gone. What are you gonna' do, pop off a couple of magazines at the men in black when they come to give you the mandatory vaccine? Come on. They will mow you down with DU laden 50 caliber bullets in 5 seconds. We can't defend ourselves against this militarized police state. Look at what happened in Gaza. If those folks had been armed (which they weren't) it would have been even worse. Shooting back will only encourage our sons and daughters to pile it on heavier. We don't stand a chance. Better not pull out any pea shooters when the time comes. Just get in the back of the truck.

Moon Willow said...

Yes! And I see that that 97% of those who voted agree.

The previous commenters have it right..."they" don't care what we want. I thought we had a government of the people, for the people, by the people. It seems this idea has been thrown out the window. Our elected representatives are supposed to represent US---but they don't. They represent themselves with little or no consideration of the voters who gave them their jobs.
We have a government of the sheeple, for the politicians, by the polititions.

Anonymous said...

I learned about the perils of gun control when, as a young boy, I watched the movie Red Dawn.

This pole is so one sided it isn't even funny. But I am sure that if the poor, disenfranchased, less fortunate people without Internet who use guns to exact violence during their gang related activities got to vote, they would not want guns for the rest of us. So I am sure that the government will disregard this pole.

Anonymous said...

The Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United Sates of America was designed by the framers to be a collective right not an individual right.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Collectively we have a right to defend ourselves against our government. But the government against whom we are trying to defend ourselves - DOES NOT GIVE US THAT RIGHT. We have the right inherently.
It is up to us to "throw off this government and form a more perfect one"
Now, we can't very well do that if each one of us is UNARMED.
Think about what you write. Please. Otherwise, the enemy within the borders will assume ALL OF US are idiots.

smitty240 said...

Hey guys, this poll was back in 2007. At least put your 2nd amendment efforts into something that will make a difference TODAY. Go buy a gun TODAY. Isn't it state law to purchase one every 30 days? :-) Do your lawful duty and buy one, learn to use it properly, and make Annapolis acknowledge your God given right to carry that gun for your personal protection! This concealed carry law on the MD books is s sham. Has anyone tried to get a permit?