An ambulance ride with American Medical Response in Topeka, Kansas will soon cost an extra $543 for folks weighing 350 pounds or more. Though AMR already owns cots that can support up to 500 pounds, they claim that because of rising demand from so-called "bariatric patients," they now need to buy winches and "extra large and reinforced cots."
GO HERE to read more.
Perhaps Salisbury could find its way out of the budget crunch if they had this law and we could get JT in the ambo.
He'd also have to pay for two seats in an airplane.
Higer taxes on the obese to pay for their health insurance.
Just goes to show, there not here to help, they are in it for the money.
No, they're in it to help, and save their employees' backs from these fat loads who call 911 incessantly. Generally speaking, most 911 calls for problems/diseases that can be prevented are by the obese and those without insurance.
Would you want to constantly worry about throwing your back out, even with proper lifting techniques, for non-stop fat people? Get a life.
So do you have to alert them when you call 911 that you are fat? Like "Help, I can't breath, and I'm over 300 pounds? Bring the big equipment, please...."
I don't agree with charging more for obese people. The health care system pays for oxygen and lung transplants for smokers....they chose to smoke.
I agree, you choose to be overweight so why should you not pay more. You pay more to eat more and I dont want to hear that crap that they can not help it becuase they have a metabolism problem or its genetic. Yea it is you dad and mom over ate so you over ate as well. It is a learned behavior.
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