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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Teg Nugent Interview


Ted Nugent, rock star and avid bow hunter from Michigan, was being
interviewed by a French journalist and animal rights activist. The
discussion came around to deer hunting. The journalist asked, "What do you
think is the last thought in the head of a deer before you shoot him? Is it,
'Are you my friend?' or is it 'Are you the one that killed my brother?' "
Nugent replied, "Deer aren't capable of that kind of thinking. All they care
about is, 'What am I going to eat next, who am I going to screw next, and
can I run fast enough to get away. They are very much like the French.' "
The interview ended at that point...


Anonymous said...

Doncha just love Ted?

Anonymous said...

This isnt at all funny. Those qualities are not synonamous with the French.

Anonymous said...

Thats a great response.

Anonymous said...

Nugent 2012 !!!

Native Son said...

Ted is a guitar slinging patriot who always speaks his mind!
He knows a coward when he sees one!!!

PS. I agree 10:55

Anonymous said...

Nugent is a little too extreme for my tastes, but you've got to admit, it was a great comeback and funny as heck.

Reese Bobby said...

I sat next to a pretty French girl on a flight across the Atlantic. It is very rare that I just give up {at least back then when I was single} being a hound when you have to sit next to someone so close for like 7 hours. But hygiene isn't always the greatest for the French and she smelled SOOO bad [despite how pretty her face was}...and then she reached up to get something out of her carry-on stored in the overhead compartment, and it looked like she had Don King under her arms due to some less than satisfactory shaving issues.

Call me when the Brazilian and Australian girls arrive!!!

Anonymous said...

Keeping up that "Ugly American" image.

Reese Bobby said...

With this pretty face??{ pretty it is}??

BTW...I had my speed-stick; if they are so so "so-fister-cated" acrosss the pond-what was her excuse??

Anonymous said...

11:41 How is that "Ugly American" you think the french give a s*** about us? There needs to be more people in congress and a president with some balls (like Mr. Nugent) to stand up for this county and get the illegals out, give us back our social security, and crack down on the lazy slobs that sit on their fat asses all day collecting our tax money. More like "push-over Americans"

Anonymous said...

Nugent is a dope. Who cares what he says.

Anonymous said...

funny line

Orsonwells said...

Nugent, 2012. Probably the blood we need.

Anonymous said...

For all of those offended - go back and read a history book or two - one of the ones before they were censored and changed.

Anonymous said...

Kinda the way he was at the bear lodge in canada too. If you feel you have an arguement, argue all the way through it. Way more entertaining for the listener.

Moon Willow said...

I spent 19 days traveling all over France, and not once did I come across any Franch person who was smelly or rude. You be polite and civil to them, and they'll be polite and civil to you. It helps to be able to speak a little French, too. I had to school my husband not to walk up to people and say, "Anglais?" but rather to say, "Excusez moi, parlez vous Anglais?" and we got along just fine.


And I seriously doubt that a deer or bear is engaged in philosophical musings when the bullet or arrow hits.