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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Only In America

Only in America...we spend billions because we can't let GM and Chrysler go bankrupt, and then, let GM and Chrysler go bankrupt.

Only in America...Can congress force Fannie and Freddie to buy subprime loans, and then blame Fannie and Freddie for buying subprime loans. Then fir the CEO's with giant severance packages and nationalize the companies so the taxpayers can pay off all the debt.

Only in crisis requires swift action by congress to pass a bill without reading it, then they go on vacation for three days before the president finds the time to sign it.

Only in can be legally illegal.

Only in America...newspapers make the President's dog more important than our family members dieing for our freedom.

Only in America...can congress make laws that they don't have to, or intend to, follow.

Only in America...The Vice President declares "JOBS" a 3 letter word.

Only in America...can you get a tax refund for taxes you didn't pay.

Only in America...can politicians blame others for their own failures.

Only in have more rights being illegal, than you do if you're legal.

Only in America...can you be 13 and have an abortion without telling your parents, but you must have a written note from your parent explaining why you missed school.

Only in we worry about 3 guys that get water up their noses, while their associates are beheading captives and blowing up crowds of people with suicide bombers.

Only in can be President without having a birth certificate.

Only in America...whatever goes wrong will always be G.W. Bush's fault.


Anonymous said...

Joe i may not see eye to eye with you but dam you hit the nail on the head add only in america an internal investigator with permission for the county executive investigate the warden then the county executive lets the warden fire the man investigating him :) lol

Anonymous said...

That wasn't Joes post. It was quite good though.

Anonymous said...

You cant equate waterboarding with getting water up your nose. Obama has a birth certificate and everything that is wrong with the world today is George Bush's fault.

Anonymous said...

Duh... That's exactly what waterboarding is. Water up your nose. Pleasant? No. But would you agree it's a tiny bit better than a beheading?

Everything that is wrong with the world today is from libs like you who want to take from some to give to others.

Anonymous said...

Guess we better get used to it. The days of being a proud, God fearing American are almost over. Won't be long before our kids have to read the koran and take mandatory spanish classes.

By the way, I was in Barnes & Noble this weekend and if you're ever in there take a look at how many different copies of the koran that they actually have. Almost as many of them as there are the Bible. The sign of things to come thanks to you bunch of liberal quacks.

Anonymous said...

And with the Bush Admin , It was always Clintons fault. Truly a vicious circle. Just the American way!!

Anonymous said...

Give me a break. Wind up the wingnuts!

Anonymous said...

i hate obama

Anonymous said...

Give me a break, 11:51... Americans, as a citizenry, have not feared God in a very long time. If fearing God was an important aspect of our country and leadership, Mike Huckabee would be president.
This post is mostly entertaining, except that "politians blame others for their own failures" is not nearly an America-only problem, waterboarding is much more complex than "water up their noses", and it has already been proven that Obama has a birth certificate... Joe, please proofread these posts for accuracy. I enjoy your blog, but it undermines your credibility to post inaccurate information.
Expanding on the waterboarding/torture comment, how can we expect to take the high road in denouncing, prosecuting and punishing other countries/radical groups who commit heinous acts of torture and murder when we are willing to do the same? Especially in light of military reports that conclude that torture is not effective in obtaining information...

Phil said...

Hey 10:45. Your right, Obama does have a birth certificate. Problem is, it's not from this country as the Constitution says it is required to be for Presidential Candidates.

Anonymous said...

11:51, don't be a dope about waterboarding being torture. It is not comfortable for about 20 seconds. There is no pain. There is no damge. There is no injury. There is no death.

Is there more to it then just water up the nose? Yeah, they are strapped to a board at the time. Duh, that's where the name comes from. They feel helpless and uncomfortable. They feel like they could drown. Think they would want to talk about terror plots if we offered them ice cream?

Ask Daniel Pearls family about what torture rerally is.

JP said...

10:45 & 11:51- When you have to justify the actions of our CIA & military by comparing them to those of the people we are supposedly fighting- terrorists- we all loose. In fact- we've already lost. We've fallen off of our moral high horse. Not too many things are worse than the brutal acts that terrorists are known for- that doesn't at all make or justify what our CIA/Military doing or make it right beacuse it "not AS bad" Get it?

Phil- you are plain old WRONG! you think you would fact check something like that before you go charging ahead with your conspiracy theories... This is the kind nonfactual hyperbolic rhetoric that only serves to divide America and clearly it only sticks with those who refuse (for whatever reason) to seek out the facts.

chuck said...


No. The name "water boarding" is a joke name coined by the CIA, to sound like "surf boarding". It was originally referred to as water torture, and if applied long enough, causes lung damage, coma, and, eventually, death. It is controlled drowning, and it is torture. Don't believe me? Ask former SEALs about it.