As you may be aware, Governor O'Malley is spending the next week in Europe to commemorate the 65th anniversary of D-Day and to have a cultural exchange with emerging democracies in Eastern Europe.
You can follow his trip at http://martinomalley.com/europe.
The website will be regularly updated with content from Europe, including:
* Photos from the trip
* The Governor's Twitter feed (also available at twitter.com/governoromalley)
* Bandwidth-permitting, behind-the-scenes video
Today, Governor O'Malley attended a ceremony to honor the National Guard with members of the Maryland National Guard. He is sending back updates that we're posting to the blog. Here's one from earlier today:
"I am sitting with Maryland veterans at an event to commemorate the veterans of the 29th division who fought right here 65 years ago. To be in sight of the beach with the men who fought here is a very humbling experience. The sight of the beach and the scale of the challenge is awe inspiring. I can't imagine what these men felt to emerge from ships to scale these cliffs."
Please let me know if you have any questions about Gov. O'Malley's trip.
That's so cool that the Governor follows your site Joe.
Niiiiice, the governor get an all expense paid, 5 star European vacation all paid for by the tax payers. Real nice!
All under the guise that he gives a crap about the vets.
why isnt the gov in maryland fixing our economy?
why isnt the gov in maryland trying to get corporations to come to our state for jobs?
God bless those who served out country, but that dont mean the gov of maryland should get a vacation in europe.
Politicians will use any reason they can to spend our money, even d day.
Why isn't the Gov in Maryland helping those people who work at Deer's Head Center in the laundry department keep their jobs. Don't have money for new equipment, but he can go to Europe for a week at a time - something wrong with this picture.
Total waste of money sending the Gov to Europe on this occasion. Did he forget that Maryland is broke? How can he possibly justify this? Did he take the whole family? How many state police went along for security? Did he fly first class or coach or does he have a private jet? Just a few questions since you offered Eric.
This is outrageous -- we're paying for that buffoon's vacation trip!
Anonymous said...
Niiiiice, the governor get an all expense paid, 5 star European vacation all paid for by the tax payers. Real nice!
All under the guise that he gives a crap about the vets.
9:14 AM
You took the words right out of my mouth. Your governor could have been more effective commemorating D-Day right in Annapolis.
As I tax payer I would like to know who all attended that trip and how much it cost the tax payers.
Senator Stoltzfus, Delegates Conway, Mathias, Elmore and the entire Eastern Shore Delegation please answer this question for your constiuents.
You right wing extremists will complain about anything, huh?
Anonymous said...
You right wing extremists will complain about anything, huh?
12:28 PM
It is Left Wing Nuts like you, O'malley and Obama that have bankrupted this country. You are damn right we are going to complain.
guess he thinks d day stands for democrap day! what a total waste of money. liberals all think they can turn chicken poop into chicken salad on the taxpayers dollar
Not including his wife, children, assitants, press secretaries and his personal body guards from the state police. This trip probably cost the taxpayers 50-60 thousand.
So how much is it going to cost us for this trip? I think as a taxpayer we are entitled to know.
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