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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Yard Sign


Anonymous said...

Stupid. Sounds like a typical redneck encouraging people to break the law, damage property, and steal from others.

Stay classy SBYnews.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey everyone 9:35 AM's house is not armed! Maybe the police will make it in time to stop the armed robber in the middle of the night.

Anonymous said...

If gun ownership does not deter crime why would this sign matter?

Anonymous said...

Fearmogger alert. Let's all live in fear. Yeah!

Anonymous said...

When seconds matter, the police are only minutes away!

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:21, come visit my home and let me show you the difference.

Anonymous said...

10:28 are you saying gun ownership does not deter crime?

Anonymous said...

Gun ownership promotes accidental shootings.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:24 I hope you never have to call the Police. Even if they are only minutes away it will take them longer to get to your house. In that length of time your ass will be dead. It is obvious you have never realy needed them. You fricking liberals think everything is okay and you don't need to protect yourself or your family. Get real the Police are understaffed like the rest of us. With budget cuts and all. I just hope you never really need them in a hurry. Wake up AMERICA if you don't protect yourself no one else will.

Anonymous said...

So. None of the anti's would have an issue with your neighbor puttung this sign up?

Anonymous said...

11:08. You are an idiot. "Minutes away" means you need a gun when seconds count.

Anonymous said...

The neighbor is still safer, even with the sign up!!

90% of all gun deaths are family and friends...

...and most of the thieves are looking for guns to steal anyway. What are they going to steal from my house? A piano? HA!!

Anonymous said...

11:49 put a sign up in your yard! Put your money where you mouth is. I put my money in ammo.

Anonymous said...

BS 11:49,

Victim/Offender Relationship, 1976-2005

All homicides,

Percent Number

Total 100.0% 594,276
Intimate 10.9% 64,529
Non-intimate 53.9% 320,554
Undetermined 35.2% 209,194


Anonymous said...

Ye you all are bad asses.
Have you ever shot someone, believe me you wont like living with it after you have done it even in the name of justice.
Its like someone running a stop sign and you run into them and kill them.
They broke the law and you killed them.
I dont have a gun, after the war i said i would never pick up a gun again.
I chose a baseball bat, i may not win all the time but two broken legs and arms hurts and they have to live with it. Good luck with wanting to shoot someone , it aint as much fun as you think.

Anonymous said...

12:09 "All homicides"

I said GUN DEATHS, not homicides. There are well over a million gun deaths in the 30 year time period you report. Gun deaths is the relevant data for this discussion, when the topic is deaths in the home. Start with suicides. That accounts for about 50% of all gun deaths. Then go on to the killing of a significant other (the most common non-suicide gun death).... and don't forget accidents, like 4 year old kids wandering about at gun ranges. And sure enough, you get to about 90%.

Anonymous said...

People who are gun worshipers have small provate parts.

Anonymous said...

12:03 "I put my money in ammo."

I put my money into travel, education, real estate (3 houses), cars (5 nice ones),... If I put my money into ammo, well then all I'd have is ... ammo. Nothing says "loser" more succinctly.

Would you pay $2,000 per year for collision insurance on a $5,000 car? Of course not, but isn't that like what all your ammo is buying you??

Anonymous said...

Hey 12:22 good luck with the baseball bat against those bullets. I'll make sure my family is protected. If someone breaks in my house with a gun, I will shoot them if it saves my families life. I don't go around looking to shoot someone but my family comes first.

Anonymous said...

12:22pm good luck with the lawsuits too, it's been widely known that the courts sometimes side with the burglar in some of those cases where he gets hurt inside your home thur his own or your fault.

As for all you libs preaching about accidental gun deaths and suicides, etc. More people die on our highways than by homicide or accident involving guns, maybe you should put your 5 cars in park forever, since they are deadly weapons.

Anonymous said...

12:22 pm, You may be right, but I would rather shoot someone who is trying to hurt my family and be alive, then worry about living with the fact that I shot someone and be dead. So, if someone breaks into my home they will be shot dead, because I will put one in their head.

Anonymous said...

Way to go.
Hope they dont take it from you and kill your whole family, you may not be able to defend yourself without it.

Anonymous said...

Time will tell , if you bad asses really have to face pulling the trigger, like i said good luck with wanting to kill someone. If you have guns and ammo and are not a sportsman,, you are waiting to kill someone.
What other need is there for a gun.

Anonymous said...

1:05 "So, if someone breaks into my home they will be shot dead, because I will put one in their head."

Assuming that you're dealing with a stupid intruder. In the event you do have intruders, the odds are there will be more than one, and your odds aren't as good as you may think there are.

This reminds me of how the deaths went up on the German autobahns when they introduced airbags. Weren't airbags supposed to make the roads safer?? Yes, but people felt safer so they drove faster --- more deaths.

You're first mistake is thinking you're actually safer with guns. An ounce of prevention (good locks, a good alarm system, appearing as a difficult target) is worth a pound potential cures.

Anonymous said...

1:12 "If you have guns and ammo and are not a sportsman,, you are waiting to kill someone."

Well said... and so true. You can feel the anger. It's almost like they're hoping to be tried. Maybe this explains the bad end to a few random trick-or-treaters... they got tired of waiting.

Anonymous said...

One more thing , you people who have your guns locked up to keep your children from getting them.
Remember they are not worth a dime when it comes time to save yourself,
It might be like someone said about calling the police , seconds do matter.
The only way you gun toters can really be safe and not so scared is to where one on your hip.
So looks like you will have to move to texas or nevada, this is not the old west it is the delmarva penisula.
Have a good trip..

thomas augustus littleton said...

Why are so many of you morons against the 2nd amendment?
Like it or not, it is there for some very good and still relevant reasons!

If I advertise that you don't have a gun but I do, I may very well save the piece of scum that you would have a problem dealing with in a reasonable fashion. He could rape your wife and daughters, steal your belongings then kill you all. You wouldn't have the guts or the means to stop, or God forbid, kill him, so you wouldn't have to feel bad for hurting the poor guy. He would get to do what he wanted with no gun to stop him. So, I guess everyone would be happy with the results of a home invasion at your place! He would have no such happy outcome at my house. So, you see, the sign would be a favor to all!
Be my guest, don't keep guns & ammo; don't protect your family, if that's how you want it. The Bill of Rights protects those of us who have better sense.

Even the Bible says, "There is a time to kill." If human vermin breaks into your home, that's a pretty good time!
Why in heaven's name should I feel bad about killing an intruder who is in my home to harm me or my family? I would feel worse about killing a mouse. An animal is only in your house doing what nature tells it; the human vermin is there to intentionally do you & your family harm!
If human vermin breaks into your home, he could very well intend to do you and yours physical harm, and he has, by his own actions, given up his right to life! I would go piss on his grave every day for causing me so much trouble!

Anonymous said...

The best way to prevent gun deaths is to treat depression and other mental illness, teach children not to sell or use illegal drugs, treat drug addiction, and have police concentrate on enforcing drug laws. However, the gun control lobby says that we should spend billions of dollars on gun registration and gun licensing instead of using the money to treat depression and combat drugs. Click here for some sensible ways to prevent gun violence.

The accidental gun death rate has been falling since 1930 and US accidental gun deaths per year were down to 824 by 1999 according to the CDC. Note that it is extremely easy to prevent accidental gun deaths by following Jeff Cooper's Four Rules Of Gun Safety. Click here for a free downloadable brochure that illustrates the four rules.

Anonymous said...

Back to the sign , I like the
sign. I like having guns in my home . I like to shoot and to hunt.
I defended my country with an m-14
and an m-60. I have the right to bear arms , the ones that don't have any guns will fall to the hands of criminals , so , go hug a tree!!!!and get into bed with

Anonymous said...

1:19 pm, You don't know me or know what I can do with a gun or knife. So, thanks for your concern and useless information, but you protect yours and I will protect mine.

Anonymous said...

1:12pm, You see, it's better to have a gun and not need it, then need a gun and not have it! You and rest of these liberals are the reason the crime rate in America is sky high. Be prepared to defend your home, or coward down and just give it away.

Anonymous said...

Man, the economy has to get fixed in a hurry so all the men can go back to work. You all are. going nuts aren't ya. Get off the blogs and go clean out your garage or something

Anonymous said...

2:32 " the ones that don't have any guns will fall to the hands of criminals "

Yea! Just like in Canada? Oh wait. Never mind.

Anonymous said...

2:46 "You and rest of these liberals are the reason the crime rate in America is sky high."

If this is all the fault of the liberals, why is it that life is so cheap and lethal violence is so rampant in the non-liberal parts of the US?? Why is it that the more liberal nations on this Earth have less violence and suffering??

As I see it, the problems come from poverty coupled with a dysfunctional social safety net. A dysfunctional social safety net is a hallmark objective of the conservatives in America.

Anonymous said...

When there was no safety net crime was much lower ding dong!!!!

Anonymous said...

11:04 By your logic it can be said that car ownership promotes more accidental deaths each day in the U.S. than gun ownership promotes in a year. Shall we outlaw cars? A more ridiculous bit of logic is hard to imagine. Reading your statement just caused my I.Q. to drop 4 whole points.

Anonymous said...


lethal violence so rampant in non liberal parts of the U.S.

Has your liberal mind turned to mush. The most violent areas of this country are the big liberal cities like L.A, D.C. Baltimore, Detroit. etc. Do away with these liberal bastions and we would not need half the police that we have today. Oops I forgot you libs would say we would loose jobs, so I guess we better let them keep killing in the cities

Anonymous said...


Using your logic I guess that makes your present I Q minus 3 now

Anonymous said...

liberal idots.
while a perp is raping their daughter a lib will hold the perps balls as to be sure the rapist does not get harmed.

Anonymous said...

Point of fact; Maryland does not embrace the “Castle Doctrine” as do most other states ...

In other words one cannot defend one’s own home or property w/deadly force …..

Self-defense is another matter …..

thomas augustus littleton said...

6:19 is right, but he or she was much too generous in referring to your muddled, distorted travesty of thought as any form of "logic."

Yes, gun ownership can result in accidental death, as can almost any object in our daily lives.
Of all these objects that can cause accidental death, I believe only one, gun ownership, is specifically PROTECTED in our Bill of Rights. So, it follows that our founding father's, in their infinite wisdom, understood the potential for accident and abuse of fire arms, and still deemed protecting the individual's right to "keep and bear arms" important enough to protect in no uncertain terms in our constitution. They understood that in the future, as in their time, people should have a right to protect themselves and that government would always have an interest in removing this tool of defense and liberty from the general population, hence the specific, clear constitutional protection.

If you, 11:04, don't think you have sense enough to keep and bear arms safely, it is certainly your right to not own a gun. I will not argue that you should be forced to do so.
But do not presume to attack the constitutional right of law abiding American citizens to keep and bear arms!

Anonymous said...

I just dont get liberals. They dont like guns...they might kill someone....dont treat the terrorist might hurt their feelings, yet they have no problem having their "choice" to kill babies.
We own a gun and I pray we will never have to use it. We dont have it and hope we will get to use it on someone, we have it in case we would need it. Most people dont want to shoot someone but if that is what they must do to save their own or a family members life .... well so be it.

Tippedwing said...

Anonymous said...
Point of fact; Maryland does not embrace the “Castle Doctrine” as do most other states ...

In other words one cannot defend one’s own home or property w/deadly force …..

Self-defense is another matter …..

8:52 PM

Fact: I shot a burglar in my home, in MD and the Castle Doctrine protected my right to do so.

Fact: Most of you fools have no clue what it takes to pull the trigger in a high tension situation, and will never know how it feels.

Fact: Liberals or not, this debate was decided by a slim vote of 5-4 in favor of the 2nd amendment insuring an "individuals" right to keep and bear arms by the Supreme Court.

Fact: End of argument.