You've seen what the WCBOE put out there for their Press Release. It wasn't easy for me to stand up in front of a bunch of old folks with drool rags pinned to their shirts waiting for the Boards final decision. I expressed how this decision would affect me, as well as every taxpayer in the County. My taxes have gone up, not down.
I explained how GM & Chrysler wouldn't dare think of raising their RETIREE Benefits from 55% to 70%, all in the hope it would help them receive better employees. BITE ME! It didn't matter to this Board that you and I would be footing the bill once again for more taxes to fund RETIREE'S health benefits. Oh, maybe not this year but next year it's a guarantee, don't let them fool you.
Quite frankly, it was a slap in the face to ALL Wicomico County Taxpayers. The Board tried to express they had done everything properly to expose their intent to the public but my guess is without Salisbury News, you wouldn't have even known there was a public meeting last night, let alone the topic of their meeting. It certainly wasn't published on their website, even though they claimed it was.
We were chomping at the bit waiting to see if they'd put it up so we could finally tell what we already knew. I had spoken to several County Council Members who already knew what the outcome was going to be, yet the public wasn't even aware there was a vote to take place last night.
Now I want you to think long and hard about this Folks. Tell me the last time your health insurance rates went down? I already know the answer to that, it never has. Insurance rates will only go up. There are 550 current retirees plus 2,200 active employees/families on the plan as of now. Many of those active employees will retire in 5 years. The numbers the Board is providing TODAY are today's numbers, not the numbers you as taxpayers will feel over the next 5 years.
What the County also refuses to educate you on is the fact that you only have to work for the County for 10 years before you can RETIRE! That means you'll be fully vested and can take advantage of this stupid package for the rest of your life. So much for working 20 years before you retire and EARN these kind of benefits, as well as respect from those of us providing such benefits.
The Board wants you to believe this will help them get more teachers to move to this area and come to work for the County, even though the County only hires mid level quality of Teachers and have admitted to such. This is the biggest crock of sh!t I have seen in the longest time. These SOB's are so selfish, they want to run with O'Malley and take advantage of funding they could have GIVEN BACK TO THE STATE! That's right, they found a way to SAVE the taxpayers $350,000.00 and rather than giving any relief to the taxpayers by offering that money back to the State, they found a way to BLOW IT and ultimately cost taxpayers even more money in the years to come.
You tell me how you're going to be able to in good faith go back to the retiree's 5 years from now and say, I'm sorry, we just can't afford these increases and we're going to have to lower our contribution from 70% down to 55%? It ain't gonna happen, you know it and I know it. Besides, once it's grandfathered in, I doubt it will ever drop.
I asked many of you to be there last night and we stuck around until it was almost 11:00 PM. The ending was a different story in itself but let me assure you of one thing, the WCBOE reads Salisbury News like a Master's Degree Text Book each and every day. Robin Holloway was the ONLY Board Member who refused to support this increase and my hat is tipped to her for backing the taxpayer in such hardship times. The WCBOE is the absolute BIGGEST expense to the county taxpayer and I personally believe it's well past due time we bring in an elected Board before this Governor takes anything and everything we have left.
I can't wait to hear the comments come back telling me I'm wrong. You people better prove to me and the rest of our readers just why this was so important and why you didn't think of these savings many years ago and or go to your insurance provider and ask them where you could save $350,000.00 a year sooner! If a government agency sees extra money anywhere, they'll find a way to blow it and that's exactly what they did last night.
I should add, Ron Willey and Sue Hitch recused themselves from last night's vote.
The Sheriff's Deputies only get 50% after 25 years and can't even get LEOPS in the event they should become catastrophically injured in the line of duty. As a matter of fact the County still hasn't paid their share of the deputies retirement. These people work 9 months out of a year and make damned decent money. Haven't they realized we're in financially dire straights? Don't they know how many of us are out of work? They're lucky they even HAVE jobs. Oh! I guess we had better give them what they ask for. After all it's "for the children". This Council and Pollitt had better wake up. Elections are right around the corner and the wind of change is blowing.
The next big AIG in this country will happen when people start to look at how the local school boards waste taxpayer money, the administrators that are grossly over paid, the waste at every single level of a public school system.
When people really start looking at this they will become outraged!
I was not aware of this until now. Times are only tough on those of us who pay our taxes and work two jobs. Is there any way to fight this decision?
This is an amazing benefit that permits teachers to retire early and get health benefits. No other employer in our area offers this type of coverage.
While I think teachers have one of the toughest jobs out there, I just can't imagine that this makes any sense with major budget cuts coming for the next few years. How is the WCBOE going to afford this in just a few years?
I thought there was a minimum of 20 years required to participate in this plan, but it makes sense to look into it further.
Why do Federal, State, County, and City employees deem that they should have better benefits then
you and I. Our tax dollars are supporting the best benefits in the world to these people. I have worked for a corporation for more than 35 years and am not close to these benefits. We have no sick days, no medical insurance upon retiring, no carry over of anything. A Salary that continues to decrease.
[From the Board's press release]
"This change places the Wicomico County Public Schools' contribution level at about average for public school systems on the Eastern Shore."
Yes, let's get an elected board so we can have members like Barrie, Louweasel, Bubba, Dunn, Cathcart and McCain, plus a heated election every few years.
Thanks, but no thanks!
anonymous 3:28, No one is going to be stupid enough to vote for the likes of the people you jusst mentioned on any Board anyway.
No doubt this post will get comments from the normal whiners that teachers are paid too much and get the summer-long vacation. Please check this for data on the salary levels here and elsewhere in Maryland:
Then how come they were elected before, and why won't there be others just as bad?
anonymous 3:32, great question. Allow me to respond. BEFORE, there wasn't Salisbury News. BEFORE, the Daily Times was in complete control over what the PUBLIC was made aware of. NOW there is a source for truth. NOW we will provide information to give YOU the heads up BEFORE a meeting takes place.
Tracy Saylor is the Wife of one of the Editors at the Daily Times. She is the one who is responsible for putting information on their Website.
I have been asking to be included in their Press Releases to EDUCATE the public ahead of time and the BOE REFUSES to provide this information to us.
They have had the luxury in the past to wait until the very last minute to put something up on their site and while they are keeping within the law, similar to the Tilghman Administration, they will abuse the law to the fullest to keep YOU away from their meetings and or informed.
Like I said earlier, there is a whole other story I will be producing about Mr. Frederickson's ANGER last night. I'll be back.
3:31 - Who do you think runs these salaries up to ungodly highs across the State? You the union members! For teachers working 10 months of the year? What a deal!
After what the City of Salisbury just went through in its election, can you imagine the "Concerned Citizens" sniping and mudslinging if someone like Jim Ireton ran for the School Board.
An elected school board is not the answer to any "problem" but simply another one to screw things up.
But wasn't Sbynews online when the current majority of the County Council was elected and in this year's City election when Shanie was reelected?
And I believe that you were posting when Comegys and Louise were elected 2 years ago.
3:28 - The elected board will be made up of all teachers union retirees, their spouses or other union sympathizers. WCEA's dues are paid from salaries paid by average taxpaying citizens and yet WCEA will fund only those candidates to their liking and then help their candidates turn out the vote. Look at Bill McCain - his wife is a teacher at bennett Middle and WCEA endorsed him. Sheree Sample Hughes is married to a BOE employee Did she get any campaign money or an endorsement from WCEA?
anon 2:11 there has been a study done that proves teachers work (all hours included) in a 9 month period what the adverage person works in 12 months, you need to take that part out of your debate.
anonymous 3:49,
You are correct. However, Salisbury News was just a baby back then. Today we reach visitors in the tens of thousands per day. Two years ago we probably only had an average of 1,200 per day. It's a night and day difference and I can assure you, that is one reason we had such an impact in the recent Mayoral Election. As for Shanie, go back and look, (actually, don't waste your time) we concentrated on Debbie Campbell and Jim Ireton. Salisbury News didn't really play a role in Shanie vs Cynthia. Perhaps we should have done so but we didn't receive anything from either Candidate.
The key point should be, just like you, people come to Salisbury News to see what the Daily Times refuses to produce. The fact remains, the Daily Times ONLY publishes information from the Worcester County BOE, not the Wicomico County BOE. Having a Wife on the inside, you'd think they'd have information up or out before anyone. Instead, you get the news and information from Salisbury News first and NOT the Daily Times. That's a fact.
You can bet your bottom dollar POLLITT knew about this from the get go.Yet he did nothing but complain about the 2percent tax cap.By god we keep the cap and get rid of POLLITT! Bring on JOHN CANNON>
Bash, bash, bash the teachers. I know, they should be paid like the servants they are, and are lucky to make more than minimum wage. They should be teaching for the children, and not so greedy. Anyone could do their job.
Well, I ask you this: Do you do YOUR job for free?
Teachers in Maryland must have, at a minimum, a 4 year degree in education and content area knowledge and have passed a battery of professional exams and completed a teaching internship of 14 weeks. That's just to get hired.
Within 10 years, they MUST earn for a Master's Degree or the equivalent in credits (30 post-graduate credits) to KEEP that job. And every 5 years after that, until they retire, they MUST earn at least 6 more credits to KEEP their job.
Not to mention your career is on the line based on one 1-hour observation on 1 day per year once you've taught 2 years in Wicomico County. ONE. How arbitrary is that? Next Tuesday, at 9 am, your boss decides that how you work for the next hour will determine if you keep your job. But you won't know it ahead of time. Makes perfect sense, right?
I love teaching. But let's face it, with my level of education, I could be doing A LOT better in the private sector. But I choose to teach all who come in my classroom - the good ones and the ones with probation officers at age 14 and the ones who've assaulted teachers and fellow students and the ones who can't read or won't try.
And if you read the release, you will see Brian Kilgore explain this doesn't require any NEW expenditure. But it's a benefit for teachers, so it has to be bad, right?
One last question: Just because you've had an operation doesn't make you qualified to be a surgeon. So, why is it just because you went to school, you know so much more about teaching than the professionals do?
A study no doubt done by the teachers union. The "average" teacher works probably 7:30 to 4:00. !/2 hour for lunch would equal an 8 hr. day. Now I am sure some work more, but this I would say is the average.
4:25. If you can get a much better paying job in the private sector, by all means do it and quit whining. If so much education is required after you get the job I think the teachers union must pass out the answers to the tests, because I have seen some teachers in Wicomico County that can't walk and chew gum at the same time
Teachers are reasonably compensated. By the time they put in 15 years they make close to 60 grand a year. By retirement, they make almost 80 grand a year. Two teachers together can make a nice living.
Very few teachers in Salisbury could make what they do in the private sector over longer periods of time.
Its a very difficult job, and most, not all put in 60+ grueling hours a week, but this benefit doesn't make any sense at all. It's over the top.
4:25 - If there is some savings how come all of it goes to the retirees? Can't we taxpayers have a little of OUR money back? What say you Mr. Kilgore? Pretty please, can't we have a little? Times are tough.
At my job after 25 years, I won't get any paid medical coverage at retirement and I have a masters and licensing requirements too. I'm already paying 55% of yours and now you shoot it up to 70%? What in heavens name are these people thinking?
4:25 A starting salary of $ 40,000+ fresh out of college with no experience and you think that is being paid like a servant lucky to be at more than minimum wage?
"Well, I ask you this: Do you do YOUR job for free?"
Huh??? What's your point??
This is a good catch, Joe. I hope you'll stay all over it.
One thought though-- Fruitland had their council meeting last night (while you were busy elsewhere, I guess), where they announced massive increases in sewer/water fees-- it was supposed to be the hearing before it gets approved next month.
The press release about the increases didn't show up on the DT site till a few hours before the actual meeting. You can be sure that was intentional, and that Fruitland was trying to slip it under the radar.
I'm surprised you've given them a pass for so long, with all the inept management, waste and incompetence there-- starting with the do-nothing city manager, and a council of buffoons and excuse-makers.
Go down there and take a good look around, and be careful who you believe there..
"you only have to work for the County for 10 years before you can RETIRE! That means you'll be fully vested and can take advantage of this stupid package for the rest of your life"
Joe - Are you saying I could start teaching at 55, work 10 years and then have 70% of my retiree medical plan paid for life??
I'll get my certificate renewed. I quit when the kids were young, but I'm going to check this out.
Look at salary data from other places and you will see clearly that neither classroom teachers nor the supervisory staff at the “Board” are overpaid (if anything somewhat underpaid). Until fairly recently, Wicomico County had among the lowest salary level in the State and entire US for teachers and supervisory staff. That has gotten better over the past 5 or so years, but they sure are not overpaid.
Please let’s not hear the whiners who don’t care if someone else’s kids become chicken pluckers.
Lets see teachers work 190 days a year and make 40,000 for 8 hour days. Thats a starting salary of $26.31 an hour. PLUS medical coverage, plus retirement, plus personal days, plus vested after what 2 years, plus, plus, plus. Keep giving it away Mr Kilgore....idiot
You cannot retire in ten years and get benefits. You an retire at 55 if you have in 20 years, or at any age once you have 30 years.
Mr. Kilgore - Can those retirees get coffee and water from your company at 70% off for life too? Thanks for the handouts of our taxpayer money.
C'mon be for real! When the kids have a fog delay - the teachers have a fog delay. When the schools close for inclement weather the teachers are off then too. I wish my job let me be late when it's foggy or give me off when the weather is inclement. Quit whining about how much you work in a day! "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it Superchicken". You knew the hours were long. And to the lady who asked if we knew what she could make in the private sector with that type of education - GO WORK IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR! Tax payers don't have the money to keep giving, giving, giving! We're sick of it! Everytime we turn around govenment wants more money for something. NO MORE!
Michelle Wright's mother works at my son's school at Westside. Her mother has to be close to retiring. Your post sounds like Michelle voted to do this. Wouldn't that be a conflict? This really makes me mad.
"Robin Holloway was the ONLY Board Member who refused to support this"
Go Robin! Go Robin! Go Robin! Thanks for sticking up for us little people who pay great big tax bills. She should run for County Executive for not catering to the unions. I've known her a long time and she is one smart woman.
"a bunch of old folks with drool rags pinned to their shirts waiting for the Boards final decision."
Please, Joe, a little respect for your elders. This society spits on the aged enough as it is.
This is just crazy! I'm married to a BOE teacher and we even think this is extreme. The ones begging for and voting for this benefit don't care about kids. They care about themselves and their political agenda.
I have heard that this will cost the county less. How you ask? In order to quality for any of the health benefits, the teacher must go to a participating doctor. These doctors have agreed to work cheaper, and the teachers may have to travel longer distances to get to them. But, if they don't like the participating doctor, they are out of luck, and will have to pay 100% of the cost to go some where else.
Joe, I doubt if any of the teachers really care if they have your respect or not.
Amazing how most here are squaking about the great deal teachers have, but so few take advantage of the opportunity to teach. Sounds like sour grapes and many wishing they would have gone beyond their vo-tech education.
Working 10 mos a year, off at Christmas, Thanksgiving, spring break, bad weather etc. etc.....
Try being a nurse with the hours, shifts, holidays etc.
Teachers, quit your crying.
Better not get that break on property taxes, either.
Teachers, quit your whining!
I dont see how you can fairly compare the salaries in Wicomico County against the salaries in lets say Montgomery County. The cost of living is MUCH higher in other counties. Just like people in other professions in Wicomico county dont get paid as much as the same profession in other counties. Is there anyone out there that is numbers smart that can figure salaries vs cost of living for the different areas?
I don't agree with the benefits increasing... that aside... um... really, we are going to bash teachers here? I know there are the crummy ones but they don't all deserve to be thrown into the same category... I think it's funny that everyone complains about the "cushy" schedule and money and benefits when we all make choices in life that lead us to our respective professions. Let's face it, most professions on the shore don't require one to have a college degree, continue education (at the college level), and put up with the same amount of BS as our teachers do... so give them a break... so they make a little more than than others living here on the Shore, SHOULDN'T THEY? After all, higher education is supposed to equal higher pay... which means teachers are paying taxes just as much as the rest of us, but have to pay at a higher rate. Again, no I don't agree with this increase in benefits, especially when our neighboring state Delaware is screwing their teachers and state workers over...
There is something corrupt with a system that excludes the public from selecting where and how the excess money will be spent.
The teachers have been the primary abusers of our free enterprise system for quite a long time now.
Their representatives - (Lobbist) - even sponsored legislation to exempt all teachers from having to pay any real estate taxes on their own homes while raising everyone elses.
They are the most corrupt bunch of individuals this Country has ever seen.
Scary isn't it when you think about who's indoctrinating our youth.
Way to go Joe.
I'm glad your scolding them as they have royally screwed over the average taxpayer once again.
If you connect the dots to the Daily Times - (Tracy Sahler, Susan Parker, Eric Sahler) - one will soon realize how slanted The Daily Times is when it comes to reporting on the Board of Education.
Good investigative work. Now it's in the public arena and I hope the public rips them a new you know what.
I agree with 9:12. I don't agree with the increased benefits for retirees at this time.
But the teacher bashing should stop. Everyone who thinks it's so cushy and overpaid should have gone into teaching. You didn't, so either it's not cushy and overpaid, or your stupid for not becoming a teacher.
To the nurse, I understand how overworked you are. Thank you for choosing your profession. I think you deserve better. But just because you aren't getting what you deserve is no cause to put the teachers down.
After all, if it weren't for teachers, instructors and wouldn't have been able to become a nurse.
There are quite a few teachers at the top of the pay scale who could retire but they don't because they can't afford the health insurance and they are at the point where they really need the health care. Perhaps this change will encourage many to retire. Then the salary changes from the top of the scale to a bottom (new teacher)scale. Hence, money is saved.
7:57 "These doctors have agreed to work cheaper"
Yeah right! Lol
You have heard this will cost the county less? GOOD! Then where's my refund, Mr. Kilgore, Ms. Wright, Mr Thompson & Mr. Chase?
The board is a joke...Margo Handy! Ha white men beware. Union What union that is a joke also. Looks like a lot of you made bad career choices, you could be a teacher also enjoying the fat of the taxpayer. why not you?
9:31 - Wicomico teachers at the top of the scale make as much as
$80,000 with extra duty pay. If they can't afford to pay less than 1/2 of their retiree medical coverage when most us have no subsidy and make a whole lot less, then they haven't planned very well. We should not have to subsidize this even more and I'm tired of getting screwed. Teachers do work very hard, but get real. Didn't they get a 10% bonus already anyway for the last couple of years to get 'em out the door? When the board does this kind of stuff, and can't stand up to the crazy demands of the unions, the cap will never go away. Thanks for putting the nail in the cap coffin, BOE.
Teachers have it easy, work less than 8 hours a day, get 2 weeks off at Christmas. They leave work to get there by 8 am and get home by 3:30pm and then they fuss because they do work home, then have off for nearly 3 months for summer and lots of sick & personal days and basically get off when they want. None of you would make it in the private sector with only 2 weeks of vacation a year and less salary of a teacher.
The nurse did not put teachers down, merely states with all the perks of the job-the whining needs to stop.
Anon 8:17 if that sounds like sour grapes to you I think you need to get your hearing checked. What I hear are taxpayers who are fed up with people who have good paying jobs with great benefits continually wanting more from people who have less in an economy that is increasingly depending on taxpayers dollars to survive.
Those 4 board members need the gonads to stand up to the ridiculous requests of the union!
Only in Wicomico are these benefits going up when the rest of the world is looking for ways to cut.
If we can't cut the benefits, cut the board members who voted yes.
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