The Village of Hope has paid the bill and requested that the City waive some of the amount billed. But the Finance Director has responded as follows: “I am not recommending that a refund be granted,” on the basis of the City’s policy.
The request has been bucked to the City Council, which will consider it at today’s work session. Apparently, Mayor Ireton has accepted Ms. Oland’s position as that of the administration. If you agree that under the circumstances it would be fair and reasonable to waive some of the amount billed, please contact the Council at:
And also the mayor at:
PS – Kudos to T. J. Maloney for his service to this organization.

Does TJ Maloney know the difference between "their" and "there?" Apparently not, based on this letter.
Look, I feel bad for the Village of Hope, but tuimes are tight all around, and when the city is proposing to cut health insurance for 2 council members, I think TJ should just cut a check to his charity for $2,000 and call it good. After all, he easily spent that much money trying to get Comegys elected. Get SAPOA buddies to pay it.
Village of Hope is a great service and a much needed one. They should get a break for all they do to help people in the community when others turn their back.
Get a better plumber.
Non profits all reasdy get tax payer dollars and its time to stop all their free loading. Are they not supposed to raise their own money instead of forcing tax payers to support them. If not how about tax payers get a tax deduction for charitible donations. My bills are not reduced because of my poor preventive maintenence or what I do in the or for the community. What is the difference. Being unable to find a full time job I have to go through hell to get anything, so where is my help. it is all about you, tell that to Jesus
Amen 10:57.
Why isnt your JESUS helping them? Part of a master plan. Give me a break. This place helps woman and children who would other wise be on the street, is that how we want the rest of the world to see our country? These children did nothing to put themselves in the position they find themselves in. Could the mothers of made better life decisions, probably but you dont turn your back or your heart away on children. They have done nothing but draw a crappy hand of life.
You could probably pay that bill with the proceeds of selling just one of those guitars or maybe a mixing board. Jesus ever tell you to do that?
Didnt think so...
I have served on a utility commission and I would say that if this had been presented to us, we would indeed have adjusted the amount. Not just because it's a non-profit.
Less, who are you talking to and what is your position exactly? You seem to be contradicting yourself at points.
I dont think thats me.
10:24 said: "Being unable to find a full time job I have to go through hell to get anything, so where is my help?"
Your help is at The Village of Hope where you can get FREE health care if you need it.
Statements like "so where is my help" is one of the many problems we face today.
Too many people could care less about others unless THEY are getting something from it.
I'm sorry about your job, but I'm sure you're getting an unemployment check aren't you? That is your help!
Even though I am thankful every day that I still have a job, some days, I wish I could just sit home and get that UE check! There are a million things I could do at HOME with my day! I also know the saying "careful for what you wish for"!
I am thankful for having a job, but I have no healthcare. I go to Village of Hope and they are the best! They should get a break for all the help and good they have done in our community.
This organization provides assistance to our sick and homeless. They have a water bill of over $4,000.00. Why shouldn't they get a break? That water is all running back down to be drawn up again and used all over again, so why do they have to pay for it. If there was a leak it wasn't like they were consuming all that water.
Unfortunately the attitudes of why isn't something being done for me is the reason our country is in this state of affairs. It's all about me. What about taking care of your countrymen. Remember every time you poin the finger at some one, you have three pointing back at you.. Maybe really looking at ourselves and our behavior would be a great start instead of complaining over how horrible you have it. every one has it rough and the only way to pull through this mess is TOGETHER!!
I'm torn. I understand the charity thing, and appreciate the good work these folks do at the Village.
However, they have to be responsible for leaking fixtures, etc. which wasted thousands of gallons of water. I hope that they've inspected and repaired all these fixtures, so that however this turns out there won't be another big bill next month as well.
I think this is awful. They never ask for anything and with the amout of people they see daily. this is dumb. give them a break. they do GREAT things for people.
I think the city is way to money hungry. cut back on lobster and their wine and there u go bill paid. I bet if they had a huge leak and rang up a large bill they wouldnt have to pay it. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind... play it good deed deserves another... Does any of this ring a bell???? City Of Salisbury... Get a HEART!!!!
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