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Sunday, May 24, 2009

An Interesting Look At Blog Readers

By: Chelsea A. Reid

Recently I wrote my first blog for Salisbury News. I was excited to know that Mr. Albero was willing to show it on his site in order to see the response. Now I am worried I will never be able to write for him again, since the response was less than flattering. I don’t believe it was because of the content. I received praise, valuable insight, corrections (of which I found extremely insightful and helpful), and in general a nice start to a good discussion. What went wrong was what I also got. A few were more concerned with my writing abilities and use of grammar than for the actual content of my piece. Each of those comments was hurtful to me, as I had tried very hard to make a good impression.

I am not expecting to think that no one out of the many readers there are to not make a comment on my grammar, word usage, punctuation, and general style of writing. I know it is atrocious, and I have had to deal with it my entire life. I have dyslexia, to the point where it affects my reading and writing abilities. Now I have learned to compensate for the most part. I can read at a level above and beyond what any doctor would expect of me, my spelling has improved over the years, and the same for punctuation. But I still make mistakes. Even when I use spell check and everything turns out fine, I will make a mistake. Because my brain doesn’t catch it, and when I am writing something, I typically write exactly as I speak, which says a lot about my speaking abilities.

I can’t expect someone who doesn’t know me and has never even heard of me before to know this. But I thought I could expect less hurtful, demeaning comments and more commentary on the subject being written. I wanted (and still do want) to open a dialogue between those that read and comment on this blog as members of the Salisbury community, and students at their local University, as I feel I had a sense of being an outsider during my time here, unknowing of the ways of this city, looking in to an interesting, intelligent community of people with valid opinions and a sense of friendly debate. I didn’t want to start a war against grammar-Nazis and myself. I have apparently failed miserably at my goal, but I am here now to try again. Let’s start off on the right foot shall we? Maybe you should know something about me before railing against my misuses of “their” and “there”.

I’m Chelsea. I’m a double major at SU in education (I can hear the sarcastic comments about this forming in certain reader’s heads now) and Theatre. I enjoy animals, eating fresh vegetables, dancing, good natured jokes, church, and a whole lot more. I like to think I know a lot about you all as a group too. You all are up to date on current events, both National and Local. Most of you hate former Mayor Tilghman for reasons I have gathered from reading the archives of the blog. Sarcasm and generally witty, if not sometimes cynical, humor is your strong suit. Nature, strong morals, and good values seem to be all things you praise. But some of you just like to hate. I went back and read comments from my first piece over and over again. I found similar comments in other articles over the weeks as well, typically attacking a person who said an opinion someone else doesn’t agree with. And I have started to notice, it seems to be coming from the same small group of people. Same style of poorly thought out insults, same reasons for always posting rude comments.

I’m not here to whine and complain about a few people who were mean. I know the world is not all kittens, rainbows and sunshine, and that people can be obnoxious, cruel, and in general distasteful human beings to associate with. But I would like to stay on as an occasional observer who submits sometimes poorly written works if you all will let me. I may not be from Salisbury originally, but I pick things up quickly. I know all about the recent Mayoral election. Hell I even voted for Ireton, after reviewing the issues. I know about the budget crisis, the crime rate being hushed up by a hopefully soon-to-be outgoing administration. I want to contribute if you’ll let me. And I may not be the brightest bulb in the box, but teach me something new. Be like one commenter I had and explain things to me. Explain how the court system really works when I confuse terms. Explain to me what would be the right way of putting things on paper. But don’t insult me. My brain may not be all up to speed sometimes, but I am not stupid.

So let’s start over. I want to extend an olive branch. What would YOU like to have me write about? It can be anything at all. I’ll write about what’s going on in various student neighborhoods, what is going on campus, or the weird, wacky, and sometimes unbelievable things I see as a student at SU. Let me know and it will be done to the best of my ability. All I ask is to keep the grammar comments out of it. Please?


Anonymous said...

Little darling, do yourself a favor and don't waste your time writing for this or any other blog. By and large, people that read blogs aren't interested in your insight and perception of people and the world around you, they're simply interested in giving their own opinion. When they have nothing insightful to ad, they'll try to show how smart they are by attacking the contributor. You experienced that when you wrote there were some that attacked your writing style and spelling. You seem like a sane and sensitive type. If you have an observation or opinion you'd like to share, send it as a Letter to the Editor to a paper. More people will read it; you can actually put your name to your work without fear of retribution; and you won't have to deal with all the nasty, vile comments from people whose intelligence quotient could fit in a thimble.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Chelsea! I am one reader who has "got your back"! I am sure there are many other's. Keep writing! Don't worry about all the perfect people out there who never make mistakes and think they are always grammatically correct. Sorry about the cliche' but, "to error is human...". (Alexander Pope).

Anonymous said...

Chelsea, Hang in there. You are providing a wonderful service. Your skin will get thicker.

I picked up on your boo boos, always good to proof 3 times. Don't always count on spell check although I am grateful you used, many don't drives me crazy.

Think of it as an initiation of sorts. It is all about content and thoughtful discussion. Many have a hard time w/ the later!

Anonymous said...

Love hearing more about SU. They are such a large important part of our community.

Open dialog is what I enjoy on this site. No nasties though, it is just fuzz and annoying.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea, you stay right where you are and keep contributing. As you've noticed, some people are just mean. And as we all know from the bumper stickers, "Mean People Suck."

Funny thing is, the worst comments toward you were probably from those people who hate Joe Albero and post here.

Sorry the comments were hurtful, but as you've seen, they aren't really personal. You could have been anyone.

Keep on writing, young lady. And glad you voted for Mr. Ireton. I am enjoying not having a mean mayor for my city. Perhaps as time goes on, we'll see less meanness, period.

Moon Willow said...

Chelsea, don't let rude remarks fron anonymous commenters get you down. There's no need to feel hurt by people who have nothing to better to do than to attack someone they don't know anonymously.

While I admit to being a bit of a grammar Nazi myself, I don't jump in here and attack anyone for their grammar or spelling unless they present themselves as complete idiots from the beginning. I come here for the content, which far outweighs any grammatical errors. Well, most of the time, anyway.

And I have to give you props for not letting your learning disability keep you from getting a college education! Kudos!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%. I also wrote on the blog and got remarks about the same things. Most of the time when I comment on the blogs I am at work and have very little time to check it. So keep on writing the best you can and I will be sure to read it with no comment.

Wanda L. Disharoon

Anonymous said...

Your writing is a little wordy but it isn't too bad. Don't listen to those who are mean with their criticisms.

Mr. Currence said...

Hi Chelsea,

Get used to getting bashed. Unfortunately there are people that visit Joe's blog just to trash anyone who contributes, for whatever reason. Just remember, you are putting your name to your work, and the bashers are posting under anonymous or some other pen-name.

I would love to know what the students on campus think about area crime. I teach high school in Montgomery County, MD, and we send lots of students to SU. When I tell them that I'm an SU grad (class of 2002 for my B.S. and 2006 for my M.Ed.) and then I tell them about the crime and violence in the Smith/Light street areas and over near the president's streets (lincoln, jefferson, etc.) they freak out. No one tells them about that on their recruiting trips.

Fill me in, does the campus know what's going on in the community?

Mr. Currence

Anonymous said...

I would like to see an article about wastefull spending by the university, specifically, and by government in general. The rapid expansion of Salisbury university and UMES seems a little much to me. I'm sure much money is wasted at both institutions and that tuition could be kept lower if waste were eliminated. By the way, my grammer and spelling are terrible. Good luck to you and your career.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea, Welcome to Sby News! Despite the naysayers, you did quite well in your first post. There is something very important you must always keep in mind if you post here. This blog has become a very powerful force in this community. It was a major player in bringing down a corrupt mayor and stomping her hand picked successor in his election attempt. That achievement alone cost alot people alot of money in sleazy deals that will no longer be made. Also, Joe is human and has not been right about every single thing in the universe he has posted about. The people affected are pissed off and will attack anything and anyone connected to this site. Geez, they even went after the Salvation Army this Christmas season. The simple truth is if you are going to write on ANY blog, you need to grow a thick skin and be true to yourself and your personal convictions. Don't temper your success by the number of mean spirited people that comment. They will never dissapear from here. Hang in there, as your prespective will be a fresh addition to this blog. That alone will scare the anti-Joe crowd, and the jerks will be coming out of the woodwork. WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

Don't let'm get to you.... your initial post was wonderful, heartfelt and insightful. Unfortunately, when you speak your mind all too often you're speaking to some that are mindless.
Keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...


I'm a prof at SU. Don't listen to the cowards here who like to criticize without using their names. You'll find that most of them have far more grammatical errors and typos than you did. Keep on writing! Your perspective is welcome and valuable.

Anonymous said...

Keep posting, as I would love to hear the students' perspective of the City of Salisbury. The University is such an asset to this area and we should tap into its many resources. What could be done to improve the relationship between SU and the city? What can the University do to reduce the housing shortage for students on or near campus? Post some stories of the positive things students are doing in the community. For instance, I know SU's football players do a lot of volunteer work in the local schools. Good luck in your education and keep us informed.

Anonymous 55 year old said...

Hi, Chelsea,
I'm the b**tard who commented on their/there. I guess I am a hopeless grammar nazi, and sometimes love to point out the trees without looking at the forest. One of my favorites is the architects and builders that label a "hot water heater". What on earth does one need a machine that heats water that's already hot? I didn't mean to come off so coarse, but I guess I did.
I will try to be better as I grow up.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with you future. It is apparent that you have a lot on the ball. Your writting is appreciated by this reader.
Good Luck


Anonymous said...

Ms. Reid:

Keep up the good work on this blog, please.

BTW - your grammar is the least of our problems (and it ain't that bad)!

Anonymous said...

i wouldnt even worry about the grammar comments. as a frequent visitor and commenter on this site we all know Joe has his own problems with spelling and so on. dont try and lie bout it joe..LMAO

Anonymous said...

keep writing young lady, there was nothing at all wrong with your words, grammar, or spelling.

Anyone that couldn't get through your first write-up and understand what you were saying are the ones with the problem, not you. It read just fine. Keep'em coming. I enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea, you go girl!

The skin will get thicker in time, insults will bounce off eventually. Trust me, as someone who is called names each time I go in public I've had to learn to laugh along with them. I'm good at surprising people with "midget" jokes immediately after they've called me one. Don't let anyone get to you. Keep on with what you've started. I enjoyed reading your article. My grammer isn't perfect either, I catch myself making mistakes...none of us are perfect.

Kimmie Marshall

Anonymous said...

Oh, BTW: I wrote a couple things and sent to Joe that he published. I'm terrible at grammar and spelling. They were political pieces so those that will bash, bashed the the political leanings and not the language.

So with that I warn, there are people that will bash when behind a keyboard no matter the way it's presented.

Anonymous said...


Please do not get discouraged. I absolutely agree with with 9:53 Post above, Mr. Currence.

You'll find out out soon enough that some people visit this blog just to slam some of the Contributors. Most of these jokers are the ones we've exposed or 'unpeeled'.

First thing you'll find is that you have to develop a 'thick skin'. It takes practice for that to.


Morpheus said...

You did a great job!

Honestly, look at the pics of the fat man or go to his website and see how ridiculous a fat man looks wearing a grinch outfit. That is the kind of people that were bashing you. Dont worry about them

tom/nikki said...

Sweeitie not a day goes by were joe and others are not burned in epogy,COnsider it your welcome to the sbyelcom news . I too was writen abouty here and good and bad comments ,If anything it says ppl are listening!!!!

Anonymous said...

The only way you'll improve your grammar and spelling is having someone call you on it. I'll venture to bet that you will hardly ever cross there or their or they're again.

I have to chuckle that a Professor at SU used a grammatically incorrect abbreviation to describe their job. In addition, they did not identify them-self after criticizing others for doing the very same thing.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea, you're doing fine. Some people can't stand that Joe's blog is open to so many different types of contributors now. (Glad one offender apologized, and you can see he didn't mean as much harm as his comment seemed to show.)

If you want to learn more about government, why not contact Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen? They would make great mentors for you. You can get their phone numbers off the City of Salisbury website. You can Google it.

Best of luck. Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

Mind not the Trolls Dear Child. They would not be happy even if you plated their pot in gold. Grammer nazi's, as they are referred to, are a common mennace to all portions of the net. In MMO's, they get downright pushy at times. The rest of us just get a good laugh at their expence then put them on the ignore list if they persist.
Keep posting. The real life of college students has really been messed up since the Paperchace and Animal House twisted the views of them.

Anthony of Salisbury

Anonymous said...


You are a gem--keep on writing. You deserve great credit for coming back because not giving in to the naysayers is a wonderful quality. I, too, want to learn nore about what's REALLY going on at SU! Tell us!

Anonymous said...

This is a blog hun; who cares what other people think about your writing. State your opinions proudly and stick by them and you'll do just fine here. In case you haven't noticed all the "haters" post anonymously so that goes to show you they have no balls so who really cares what they think...lolol...welcome to the site and be proud to post your opinions...I know I am!

Jim S.

thomas augustus littleton said...


I empathize, as I have similar problems. But, as I believe you are an intelligent person, a little tough love may do you a greater service than another nice message of unconditional support. In my first year of college, I made EXACTLY the same request of a professor. I approached her with, “I have trouble with speech & grammar; can’t you judge my work on content?” This woman did me the biggest favor that any educator ever did me; she replied, “ I will judge you on content but also on grammar. Right or wrong, people always have and always will judge a writer on grammar and spelling before considering content. Now, young man, I advise you to improve to the best of your ability and use whatever resources you need, including a proof reader, before submitting work to me or anyone else.”
I greatly appreciate and respect that woman for telling me the truth. Obviously, my writing is still imperfect, but it is greatly improved over what it was when I used my speaking/writing disability as an excuse.

Perhaps a better example comes from one of our most respected writers.
From Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography: “But as prose writing has been a great use to me in the course of my life, and was a principal means of my advancement, I shall tell you how in such a situation I acquired what little ability I have in that way…..
At about 16 years of age…I sat down to put my arguments in writing. My father happened to find my papers and read them. Without entering the discussion, he took occasion to talk to me about the manner of my writing….I saw the justice of his remarks, & thence grew more attentive to the manner in writing, and determined to endeavor at improvement….I discovered many faults and amended them…I was lucky enough to improve the method or language and this encouraged me to think I might become a tolerable English writer, of which I was extremely ambitious.”

Chelsea, I did notice that this post is very nicely written, so you must have used some extra care or resource, (much like my professor recommended), to publish such a nice piece. Whether you see any truth in my comment or not, KEEP WRITING!
Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

WOW--did not know you allowed so many words from one person on your post! From what I've heard some readers say, you don't want the statements or story but minimal. Noticed some of those answers were Quite Long also.!!

Was nice of you to let Chelsea say what was on her heart!!

It's a shame you can't be that obliging to All who send in something Important .

Guess This Sunday didn't have much News-----That surely must be your reason for letting her vent.

Good for you Chelsea, Keep writing those long articles! We're on your side.

Chimera said...

Count me as a supporter....I really liked your post about courtroom etiquette!
Don't sweat the comments about your grammar.I consider myself an educated person but when I get immersed in putting my thoughts on paper(or onscreen) my grammar goes out the window.Creativity does not always conform.Keep up the good work!

Notmyrealname said...

If commenting on a blog required your real name, address and telephone # there would be very few if any comments.I mainly read the blogs for the comments.It's like the icing on the cake.Besides,a blog without anonymous comments is like a Chinese restaurant without take-out.Don't forget that this blog did not get wings until it allowed anonymous comments. Lastly,I try to follow the "Golden Rule" when it comes to commenting.
P.S.-Sorry for the poor sentence structure.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea, my favorite comment on your original article was this one:


9:17 you need a glass of "shut the hell up" (to paraphrase Happy Gilmore). 80% of current adults - and I assume you are an adult - cannot compose something like this lady did without causing one to double over in laughter with inane composition and the general slandering of the King's English. What are you contributing to in today's society?


Now, I'm no english major, but I counted five errors in that short post, not the least of which was the part about "the King's English". It's actually "the Queen's English". So consider the source.

As for you grammer and spelling errors - you're in school, yes? Work in progress!

Daddio said...

AS someone who had to return to his vehicle to stow his cell phone upon approaching the court house, I can identify with some of the frustrations of going there first hand.

The biggest problem I had with the matter was I was not even going to court -- I had business with the State Comptroller's Office!

Nevertheless, I could not enter the building carrying a cell phone. Complaining to the screeners would be a waste of time, as many have correctly pointed out.

I did, however, say something to the folks in the Comptroller's office about it -- that they should have included a notice or warning on their correspondence stating that cell phones would not be allowed in the building. Had I known in advance, I could have avoided the embarrassment at the door, as well as the return trip to my car. And as many folks know, parking is at a premium at the court house, requiring a long walk in many cases.

The point in all this is that one person can make a difference, if he/she handles the situation properly. I believe that I helped to do just that after venting my frustration to the folks in the Comptroller's office. They will be including a notice in their correspondence about the cell phone restrictions when requiring a personal visit to their office for official business. (For those of you wondering, I am talking about a TAX AUDIT).

How does this relate to you? In many ways. Just by reporting your observations on behavior in and around the court house, you have increased awareness of these things to the community. You have already made a difference.

I applaud you for taking the time to objectively report on your experiences in the court house that day. I also applaud you for publicly telling your story about yourself after the fallout and comments came pouring in. With very few exceptions, the resulting comments on this piece are much more positive, Chelsea.

I, too, noticed some of your grammatical errors. So what? I understood the premise of your article.

If anyone would take the time to equally scrutinize anything written in the local daily newspaper, they would find as many if not more similar errors.

The measure of true character is not how many flaws we can discover, but how we deal with those shortcomings. You have taken the brave step of turning this into a learning opportunity, and will be the better for it.

Keep up the good work. And welcome to the Blog!

Anonymous said...

So, let me see if I've got this straight. We're supposed to be the greatest nation that has ever existed in the history of the planet, and we can't expect, at the very least, for a college student to be able to least write an essay/column with no typos?

Herein lies an example of the value of large news organizations - proof readers and fact-checkers!


joealbero said...

anonymous 9:50, You're kidding me, right? Have you read the Daily Times lately? While you'd expect better, its not. Might I add, this person is IN college, not graduated. A diamond in the rough. Please send me your billing address so we can send you a weekly bill for our services.

Anonymous said...

9;50 Does this mean your perfect? You don't EVER make mistakes in grammer or spelling? I'm 45, I know I make mistakes.

Chelsea, thank you for your honesty. I'd rather have honest people in my life who make mistakes instead of those who think they are perfect and will stab me in the back.


Anonymous said...

Keep on writin' , Chelsea! Most grammar Nazis have their own issues that are more debilitating than your dyslexia. Haters need to remember the old adage: "Two air is hue man, too four give is duh vine."

Anonymous said...

Chelsea, never cave in and write what others want you to write. Keep your own creativity.

I don't come here to produce perfectly gramatical or perfect spelling while I'm sitting here drinking my morning coffee.

I'm slightly dyslexic and ADHD, I don't come here to be "The Taliban Vice, Virtue and Spelling Police!"

Keep up the good work staying close to our community. Thank You.