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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Obam Bows To Saudi King

Greeting called 'most unbecoming for president of the United States'

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

President Obama greeted the king of Saudi Arabia with a full bow from the waist yesterday, a move one commentator described as a violation of protocol and not worthy of the office he holds.

"I am quite certain that this is not the protocol, and is most unbecoming a President of the United States," writes Clarice Feldman in an American Thinker commentary.

The situation developed as leaders of the world attending the G20 summit in London assembled for a photograph to mark the event.

In this first image, Obama has approached the king and bends from the waist until his head is nearly at the monarch's waist:

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

He is such an idiot!!!!

Tidewaterbound said...

It's as bad as the faux pas with Mrs. Obama and the Queen of England yesterday. You do NOT TOUCH her--EVEN if she touchs you--EVER.

His was the converse, in his position he NEVER bows or ingratiates himself -- this is NOT appropriate. Obama is the leader of free world, the most powerful man in the world, he NEVER bows to anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't surprise me the least. He is a freaken muslim and I don't care what he says. Alot of the things he has been doing points to this fact.

Generic Login said...

At least he didn't bend over and grab his ankles the way our LAST president did for the Saudis. Remind me again...

Of the 9/11 terrorists...
A) How many were Saudis?
B) How many were Iraqis?

Your answer key:
A) 16
B) 0

Tell me again why Bush attacked Iraq?

Anonymous said...

I don't see the big deal. The Saudis have been our best Arab friends...I am fairly sure we still have military bases there. If he gives respect to them, I am sure it was well received. We will have to wait and see who has who eating out of their hand.

Orsonwells said...

That says a lot. He should consider himself as an equal, yet bows to him as if he feels like he is under him. Look out, folks.

Chriso12385 said...

i guess you have to bow to your leader.

Anonymous said...

Most servants bow to their king.
I expected nothing less from
obama , he should bow before every
nation and every individual.

Anonymous said...

why is everyone surprised? a muslim politician bowing to a muslim royal? seems reasonable to me.

Anonymous said...

I know what he said to the King " you need a shoe shine?"

Anonymous said...

to 5:14pm

To get rid of Hussein who was killing innocent men,women & children. He's not killing anyone now.

Anonymous said...

One word... Respect!

Try to learn it or leave the country.

Anonymous said...

Joe is still bitter! At least he is there! GWBush would be at Camp David!

Reconciled1 said...

One leader of a country doesn't bow to another. It shows inferior or superior. As leaders of countries , they are on equal ground. In biblical times, the only time one "king" bowed to another was when the bowing one had been defeated.

Anonymous said...

Obama is a bozo and is illegitimate as a President he has no American birth certificate.

Anonymous said...

maybe he was "practicing for later" bowing and bending over.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
to 5:14pm

To get rid of Hussein who was killing innocent men,women & children. He's not killing anyone now.

7:10 PM"

Which Hussein? We have one in office right now. The name in itself scares me and somehow people don't mind that he has a terrorist name.

Anonymous said...

I am sure all 20 of these leaders have handlers that advise them of the various cultural greetings. Maybe all of the "experts" on this blog should apply for the position at the State Dept. so that our country is spared further insult. Please let everyone know when you are hired.

Anonymous said...

What did you expect, something different? The guy's an idiot and a disgrace to this Country. He has no right being where he's at. He's not earned it...just being black shouldn't get you the Presidency. Next he'll be on his knees in front of Osama Bin Laden.

Anonymous said...

Where to start with this fool.

"The guy's an idiot and a disgrace to this Country."

Canada or Mexico isn't far away. Start packing your bags.

"He has no right being where he's at. He's not earned it..."

I believe President is voted in by the majority.

"just being black shouldn't get you the Presidency."

Is that because it would make him our 12th consecutive black President?? Time for a change huh?

"Next he'll be on his knees in front of Osama Bin Laden."

Lord knows what Bush did for Bin Laden. Heck his daddy was in DC on the morning of 9/11 meeting with Bin Laden's brother!

Anonymous said...

Anon930 - Terrible views! Even worse that Joe allowed it!!

Chimera said...

He is a closet Muslim,canot convince me otherwise.

Anonymous said...

The rules do not apply to the obamas.
Protocol was initially "broken" when the Mrs. put her arm around the Queen of England...a no, no... and reported that "no protocol instructions were given." A BOLD FACED LIE! No one has an audience with the Queen without instructions in behavior. Today the spin is how enchanted was the queen with the Mrs. , that she, the Queen, was the "guilty of breaking protocol" party.

I'm surprised bho didn't kiss his right hand...another no, no.

Anonymous said...

Wow and this "story" is important how? The reason why this country is in such a mess now is because people, MSM, politicians and the like only focus on the unimportant things.

We have to start doing better. Much better.

Anonymous said...

Label this "I'll do you, you do me".

Dave C said...

Wow, you folks are absolutely unbelievable! It's a gesture of respect, not admitting inferiority. It's worldly-it's recognizing that there are other powerful nations, and people, in the world than just ourselves. Maybe if Americans weren't such pompas assholes about everything, then the world wouldn't hate us as much as they do right now.

And let's face it, Obama's got some making up to do for the Sh!t that Bush pulled to the world's leaders. If it takes a bow to make up for it and show that we can respect others, then by all means bow. Remember when your mother's told you to play nice with others in the sand box?

I bet that every single one of you here would bow down to the man if your precious gas prices went back up to $4.50/gallon-did you forget that they hold a boatload of the world's oil supply?

So tell me, really, what is the big deal about bowing down to another Country's leader? If you haven't noticed, we aren't the best anymore. We are, in fact, the reason why the majority of the world's economy is failing! So, yes, we are inferior in certain aspects. Look at history and all of the imperialistic leaders that thought they were better than everybody and wanted to rule the world; where did that get them? The "great empires" of history aren't so great anymore or don't even exist today!

Anonymous said...

9:13 Saddam Hussein

Anonymous said...