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Thursday, April 02, 2009

WBOC Website

The following message came in this morning from a loyal reader......

"WBOC is pimping its new website and interactive services in the middle of its
news broadcast. Is this supposed to be news, or is it ok to run a promo in the
middle of what's supposed to be a news broadcast? Would the Daily Times put
promotional material for its own website as the lead story on page one? Probably
not. Is this a smart business move, or just another shameless plug for a company
dying to get eyeballs to its news and website?"


Anonymous said...

I too am a loyal reader, however I'm also a loyal watcher of WBOC, as well as a loyal reader of the Daily Times. I don't see any issue with WBOC promoting their interactive services. These are changing times and there are so many avenues to receive the news. With today's society always needing to know who, why, when, where, and how, the fact that we can receive this information whenever and wherever we want is great. So what's wrong with a plug to promote this? I understand if they broadcast that same plug day in and day out then that would get annoying. How else do they inform the viewers?

Anonymous said...

That's just it, they have been plugging it day in and day out. And you are a loyal watcher?

Anonymous said...

9:37: I am a loyal watcher, however I don't watch them all day long - which I can understand would get to be bothersome if they do in fact run the ads all day long. My point is that I'm just glad I can get access through my iphone quicker than I used to. There is nothing wrong with WBOC running a plug to promote their technologies. I'm sure wmdt probably plugs their website as well.

Anonymous said...

Self promotion is nothing new to the broadcast industry. Just look at the network morning news/fluff programs. Teasers and interviews of all the reality shows from last night and the one's on tonight. I sure don't think who was kicked off some faux competition is news, but that is why I watch cable if I want to get hard news.

Anonymous said...

I am the original poster. I just think they should put that promo in with the rest of their commercials, and strike a clean balance between revenue-generating items and real news items.

Anonymous said...

get a job and you wont see it as often!

CC said...

Anon, 11:21, what a jerk you are! Some people are actually out of work because of the economy, and it's of no fault of their own.

Others work all day long and come home to the 11 pm news. How insensitive!

Anonymous said...

Haters everywhere!! Who cares! At least they invested the time to offer a better site. Should they only go to blog style site too?

Anonymous said...

The technical department over there stinks it's full of misfits and screw ups and a child molester.

Anonymous said...

Their web site is a cookie cutter of many other tv stations around the country. I am not sure what they paid but given it has been resold dozens of times it was probably very cheap.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:30, you don't know what the heck you're talking about.
WBOC does their web in-house.
They have an entire department who takes care of all the web related material.