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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Local Farmers And Land Owners Parade Downtown Salisbury

Click on images to enlarge.
Wicomico County Farmers and property owners, (like myself) were Downtown this morning to express our disbelief and anger towards a new Bill proposal that would take our rights away to do whatever we want with our INVESTMENT.
I say, if the County wants to BUY back our land so they can do with it what they so choose, SHOW ME THE MONEY! Until then, stay out of our business/investments.
Our Government is out of control and must be stopped. Some Farmers and property owners may need to sell off an acre of land, maybe 4 acres or whatever to pay for health care. I don't care what the excuse or situation is, Wicomico County needs to stay out of our businesses and investments or they'll find themselves in a pickle with lawsuits.
The way I see things going in America, it may be time to sell ALL of my properties before they change the rules again. It's just not worth the risk any more. Mark Twain said, "Buy land, they're not making it any more." I personally felt it was a far better investment than the Stock Market and now they're figuring ways to take even more from hard working Americans who lived the American Dream. Our Families have served our Country to protect our rights and this time they have gone too far.
I told ALL of you many months ago that this Government was going to suck all of us dry until we ALL had nothing left, then take even more until we're all in such debt we ALL hit rock bottom. Open your eyes Folks because that time has come.
Oppose Bill 2009-5 and let us live in America once again. Quit taking what we have left. Wicomico County has NO investment of their own in this Bill and certainly NO investment in our land! GO HERE for more details.


Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I only see 5 tractors. According to the 2007 MD Ag statistics there are 508 farms in Wicomico. Can 5 "farmers" (I don't consider an accountant a farmer) represent agriculture for the whole county? If we assume each of the 508 countywide farms have only 1 operator (actually its probably 2-3) and they each only have 1 tractor, then we have seen the opinion of 1% of the farming population. I would hardly call that a significant percentage. I personally own 5 tractors, but am a little to busy actually farming to drive them into town for a publicity stunt.

Anonymous said...

We need to preserve our FARMLAND.
We have too many half done development and need to stop the stupid urban srawl with smarter housing!
Enough Said.

Anonymous said...

If we should be able to do with our property anything we want, I wanna buy your place and open up a Steak and Strip Club JOINT!
Now that is something we need. And it would help out single MOMs and save money on health care. Less Viagra will be needed around here! WIN WIN WIN as I see IT!

Anonymous said...

Anon 158 and all the others that are so hell bent on preserving farm land, just how much land do you farm? These farmers own that land, it is theirs to do with what they please. They bought it. They paid for it. It's none of anyone's business what they do with it. If you are so concerned about the preservation of farm land, GO BUY A FARM and let them downzone your land.

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what 1:48. I think you actually support this bill bcause of your sarcasm toward those trying to keep their property under their control. Remember this. The next special interest group that comes along to change the zoning that affects your property in a way with which you disagree - don't start crying. Your rights end where those of others begin. In this case it's the property line. Concern yourself with what happens on your property and leave the rights of others alone. If you want to control pther property - BUY IT!

Anonymous said...

Looks like about the same mount of people showed up as for the Teabag Party.

Anonymous said...

not much of a "protest" if you ask me. I saw about 2 big trucks, about 5-6 tractors and T.E.Smith's entire truck inventory. It was nowhere near as crowded or impressive as the pictures make it look like. Most people simply do not care. The ones who showed up to comment, are the ones who have to stand for re-election next year and that is the only reason they were there.

Hell, the "immigrant march" last year drew far more people and had much more emotion that this sham of a "protest".

Anonymous said...

Weren't they breaking the law by driving tractors downtown? Jusy sayin'.

Anonymous said...

I do own a farm you know it all.

Anonymous said...

So lets see, the farmer pays 1/4 of the taxes on the land for years and years as "farmland". Which I do not have a problem with.
But then, the farmer decides to sell it to a developer as "residential" land but still pays farmland taxes and makes a bundle!
Makes sense to me! Not. Not even fair.
AND, we need to stop the sprawl.
There is too much of it and it ruins even more of our resources.
I have nothing against farmers, who want to be farmers, but don't tell me you're a farmer when you're actually a developer or are in bed with one!

Anonymous said...

Now I hope you all can understand why I am so upset over the North prong. It states in the plan to move my sons business off our property that has been in the family over 50 years. If you don't watch the Government they will run rough shot over you. Right honey.

Wanda L. Disharoon

Anonymous said...


What exactly did Pollitt and Cannon say -- not that I would count on either of them to walk the walk.

Did anyone remind Ricky of his promise last year to veto any land grab that did not provide fair compensation to the owner?

Anonymous said...

I am against the proposal, but Joe with all due respect, I have never known a farmer to sell one acre to pay for medical expenses. It is not financilly viable, or even possible in some situations, to subdivide and sell one acre for a profit in a rural area. Subdividing a parcel in some areas is not even possible.

Developers are the ones that are really concerned about this proposal. Real farmers value land more than what they can sell it for. Money hungry individuals would not understand that.

Anonymous said...

2:11pm please don't lie, there weren't more than 2 people at your "Teabag" party...the joke is on you!!!
The actual Tea Party on the GOB had over 500 standing in the cold drizzling rain in attendance and with children present, the weren't any hazing or fraternity events for you to eagerly participate in. ANYmouse

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree the farmers should be able to do what they want with their land....however with the economy the way it is...this isn't making a difference anyway. They are still going to be losing money on land just because no one is buying real estate right now. And what's wrong with perserving the farmland? Don't we have enough housing developments in the County as it is? Half those people aren't paying their taxes anyway. Why would you let a farmer turn around and sell his farmland to make a quick penny, to a developer who gonna build, sell the house to someone who can't afford it, and then your right back to square one again. Letting farmers sell the land to develop more isn't going to solve anything. Before you know it, the county will be nothing but EMPTY housing developments!

Anonymous said...

The farmlands need to be preserved...if they continue to be replaced with housing developments, that's land that won't be planted with crops or raise animals to eat. We need the farmers!! And yes, most of them (I don't think some even knew about this) were probably home WORKING!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Why would you let a farmer turn around and sell his farmland to make a quick penny, to a developer who gonna build, sell the house to someone who blah blah blah"- because it's his land, at least that's what the deed said. Were you at his property settlement, are you helping him pay his bills, and are you working his tractors, buying or planting seed. PUT UP or ShUT UP...the American Dream is to own property and make your money or live your life without the gov't in your way, not to let everyone tell you what's best for you and use the law to prevent their dreams...ANYmouse
PS I don't own a farm right now one day I might just change my mind,and it may not be as big as 15 acres and it doesn't have to be, but in America that should be allowed.

Anonymous said...

I hope the bridge didn't go up while the farmers were in town.

Anonymous said...

Well as for the comment that the imagration protest was bigger you are right. Ther are far more illegals in this country than farmers. I for one vote for the farmers. Dont be fooled by the number of people who showed up. If you attempt to take some of the farmers I know. It will be a sad day. Most farmers live a very soliatary life. They work the earth and pray for rain. They feed America. This is happening all over the country. It is either "Big Business or Goverment trying to force the farmers hands.

Lets face it and Joe knows this fact to be true. Land is like money in the bank. They are not making anymore of it. What we see is what we have.

Some Delaware farmers became instant multi-millionaires from selling the family farms. So to sit and think it is not a scare commodity the closer you get to the beach you are wrong. If an American makes a choice to sell that is one thing. If the Goverment forces one to sell that is another set of cirumstances all the way around.

God Bless our farmers.

Remember those who voted against you and join the rest of us who are sick of goverment going against the will of the people.

Never estimate the seriousness of a situation by the turn out.

The proof of this is when the Fraternal Order Of Police put Question "A" on the ballot in the last county election. The F.O.P. meeting drew small crowds when meetings were had. When the public spoke on the matter it garnered over 17,000 votes for deputies to have the right to collective bargaining. I think it was about 76% of the vote went in favor of this issue. The goverment had total disregard for the will of the people. I think that states it all about how our elected officials respect those that put them in office. I know some issues are better left to those qualified to make the call. I know of no one on the current council that has this knowledge or should have this much power to totally ignore this type of overwhelming support of it constituents.

I think our county farmers would and will garner that same kind of support to protect them from any type of goverment agenda that would adversly affect them.

I for one thank god they have held strong and tried to preserve their way of life. Again a true minority of the populous is being threatened by goverment and I think they are mistaken to believe for one moment the people of this county would not support and protect this class of people.

Will this fall on deaf ears I do not know. I do know the people are sick of being treated as just that property.

I think it is great when our county can afford to purchase land at a fair market value to ensure the future of our counties financial stability. It is a crime when one is forced to sell what they have worked for less than true market value.

Farmers are a dying breed in this country. At what point do we say enough is enough. When does the term "We the people" mean just that we the people.

The title Dictator seems to come to mind when looking at the power the council has entitled itself to. Time for change !!!

Anonymous said...

1:48-What exactly were you doing at 9:00 am, and I drove my tractor downtown, it took about 1 hour of my time, how much did you get accomplished in that hour.

Anonymous said...

Our family farm has been in our family since BEFORE Wicomico County became a county. Therefore, let our family property return to Worcester County where it was in the "good old days" and thus utilize the LOWER tax rates of today in Worcester County. How is that for cutting the Wicomico County budget? If you don't like it, leave!

Anonymous said...

Notice all the people speaking from the "I" point of view are the farmers. All the people opposed are saying leave "their" land alone. In other words they are special intersts. That should tell you everything you need to know.

Anonymous said...

Here's my take. I don't own any farmland. I own a lot of residential properties that are smaller lots with houses on them. If the Council passes this, my property will undoubtedly become worth more simply because it will be more desireable. John Cannons family owns a lot of property that is just like mine. Bill McCain as well. The big difference between them and me is that I CANNOT in good conscience support legislation like this that takes away the rights of the individual owner of agricultural land. For some of them their land has been in their family for generations. Others may have only owned it a short time. But as long as their names are on the deeds NO ONE should have the right to tell them what to do with their property. Before any of our Councilmen make any decision on any issue, they must first ask themselves "does a decision on this issue stand a chance of infringing on anyones individual rights as a citizen?" If the answer to the question is "yes". No decision should be made, regardless of the number of people asking for it, that will create such an infringement. I don't care if 90% of the people in this county want it to happen - the rights of an individual should trump the desires of the mob. We do not live in a democracy where mobs rule. We live in a republic where the law is supposed to protect individual rights.

Our nation was founded on the rights of individuals. Are we throwing that away too?

2:27 if you own a farm and you want to preserve it for eternity - will it to an environmental trust organization. They'd be happy to have it. But leave everyone else the same right you had to do what they want with their land.

Anonymous said...

Anon 252 I'll tell you a farmer that sold off pieces of his land to pay medical bills, OJ Parker. His wife was very ill for a very long time and required 24 hour nursing, he had to dip into his "bank" aka his land, sell some off to pay the bills. Don't say no one does this if you don't know what you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

Here is this farmer's thoughts on 3:36 last line. Yep, I was home working but I would have liked to have been informed of this action so that I could have participated and added some "color" to all that green. But unfornatuely I didn't find out about this until after 10:00 this morning (from Joe's blog)and that was too late to join in.

Sign me "Orange" as in Allis Chalmers.

Anonymous said...

Obama will lead our country into socialism which will enrich the American lives. It is not fair for those few to own acres and acres of land to prevent people and government in need of it to use it for the good of all people. Obama's goal is to re-distribute the wealth. It is not fair for a doctor or lawyer to live in a million dollar house while I occu8py a 100 thousand dollar house. Everything must be equal. We all work hard and no job is any more important than another. Some people enjoy their ego trip to feel superior but that will be short-lived as our president changes tax structure and establishes new regulations. When you see your neighbor collecting more wealth than his share, then he must be reported so that he may be taxed appropriately. All men are created equal and will live equally in a shared economy. God bless Obama.Rich people with 4 or 5 bedrooms should share these with the homeless people which is only christian. We are christians every day, not just on Sundays.The new watchdog structure which will be a civilian police force may mandate such regulations.These civilian police will watch for waste of natural resources, abuse of public property, monitor the parenting skills parents use, etc. Every neighborhood will have an officier to report all violations. TV programs will be government-monitored, restaurants will serve only nutritious food, etc. It is very evident that too many people are not making good decisions in their best interest as well as those for their family.One example, look at the credit card dilemna and the foolish investments made in the past. Thank you Obama for fixing our society.