Here, direct from Urbandale, Iowa, is the part of the resume they got from Mr. Pick that discusses his “Significant Accomplishments” as Salisbury’s City Administrator. Let’s look at some of them as described by him.
For starters, he says that he “supervised creation and implementation” of Salisbury’s “new annexation process,” suggesting that he was instrumental in that. The City hired someone named Jakubiak, who made a donation to the place where Mike Dunn works, to do the “creation” and the Council did the “implementation.”
Why does Mr. Pick not disclose that it took major property tax increases and much greater assessed values to achieve the “improved General Fund fund balance” along with letting much of the City infrastructure deteriorate badly and borrowed debt? And does it matter that one of the “two Tax Incentive Financing Districts” has gone belly up?
Then there’s the waste water treatment plant upgrade – better to not even mention that fiasco -- or the crime rate to mention some of Salisbury’s special features.
Folks in Urbandale would be wise to review the archives of Sbynews rather than the Daily Times.
You either want Pick gone or you don't. Let the man leave here in peace, if that is what he wants. You want him gone and he's trying to leave yet people send things in such as this to destroy any chance he has of leaving for a better position. Make up your mind, you don't get it both ways.
Joe, this is sort of common sense isn't it? Any applicant is going to try to put a "positive" spin on things they were involved with. I have yet to see any resume that highlights (or lowlights) less than satisfactory results. John is just "playing the game".
Whether or not Urbandale does an extensive background check on John or not is totally their responsibility and conceivably, could be the undoing of John's spin.
If they include sbynews and the archieves with their background check, I doubt he will get the job. I wonder what kind of response Urbandale got since yesterday when they solicited comments from people in this area?
John is no dummy, he sees the handwriting on the wall. With any luck he'll take Lore Chambers with him. A bonus would be to take Oland as well.
He gave the past eleven years to Barrie Tilghman, I'd want to get as far away from her as I possibly could given the opportunity.
I think if y'all want him to go, your best bet is to start sending letters of recommendation to Urbandale...
He is the best ever. He got the city to where it is now. We are going to miss him badly!!!
I hope that is enough to get him hired and out of Salisbury. I'll even help him pack his bags adn load them on the plane.
Enough, all ready, it has been your desire to get rid of him. IMHO tou are totally out of bounds showing his resume on your blog even if it does fall under FOIA. If he gets the job will you be blogging in Iowa to get him fired?
You are a piece of work Joe. I guess your Momma never told you to try to ne nice to people. The world needs more love - not the spewed hate you insist on doing, IMHO you ain't happy ubless you are making someone else's life miserable.
John Pick knows that very soon the fit hits the shan in Salisbarrie and that it's best he vamoose before then. Didn't know he has been here since several years before BPT -- guess he knew about that illegal sludge pit at the WWTP several years before she did.
PS: how long has the 'Bury had 370 employees?
Hey Dogg, you make a good assistant to Pick! I see
Dunn on the horizon...
When the going gets tough , the
tough get going.
He never mentioned the fact that the city is so screwed up it is pathetic.
Of course he had to take direction from Barrie.
Does anyone else think that these salaries compared to the Mayors salary are absurd?
Give it a break!!! This is a personal attack and benefits noone but your ego. Your huge, paranoid ego!!
Don't crap on him, Joe. Too much bad press and he won't leave Salisbury. You should take all of your posts on him down!
Best part I saw - it takes 3x the people to support 2x the population when you compare Sby with Fort Madison. Goes to show that there is a ton of inefficiency when government gets bigger.
This accomplishes nothing except to denigrate him and is in very poor form. Should I go hunting for your personal life documents so I can start posting them on the web?
Pointlessly nasty stuff like this is why some people despise you.
Everything about my life is already on the Net.
Believe me, people just like you have been digging for years, especially (Barrie Tilghman) to get anything they can on me.
mr rodgers says: be kind to all and spread goodwill. you will be much happier in your own life as a result. please just focus on the goodtimes and treat your neighbor with love and respect and salisbury can be great again!
I agree. Leave John Pick alone. Working with Barrie for 11 years with "never a cross word" (according to her) qualifies him for sainthood in my book.
This resume is all FLUF. What has he really done except for be a puppet and the repeating voice of Barries Ideas. He knows that there are better people who are more qualified than him that will get his job for the City of Salisbury. He just wants to find another job before he is asked to leave.
John Pick's resume is already on the web. Whats the big deal that we're able to see it? If John has nothing to "hide" then he should want EVERYONE to know what he put on it.
Had there been a cross word, she would have fired his a$$ and accused him of who knows what.
Good luck to Pick. I wish he hadn't carried the witch's water, but anyone in that position who didn't would have been thrown out for someone who would.
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