Thank you for reading my email this afternoon. I am writing today to offer the details and clarity that I can to the reports that have emerged concerning the investigation into election fraud in the Salisbury mayoral race.
On Saturday, I was walking the neighborhoods of North Camden with city council candidate Cynthia Polk and former councilwoman Von Siggers, talking with voters and listening to their concerns. Don Rush, a radio journalist from WSCL, the Salisbury University public radio station, was with us, carrying his tape recorder and displaying his press pass as he collected sound and quotes for a story on the election. Mr. Rush of WSCL is not a part of our campaign, he is a professional journalist who was there working on a story about the election.
At one North Camden rental property, I was given information by three residents living in a rental property that deeply disturbed me. The other members of my group heard the conversation, and we decided this information must be taken to law enforcement. After meeting with the campaign’s attorney, we sent an e-mail on Saturday afternoon to Davis Ruark, Wicomico County State’s Attorney. We did not release this information to anyone else – not the media, not supporters, no one. Our first priority was to inform law enforcement what we had heard and let the appropriate law enforcement officials decide what to do with that information.
This campaign is the source of the initial details that led to this investigation. Let me be clear – we made the first call to law enforcement. Rumors of vote buying and voter intimidation have been rampant for weeks. But only when I heard from citizens myself, and had concrete details, did we approach law enforcement. The integrity and privacy of people’s right to vote their conscience is the basis of electoral democracy. It is 2009, not 1909 with ward bosses delivering votes for chosen candidates. I will not let any special interest group in this city silence or coerce this city’s voters.
My opponent is attempting to muddy the waters of this investigation with baseless and ridiculous charges of wire-tapping, due to the presence of Mr. Rush accompanying our group. Mr. Rush is an independent radio journalist, employed by Salisbury University, who was wearing press credentials and carrying a tape recorder with a plainly visible microphone on a public side walk. If you have questions about whether that’s wiretapping, I’d suggest you contact WSCL at Salisbury University and ask them.
Let me be clear – the sanctity and privacy of the voting process is the heart of our democracy. And when we found possible evidence that election fraud may be occurring in this election, we informed the State’s Attorney. We will cooperate with the investigation in any way we can.
If we cannot guarantee a freely-cast secret ballot, we no longer have the democracy described in our Constitution. We will have returned to the days of ward bosses and political machines. The subsequent allegation by my opponent of equating a radio reporter with wiretapping were made only after the investigation had already started. This campaign has never, and will never, engage in any practice to mislead or coerce voters in this city. One election is not worth selling the soul of this city’s integrity.
Due to the nature of the ongoing investigation, I cannot answer specific questions concerning individuals who may yet be questioned by law enforcement. The integrity of this investigation must be maintained, as these charges are serious. I sincerely hope this situation is investigated thoroughly, and if any individual is found to have violated election law, that they are prosecuted and punished to the full extent of the law.
So one week from an election, Salisbury voters are not talking about crime, neighborhoods and the health of our river. Everything is being done to divert attention from the issues that residents worry about. I will continue to walk to your door and discuss these things with you – it is my promise, it is what Salisbury deserves.
Why are we not surprised that the dregs of SAPOA are accused of vote buying?
This follows Richard Insley's infamous letters to his tenants of 2007 and 2009, those letters passed along in one form or another by other lowlife SAPOA members, threatening tenants who don't like SAPOA supported candidate signs on the properties that THEY rent and should, by law, have control over, the reappointment (what, four or five times?) of Richard Insley on the Housing Appeals Board (where no landlord has EVER lost a case), hoodwinking students to vote for their candidates under the guise of "protecting" them from rent increases, and on and on.
Pure sleaze. And those who are or were supported by it (Comegys, Shields, Cathcart, Dunn, Boda) standing idly by, accepting every crooked vote produced by it. And the upstanding members of SAPOA (there are some, aren't there?) doing nothing to rein in the sleaze.
Common decency, which seems to be in short supply among most of these denizens, would dictate that they should disavow any of these actions, but there's a deafening silence there. And so the silence will continue.
What's this city coming to?
Breaking News:
It appears that Bubba Comegys is now backing off the "wiretapping" tirade -- no doubt brighter lights have told him how asinine it is.
He's trying to get ahead on the curve by proclaiming his support for fair and decent elections, after months of negative campaigning, scams and shenanigans by him and his handlers -- Dunn, Cathcart, Barrie, Baloney, Insley etc.
We simply cannot allow Comegys to be elected. His campaign is run the same way he will run the city--beholden to a very select group of landlords. Let's be clear--we are not talking about ALL landlords! there are many good ones. But look at who gave him money and you tell me who is beholden to. This case is just confirmation of what we already know. But you must tell your neighbors and your friends about this. You need to make a phone call, cross the street, and politely and calmly bring this to your neighbors' attention. It is inconceivable that Comegys will be our next mayor, but I guarantee it will happen if we don't push hard this last week. They are also calling people and saying very nasty, untrue things about Jim Ireton. It isn't true. Do not let them win.
I hope its one of the sleazier LL's who gets busted for fraud-finally!Oh boy I hope they are on tape somewhere....
Anon 5:10 PM there is a difference. Lanlord vs. Slumlord
Did you hear that?
Help is on the way!
Just saw Comegys declaring his outrage that anyone would be doing this, and saying he doesn't know anything about it. Would you be willing to say that under oath, sir? Because you may have to! How about returning the money donated to your campaign from the alleged culprit--you know exactly who it is, Mr Comegys.
Joe, check out the daily rag. From your friend.
Comegys also blasted a posting made to a Web site operated by Joseph Albero, which Comegys characterized as “threatening.” The March 25 entry indicates that if a person puts a Comegys campaign sign in his or her yard, expect “more attention than you ever dreamed of.”
Notice how Comegys shifted from their b.s "wiretapping" allegation (when it was proven instantly to be a lie) to go back to their old standby--"it is Albero's fault!" Well guess what, it wasn't Joe Albero who walked those neighborhoods promising to reduce rent for anyone who voted for Comegys! It was members of the Comegys team. I hope the press finally does their job and hammers him on this. ere's a start, MSM, as my gift to you: look at Comegys' finance report--see any trend in there?
I told ya there was more news to come and this wasn't even it :P
When the bucket hits the bottom of the well we'll fish that story out for ya. GOOO JimBo
Another el grande yet to come
There's not much time, so if you have something big, let it fly as long as you can back it up!
Instead of putting Joe under vertual "house arrest", Gary should be handled that way until all the truth is found out about this voter coersion situation. Then throw him in jail where the likes of him and his backers belong!
And this corrupt town is an All America City award finalist? What a joke!!! This town is a disgrace and Barrie led the way - she should be so proud.
Lynn Cathcart and Comegy's have been meeting with the Chief of Police. If Comegy's wins the election he plans to replace himself on the counsel with Don Cathcart. Lynn has an inside track at the police department with Al Webster and Officer Wilson her son in law. It needs to stop.
Anonymous said...
Notice how Comegys shifted from their b.s "wiretapping" allegation (when it was proven instantly to be a lie) to go back to their old standby--"it is Albero's fault!"
6:33 PM
That's my point, thanks for noticing. Isn't amazing when drowning rats grasp for straws. The only thing they can blame their failure on is those mean spirited blogs(read Joe Albero).
Hey dinglebarrie and bubba how about blasting that "mean spirited blog" you are promoting? You know that flat lazy slob with the green head. The mooch who is slopping at the government troughs.
I dont what what stinks worse the WWTP or the stench of those who have given our great city a cash of butt rash. I hope all can see the influence of these people that have gauged college kids and detroyed neighborhoods packing kids into one house. people that have lived and worked their wholes live to own a home are under attack from these grease balls. I know one attorney that needs to jump back in his closet. You can fool some of the people some of the time.
I hope this all goes fairly and be true to yourself when you vote i think we have all senn and heard enough to know where the future is heading if wee keep the same un ethical people in office.
Joe great work as usual. Gary good luck in your retirement. Go fishing in that pristine river you and you croanies have built. As a matter of fact i would love to see you and Barrie drink a big glass of it to show us how safe that water is.
Then justify the amount of money thrown at the fire dept at election time and they still gave you the boot.
I have lost all repect for this I thought he had some scrupples. What am I saying he is a lawyer mental laspe on my part.
Dvais do the right thing here. make them pay if they violated the free election process. Step up and be the man we all know you can be when you are convicted. There is no place for this Chicago style bullshit here in our town.
In two years we can clean out the county council. Then maybe we all can lay our heads down at night knowing we have elected officials with some intergrity.
God Speed.
Has anyone heard anything about the community meetings that Barrie Tilghman has been having around Salisbury? I would love to know if Gary Comegys was there and what the real motive of the meetings were.
Make no mistake. The college students will be coming out in LARGE numbers. They will impact this election the same way record numbers of young people came out and impacted the vote for Obama. Whether they've been "hoodwinked" or not is of little consequence. One of Jim's and Debbie's platform points has been further financial burdens on "slumlords" in an attempt to push them out of Salisbury. Jim stated outwardly, Loudly, and repeatedly, that the City can't raise rents. Only the landlords raise rents. Yes Jim but don't underestimate the intelligence of these college students or their ability to recognize the fact that the City can legislate new rules and regulations that create higher costs for landlords that make it necessary for them to raise rents in order to stay in business. The net effect is higher housing costs to college students during an economic recession. I believe that their platforms may prove to be a double edged sword that cuts both ways. The real way to improve the quality of life in the City of Salisbury is to hold the STUDENTS accountable for their actions when appropriate. LOCK THEIR ASSES UP! not "quiet down or we'll be back" - over and over again. The landlords have no control over the actions of their tenants yet some of you line up like a lynch mob to take them to task for the actions of other adults. We are coming back into an era of personal responsibility. Holding someone accountable for the actions of others is becoming unacceptable (as it should have always been). I agree that Comegys is a bad choice for Mayor. But I don't think that Ireton is a perfect choice because he promises further and further regulations. The statement he made to Kris Adams - something to the effect that You landlords better get with the program or get out of the way is absolutely in line with Shanie's comment "if you don't like what goes on in the city of Salisbury, move out". We are once again left with choosing the lesser of two evils. If the people in the city of Salisbury elect Jim Ireton and he pushes an agenda that implements rent control, he will have been instrumental in the development of Socialism right here in Salisbury. Let's put emotions aside and give this some serious thought. Big government = bigger problems.
Ireton needs to stay cool, calm and focused on his message and not fall for this trap. He needs to show and state his faith in the electorate, despite allegations of voter "encouragement". Public display of emotions and anger does not help him.
Gary was at the meeting with her at Mallard Landing.
Honesty And Integrity In Our Election
Isn't that an oxymoron here in the land of the status quo?
If you read the Daily Times coverage of this today, then you know what a steep road we have to climb. Comegys is going to win this thing if we don't get very serious, very fast. The fact is that elderly people vote in large numbers, and they do not read blogs for the most part, they read the paper. The paper is so incredibly biased that it may succeed in getting Comegys elected. We need your help. Please, get out and talk to your neighbors. Come volunteer on Saturday and Sunday. Vote on Tuesday. We are in serious danger of losing this thing thanks to corruption at every level.
On WBOC this morning a MSP spokeperson said that they were not investigating this? Does that mean it gets turned over to a conflicted SPD? FBI?
I think the IRS should also do some investigating on these landlords, if they'll try and buy an election they probably cheat on their taxes.
I don't know why they are not investigating--they have details that the Daily Times also has but refuses to print. I am not some wild eyed fanatic--the landlords are trying to buy the election, and the Daily Times is complicit.
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