There was an accident on Riverside Drive and Shad Point Rd this morning. The car that actually hit the house, was witnessed passing a vehicle on Riverside Drive, he was passing on a double yellow line.
Another vehicle was heading north on Riverside turning onto Shad Point Road, the blue vehicle hit her vehicle landed in the house. Thank God nobody was injured.
Something needs to be done on this section of Riverside Drive, the speed limit is 35 mph. Vehicles travel 60 - 70 mph, and continually pass on a double yellow line. The vehicle that hit the house was driving without insurance, I did overhear the police officer say that he had around 15 citations to write.
Lets hope when this driver goes to court, all the time spent by this officer will have been worth it and the judge puts him away. Oh did I mention that another vehicle was apparently following this vehicle and when the accident happened he stopped, the wrecked vehicle driver took a cooler out of his vehicle and put it in his buddy's vehicle, which immediately left the scene.
I live on Riverside drive and always obey the speed limit. It amazes me how many people fly down this road during the day. I wish they would slow down and enjoy the scenic drive that this road has to offer.
Honestly, I'm surprised no one has hit this house before now. It sits right on top of Riverside. It's such a dangerous intersection - thank goodness no one inside the house was injured.
Although the driver was clearly in the wrong, I have one word for you....SETBACKS! I've nearly been clipped or clipped other vehicles inching forward to see past this damn house while turning off of Shad Point onto Riverside Dr. Larger trucks, such as mine, also have to take wider turns around the house-very dangerous intersection. Coupled with idiot drivers going too fast and crossing double yellows-its a death trap!
People drive like this everywhere including school zones...it really angers me..
Getting in a car accident does not mean you should be sent to jail You are a jerk who has nothing better to do then fabricate some bull cooler story so this guy is automatically a drunk right? No this cooler story is probably a lie and the person was obviously not drunk since the officer didnt issue a DUI. No one deserves jail for speeding around a turn. You are just a bitter old man who has nothing better to do rather then wish bad things upon other people. Karma is a 2 sided street Mr. Albero so just remember its coming to you.
Someone HAS hit that house before, at least twice that I can remember.
This intersection needs to be relocated. Riverside drive speed limit needs to be 40 not 30.
The driver is the problem here, not "SETBACKS" as Anon. 1:04 suggests. Setbacks in zoning laws have been reduced or removed from most municipal updates to zoning codes (in towns, cities, and denser suburbs) because they were a disaster. They led to the rapid and increasing expansion of developed land rather than the orderly progression of land consumption. What a crock that someone would blame a moron driving 70 in a 35 zone with a potentially suspended license who drives into a house on some municipal regulation. Come on people, government can be blamed for a lot of things, but not everything. Where's that personal responsibility you so often speak of?
Hey 1:04 There are other roads around you can use you nimrod. Oh, my truck is big so i get to have what i want. So try going to the people that own the house and tell them you have a big truck so you should have the right to have them move there house or the road just for your big truck. A$$hole.
2:16---I bet you don't live on Riverside Drive and your one of the ones that FLY down the road...I happen to live on Riverside Drive right down from this corner and I witness every day how fast the traffic moves through there and when you have children playing in the yards you don't need some IDIOT going 40 mph down the street. There is a church right down the street where people are constantly walking across the road and if the speed limit is any higher than 30 than someone is going to get seriously hurt. Think before you write!
Both house need to be remove from the corners. You are almost out on Riverside Dr. before you can see around the corners both ways. No body lives in 1737 Riverside Dr now for about 12 years. And the white house the Smith own it, and she is in a home for the old. So I say take them down,
I want to take down your house; the shutters distract me when I drive by at anything over 65 mph.
4:02 PM Those homes were there long before the road was black topped. We just can't do away with homes because we don't like where they were built years & years ago. I live on Riverside Drive & have tried to get both MSP and Wico Sheriff's Dept interested in running radar but neither so far seem the lease bit concerned.
Not too many officers to patrol these days huh Chiefy?
That house has been there for as long as I can remember and the intersection has always been tight. The one on the other corner has been hit as well but the owners have rights too . Perhaps if you a--holes didn't want them there you could offer to purchase them and tear them down so the intersection could be widened. As for the speed limit on Riverside it would make no difference if it was 60 MPH some ignorant person would still try to pass. The speed limit on the road we live on is also 30 MHP and is rarely ever observed. I'd be willing to bet most of the people traveling Riverside or the road I live on ever travel below 40 MPH. We have begged to get enforcement to no avail.
come on down to campground road area. you can run any speed you like, and also bypass the stop sign at riverside dr. extended. we have county sheriffs that live on campground rd that see this B.S happening every day.
This is response to 1:38 -- Joe did not take that picture or write the verbal..I did...Cathy-Jo Williams. I live two houses from the corner...you miss the point of this post...it's not the guy traveling 40 mph, it's the ones that are traveling 50 - 70 on this road. Those houses were there long before the roads were paved. My house was build in 1940..have any idea what it was like back then..I can only guess because I don't date back that far. Do you? Believe me I'm no saint when it comes to driving fast...but I save it for the highway where the speed limit is 55 - 65. So for as much as you want to give Joe heck about this post don't blame it on him, I was the one that heard the loud crash and prayed that nobody was hurt. Again, read the post,he was witnessed passing on the double yellow, and immediately after the crash passing off a cooler to another vehicle that left the scene! He was traveling south on Riverside, the vehicle he hit was turning onto Shad Point Road when he hit her he was not turning. So cool off and slow down!
I find it humorous that someone who lives on this road and wants people to abide by the speed limit, doesnt even know the speed limit. The speed limit is 30, not 35. Mrs. Smith is NOT in a home for the elderly, she lives there. How about if we come and tear your home down? My grandmother lived her whole life right down the road from there and could tell me of stories when Riverside dr was nothing but a dirt road. Horses would pull wagons and get stuck in it. Thats what most of the rural roads in this county evolved from. That house has been there for years. There was no such a thing as a Setback then. It wasnt probable a horse would go speeding by, pass on a double yellow, and hit the house. If everyone just slowed down a little. Most of the time, the biggest offenders of people speeding in their neighborhood are themselves.
Come out to Campground rd. sometime. Speed limit is posted 30 mph between Siloam rd. and upper ferry. People average 60mph trying to rush to get the ferry or exiting the ferry to travel the road. Been going on far to long. I just hope it doesn't take someone getting hit to get better patroling and maybe some warning signs to enforce the speed.
this is for anonymous 4:02. Mrs Smith is not in a home for the old she is in the white house on the corner. If you don't like the corner why don't you find another way to go so you don't have to navigate the corner. And while were at why don't we take down your house.
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