Current 224 W. Main St. Formerly 234 Main St.
226 W. Main St. 236 Main St.
(All the street numbers were changed in Oct. 1952)
(Before the dam broke in 1909 and formed East Main St., every address was Main St.
There were no street numbers.)
Residents of Main St. – around the year 1900:
On the South side only, starting at the corner of Dock St. (now Market St.) – heading east
Dorman and Smyth hardware store (later Thos. R. Young’s, now Parker Place Antiques)
Ulman’s Saloon (1st fl) and Ulman’s Grand Opera House (2nd fl) (now vacant lot)
Britt’s Butcher Shop ( owned by James F. Britton )
Charles Bethke Tailor Shop
Residence & office of dentists Dr. W. B & E. W. Smith
Vacant lot
Residence and store of Amos Woodcock, jeweler
Residence and store of Henry “Hatter” Brewington (sold hats)
Vacant lot ( later to be the Farmer’s & Merchants Bank)
Vacant lot (later to be Arcade Theater, then Read’s, now WMDT)
Salisbury National Bank
L. W. Gunby Co. (later the Fashion Shop, then Mangel’s)
Vacant lot
Dr. Louis Bell’s residence
Mr. Thomas E. Williams
Dr. Slemmon’s
2-story office building on corner (including Jim Ball’s barber shop)
On the North side only, starting at Division St.
Dr. Levin B. Collier’s Drug Store (later Read’s Drug Store)
S. Q. Johnson and Co. confectionery
Bergen notion store (on corner)( later to be White & Leonard)
St. Peter’s Street
The Peninsula Hotel (burned in 1929-rebuilt as the Salisbury National Bank)
Store of Birckhead and Carey
Store of Fowler and Timmons
R. E. Powell and Company
Lacy Thoroughood, the Fair Dealing Clothier
Cannon and Dennis, shoe merchants
J. R. T. Laws
Large clothing store of the Mankos (across from Dorman & Smyth)
Very cool stuff, thank-you. I cant get enough history for some reason.
Was better then than now!!!
George, keep up the good work, I look forward to this every Saturday morning.
Wanda Disharoon
Although I am not old enough to remember it looking like that, I do remember some of the stores and places as they became known as later on. I remember going to Lad and Lassie's ( may be wrong spelling ) for my school clothes!
I don't know if anyone has noticed but from the photo it looks like Salisbury in 1908 - to be a hustling and bustling economy.
What in the heck happened? The photo depicts a much better economy than what is there now.
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