
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Local News Afraid To Cover Salisbury Tea Party

"There was one local station who expressed interest in covering our event. After a week of getting information, they realized they have a prior engagement. Two inside sources confirmed they believe there will be some anti-Obama signs and were worried they would lose listeners. I say, if you cover news events, them cover them. If you are scared and too cowardly to cover the news, then get out of the business. I don't want to say the name, but it was a station I believed would want to cover this event as most their listeners are very Pro_America and stand for freedom."

I happen to agree. Part of what is wrong with this Country is the fact that the MSM is controlling our every day lives by feeding us 10 to 15 second sound bites of what's going on and quite frankly in many cases they only tell you what they want you to hear.

Some people are drawn to 20/20 or 60 minutes because they tell you more about a story and make it look like they are doing far more than your every day newscast. While this is true, trust me, there is far more to every story than they deliver. I think it would be cool to provide the other side of a story that 60 Minutes delivers from another Network. The Audi story comes to mind when I say this, implying their cars mysteriously jumped out of park and started running over people. It wasn't true but it forever destroyed the Audi product here in America.

Anyhow, getting back to this local story. This event is news. However, each Station is driven by ABC, NBC, FOX and so forth. If they say not to cover these events, well, the next thing you're going to hear is, we have a prior engagement. Get used to it.

This is why the Blogs have grown so fast. WE WILL cover this event and like today's Jim Ireton piece, we'll probably deliver in depth video of the event as well. Americans need to see what this is all about and perhaps even get involved. The MSM doesn't want you to know about it because they are in control. I'd say in another year, perhaps two, the MSM will be the Blogs and not ABC, NBC, Fox, etc.

I also believe the advertisers will approach the quality Bloggers and start advertising there instead. Mark my words, I got into the right business with this Blog. It's not easy but i the end Salisbury News will hold more value both financially as well as respect than any other news source. Salisbury News will be at the Tea Party on April 15th in front of the GOB. You may eventually see a 6:00 News via Podcast on Salisbury News in the near future as well. Oh, commercial free too! "Real News In Real Time."


Reconciled1 said...

That rumbling you hear is the Giant of the American people waking up from the "lull" we been put under. It's time to stand up and let the voice of We the People be heard.

Anonymous said...

I saw the Orlando Tea Party Moms on Glenn Beck, and he's being labeled as crazy by the MSM, yet he's growing in viewers. Keep on with the Tea Party-forget the brown shirts, stop advertising witht the MSM if they won't cover news!!!

Anonymous said...

People are getting fed up. You can see it more and more each day. This is a moment in history where people will look back on and say the few stood up against the horrible things coming about, or they will say this is where the people allowed governemnt to lower the standard of living worldwide.

Anonymous said...

As I said last night, the MSM is an argument framer. They take an issue and by magnifying certain facets of an argument, they deflect the story in a desired direction.

A crystal clear example of this is how the entire Obama bowling special olympics comments were marginalized and quickly excused and brushed away even by the talk show hosts.

Imagine what would happen if any Republican would have made that same comment.

You all have to look and follow the money.

Who owns MSNBC, NBC, and CNBC?

General Electric.

Wake up America, we no longer have a free and independant media capable of asking critical questions.

A question for Joe A.

When this blog starts making money with advertising, what will YOU do when a sponsor says, "hey Joe, you don't want to cover that. C'mon man, we are friends, how about moving that off the page?"

What will you say Joe, what will you say.....

joealbero said...

If advertisers don't know what they're getting into with Joe Albero, it's their loss. I will never be told what to do and I think through the Chief Webster and Barrie Tilghman lawsuits I have proven such. Joe Albero can't be bought, period.

Anonymous said...

The tea party crowd is a red herring. Unless you smoke your taxes have not gone up in the past 64 days. Wake up, the economy will not fix itself, doing nothing is not an option, the estate tax is a myth unless you are being left 2mm or more..then only the amount over 2mm is subject to the tax, the increase in taxes is not an increase at all it's simply retiring the Bush tax cuts (the only tax cuts in the history of the United States during time of war), everyone pays taxes, yep no matter what Rush, Hannity, Beck or O'Reilly feed you everyone pays taxes, if you buy gas, food, draw a paycheck, pay your utilities...everyone pays taxes. Oh yea, the reason the top 5% of income earners in the country pay 70% of the taxes is because they have 95% of the income. Do the math.

Anonymous said...

Joe if it comes to advertisers on here, do not let them dictate content of this blog by threatening to use money (payment for advertising) I am concerned it would open up a "can of worms".

joealbero said...

anonymous 11:49,

Give it a rest. I don't need their money. It's very simple actually. I haven't gone to any of them asking for a thing. They have come to me and they know what they're up against.

Anonymous said...


You are wrong about everything..and the top 5% do not control 95% of the income........wake up!! You are still asleep at the wheel....

Anonymous said...

11:41 I love your reasoning. Taxes are lowered by one president and Congress, then allowed to increase to former levels by another president and Congress and this isn't a tax increase? When you get your pay check or file your taxes and you see you've paid more in taxes, tell me then it really wasn't a tax increase.

As far as Bush's tax decreases being the first time that was done during a war, not true. The post-World War II Revenue Act of 1945 reduced the individual maximum tax from 94 percent to 91 percent. The Revenue Act of 1950, during the KOREAN WAR, reduced it to 84.4 percent.

Anonymous said...

I recently saw a video which suggested everyone fed up with a Congress that has all but forgotten they work for us and that we are not their loyal subjects, and are ignoring the wishes of the overwhelming silent majority send a tea bag to your representatives in the Senate and the House.

Anonymous said...


My friend, have you educated yourself on what the tea party is?

Let me spoon feed you.

first watch this

Now that you have a hint of what is about to happen you can begin to wake up from your slumber.

The tea party is about trying to draw attention to the fact that some percentage of Americans want a return to our roots of constitutional government and low taxes. Low taxes create jobs. Why do you think the people with good credit are busting their tails to refinance right now to take advantage of low interest rates? Because it puts more money in their pocket each month. Guess what, if I have more money in my pocket I can afford more goods and services that generate taxes.

How is Obama going to pay for all of your entitlements without raising taxes?

I think the majority of the tea party people believe in the 12 issues that are on the tea party website. Have you read them? You throw out a college word like red herring but have you done your homework college boy?

It amazes me that the SU RINO's aren't all over this issue. I think the majority of them are closet liberals who are afraid to stand up to the far left school leadership, or maybe the hippie vegan crunchy granola chicks at SU might not put out if.."LIKE ... you don't know...all support the .. messiah and stuff.... O is .. you the bomb!"

Anonymous said...

The Tea party will make some noise and is just the first step by the people to regain control of our government. This statist attitude is walking all over the Constitution. But then again, I guess you can sit at home, do nothing, and just let things get worse.

Anonymous said...

A few SU conservatives have expressed interest. Hopefully they will be there. Young people need to understand how taxes are going to stifle what they earn, and keep in the very near future.

Anonymous said...

I understand WQMR in OC mentioned the Tea party this afternoon. Word is getting out, but it is mainly going to be a grassroots effote. No ACORN, No paid Union bosses, no hired guns, just regular hard working people who are fed up with taxes, over-spending and the way we are turning away from the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

You guys know I call them at the plate as I see them. Personally, I am having enough trouble finding W2s, itemized, deductible receipts, and mortgage interest documentation {for TWO sets of families} prior to the tax dealine in April to worry about this type of histrionic showboating. If it is just the same with all of you, I have some forms to fill out; if it makes me appear more "patriotic," please be aware that I will be drinking Sam Adams beer as I go through this yearly government quasi-colonoscopy.

In other news I used to have some very good times many moons ago with the lovely archetype ladies 12:33 aspires to demean. How dare you insult those fine young women-many of my generation who used to go to Dead or Allman brothers shows are doctors, lawyers, and even better-cool working mothers to beautiful, well adjusted children. And there was always left over burgers and steaks after the tailgate cook-outs for us meat-eaters.

Stop giving us cooler guys a bad name with your authentic frontier gibberish. And, BTW, "High Plains Drifter" is on Comcast On Demand right now-and in that spirit, you should know you ain't dealin' with no college boy. Why don't you come back and try to unsling your little smokewagon of thought in the streets of the marketplace of ideas with me....punk.

Anonymous said...

1:30, please explain the "turning away" from the constitution. I'd really love to hear all about you scholarly constitutional expertise.

Anonymous said...

RB, well, with that post there is no doubt that you are cooler than me. I was ROTFLMAO!!

I probably AM the PC guy and you are the MAC guy in the Apple ad campaign.

Unsling my smokewagon... DUDE!! That was no DOUBT hilarious.


but you know what is the funniest thing?


Your inability to see the irony that you are so busy paying taxes

HA HA HA !!!!!

YOU AREN'T even able to care about what the government has been doing to you for the past eight years and YOUR mESSIAH, is going to keep on doing it to you even harder!!

Oh shoot man, I swear I'm starting to tear up from laughter!!


and to 156 - You are truly a cow that is sitting in line to be slaughtered all the while munching his cud saying he hasn't lost any rights.

BUT.....since I was taught to pity a fool, the following aren't mine, but I'll post them here.

What rights have we lost?

My answer is "All of them".

You have lost your right to trial by jury. The Supreme Court has ruled that attorneys may not remind juries of their jury nullification privilege. This was not done by passing a law; it was merely a court ruling. Further, biased jury selection methods repeal trial by jury. Knowledgeable and smart jurors are frequently excluded in favor of jurors who will blindly follow the judge's orders.

The right to a free press was lost with concentration of newspaper ownership. Fortunately, the Internet is correcting this problem.

The right to bear arms has been lost. With taxation, regulation, and registration requirements, your right to own a gun has been severely restricted.

The right to work and keep the fruits of your labor has been lost, via the income tax. In other words, everyone is a slave.

The right to fair money has been lost by the Federal Reserve, fiat money, and The Compound Interest Paradox.

The right of free speech has been mostly repealed, with restrictions on peaceful protesters.

The right to a speedy trial has been repealed, with long drawn-out trials.

The right to own property has been repealed. You must pay property taxes (rent) or you lose your property. Further, zoning and environmental restrictions limit what you can do with your property.

Common law has been repealed. You can only argue contract law or criminal/military law.
When corporations were given the right of property ownership and contract enforcement, that eliminated the ability to hold people accountable for their actions. Further, tort reform has limited the liability of corporate management when they do bad things.

The right to purchase health care was repealed, with AMA and government licensing requirements for doctors. The supply of doctors is limited. The number of slots in certified medical schools is intentionally kept low. That's the reason healthcare is expensive. Mainstream media sources never make that argument: artificially restricting the supply of doctors increases prices.

The right to representation by an attorney has been repealed. The American Bar Association and the government restrict the supply of attorneys. This guarantees that lawyers are expensive and only available to the wealthy. Whenever a non-attorney tries to give cheap/free legal advice, they are prosecuted for "practicing law without a license".

The protection against unreasonable search and seizure has been repealed.

The right of habeas corpus has been repealed.

The ban on cruel and unusual punishment has been repealed.

Licensing requirements for many professions restrict the supply, driving up prices. I already mentioned doctors and lawyers, but it also applies to plumbers, electricians, accountants, and many others.

It's funny to watch sheep drink and frolic all day, what a shame they will drag all of us down with them.

Anonymous said...

1) Thank you for proving my point that you have either been bitten by a rabid fox and/or possum.

2) You mention my inability to see what my local government has done to me during the last 8 years....well, sounds like, Corky, I mean George W. had the con during that time period, sparky.

3)You speak of sheep, but appear to have a "baaaa-baaaa-baa-aad" case of being a lemming yourself.

4) Goodness, a "tea party"; was the interprative ballet re-enactment deemed "too San Francisco-ish for you?" Wait until you see the photos of local re-enactments...I can't write satire/fiction THAT pathetically funny.

5) Your disdain towards women also indicates that you probably have not pro-created; and for that I am "spilling a splash out" in eternal celebration.

6)Quite frankly, you are an idiot and should take this opportunity to shut the fudge up.

Anonymous said...

C'mon little girl...drop your gloves....I'm gonna' {poke} you until you love me, baby!!

Anonymous said...

3:06, I agree. piece by piece it goes away.

The Constitution is an amazingly simple document to read and understand. The subsequent mounds of legalese documents (laws) seeking to micro interpret it is an incomprehensible mess.

Roots, people. Read the original version and compare it to what we have today. You will see the light.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is worked up today, when Im the calmest in the bunch there is something wrong. (Reese, you cant say that to her,"poke".) Come on dude.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Wells...I have read the "original" version many times both by choice, and dreaded "all-nighter test preparation." This is where we part ways, philosophically. The US Constitution is "very easy" to understand if you consider that the framers were over 150 years from penicillin, considered a 6 shot revolver a 'weapon of mass destruction' and never considered the pure "smack-down power" of an ICBM, or international fight over property rights to orbitting space station chattel orbitting 5 miles above the Earth's {flat...our world is flat, correct?) surface. Anybody can READ the Constitution, though few even try; the key is transposing "framer intent" to the backdrop we have evolved to now. As an also exiled former DT commenter, I acknowledge and appreciate your feedback; and will debate you in a friendly, but challenging way-at least we can debate merits of certain facts. Do you really believe that jive, though?? Seriously...??

Anonymous said...

Doug-I didn't know it was a "her", "it" appears 'anonymous' to me as a general commenter, or I would have had more respect. And if you ever watched Mike Tyson bouts before; you would understand that IS the kind version.

But in all fairness-my disdain towards "it" was "it" was demeaning to women, in general. I respect women above all else. I am going to look back into this comment thread-and it would be interesting to determine if the offensive comments made towards a subculture of women {hippie, etc..}, was actually made by a woman. God knows if a dude made that comment, well, Doug....use your imagination as to how much one of US would have suffered..

Anonymous said...


Drop your glove....
: ^ )
Seriously man, you do crack me up.
We need to sit down and drink a beer sometime, I think we just have to agree to disagree.


in rebuttal

1) I've had my shots
2)right you are, GW was no friend to the Constitution as evidenced Patriot Act 1 and 2, torture, etc.
3)True, but I have seen the light!
Once light penetrates darkness should I open my eyes or continue to stumble?
4)you can do better than that, is a little bit of light creeping in?
5)I don't see how making fun of the SU student who waited on me last week that needed to shave her armpits equates to didain towards women.
6)Google Ad Hominem and how does that SUNLIGHT feel my BROTHER!

Anonymous said...

Someone worried about disdain to women has the name Bobby Reese? Gotten whipped at tennis lately?

If saying that a waitress was a hippy, and a vegan and crunchy granola, well if that is didain, you need a dictionary and therapy.

You are quite the insecure little man aren't you. Perhaps I don't want to drink with you after all.

Anonymous said...

1)Gotten whipped at tennis lately...Very telling here-I only lost 20% of the time; who mite you be; and shouldn't we share accurate haven't played much lately and have courts across the street to keep my eye. Have you and I looked across Marytland HS net before, jabroni {a}??

2) I was not the one who claimed waitresses as hippies/granola crunchers. I am very secure with the ladies. I don't need your tacit validtion.

3) I will still drink with you {if I haven't already}

4) My posse is dragging me to a japanese steakhouse; so shall we continue this dialogue a bit later.

5) If you are a female; I have a sidebet that says your name is "Susan."-I also trifecta-wheeled it with "Jennifer" and "Lynne."

6) Smell ya' later!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ralph Wiggum; Learn to spell "disdain" first before you m-bare-az yourself on two consecutive posts. BTW...even after a couple margaritas I still feel the need to suggest you bite me!!

Anonymous said...

Reese your in rare form today arent you, you must of been a crazy kid.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here really understand what the Constitution says????

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Gen-Pop.

Anonymous said...

For those putting on this Tea Party, God Bless, good luck, and do not let anyone get you down. Courage comes in many forms, stay upbeat and ignore the media. You are doing much more for this country than you may think.

Anonymous said...

For those who believe in the Constitution, this Tea party is your starting poit, for those on welfare............this is the beginning of your downfall.

Anonymous said...

Are you tea partiers willing to be put on a watch list? If so, you have ba_ _ _ _. if not, then you should quit while you are ahead.

Anonymous said...

So what happens after this Tea Party?

Anonymous said...

The will of the officials crush the American spirit, or the people behind these events.....

Anonymous said...

Speak up your American spirit........whomever started this..........great job!!

Where is the heart of America anymore............who is in cg=harge and do they understand what the Constitution means or says???

Anonymous said...

This is the first I have heard of the Eastern Shore having a Tea Party. is this the only site covering the event? How can I get up with the people doing this to help?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the people will prevail....

Anonymous said...

Are Obama's people looking at this? Are they making a list? Do you all feel safe, confident and believe in what you are doing? i sure hope so, things may get difficult based on what this administration is doing.......

Anonymous said...

Maybe some of these folks should run for salisbury City Council,try and make things better.

Anonymous said...

10:34 you are the poster child for the groups of American Citizens who live in fear of their government. You are apparently afraid of speaking out for fear of being put on a watch list. Grow a set.

Use the Search tool on this blog and type in "tea party" you will find who to cantact.

Anonymous said...

Someone said...

Are you tea partiers willing to be put on a watch list? If so, you have ba_ _ _ _. if not, then you should quit while you are ahead.

10:34 PM

I pray to God that there are more people that believe in the Republic of the United States of America, than there are cowards like this.

To this poster

(who I bear NO ill will to)

I say, please, I beg you to educate yourself on what your rights are as ensured by our Founding Fathers. Learn what our divinely inspired founding documents say. Get up off your knees, you were not born to service the state and federal government as a tax generating Bovine. You have been conceived as a ruler in this country, a decision maker who as an educated voter must take that responsibility seriously.

It is time for all good americans to come together and stop this march towards socialism.

Hear these words.

Your mind is the battleground, your armor is your knowledge of the founding documents and the rights they afford all Americans. Your sword is your vote.

Use it wisely, in ALL matters.

Julie said...

Please join our outreach. 'Eastern Shore Republicans'

We are a group of concerned citizens that feel it necessary to protect our constitution before it is too late. We are an out reach affiliation of conservatives that work with and are members of our counties GOP central committee and are working locally with eyes on 2010.

Sign up on our site and get involved

and join the county group

Thank you,
